Infection Control (EV) Flashcards
Which are killed during sterilization?
Viruses, Spores, Fungi, Bacteria '' Sterilization kills all forms of microbial life, including viruses, spores, fungi, and bacteria
Which is NOT a component of hazard communication training?
Colleting waivers for hepatitis B vaccinations.
‘‘The collection of hepatitis B vaccination waivers is not a component of hazard communication training. Hazard communication training involves identifying the hazards of chemicals in the dental environment, explaining their proper handling and labeling, and fostering the availability of MSDS materials.
Replace plastic light handle covers
after every patient
‘’ Light handle covers are contaminated during treatment and must be discarded and replaced after each patient
Which action is necessary when the outside of a biohazard bag becomes contaminated?
Place it inside another biohazard bag
‘‘If the outside of a biohazard bag becomes contaminated, simply place it inside another biohazard bag. Processing it through a steam autoclave, disinfecting the outside surface, or placing it in the regular trash is prohibited.
Who determines the hazards of a chemical?
‘‘The dental manufacturer is responsible for determining the hazards of a chemical and must provide an MSDS for each product sent to the dental office.
Which best describes the purpose of holding (presoaking) instruments prior to cleaning?
Make cleaning easier
‘‘Holding or presoaking makes cleaning easier by removing the bioburden on the instrument, which insulates microorganisms from the sterilizing agent. A dirty instrument will not become sterile.
Which is NOT a clinical contact surface?
Operatory wall
‘‘The operatory wall is not a clinical contact surface. Clinical contact surfaces are those areas that are touched with contaminated hands, instruments, or spatter during routine patient care.
How often should spore testing of sterilizers be executed?
Once a week
‘‘The CDC recommends spore testing sterilization equipment on a weekly basis.
Which technique is used to prevent surface contamination?
Apply appropriate surface covers before seating the patient.
‘‘Protective surface covers should be placed before seating the patient to prevent surface contamination. Applying covers after the surfaces become contaminated is a waste of money and time because the contaminated surfaces will have to be precleaned and disinfected when the patient leaves.
Before depositing a contaminated needle in a sharps container, the assistant
recaps it.
‘’ Needles are recapped in a recapping device at chairside, before they are discarded in the sharps container.
The record of each infection control training session does NOT require which detail?
Training test scores
‘‘Test scores are not required in the record of each infection control training session. The detailed record of the training session must include the date of the session, the name of the presenter, and the names of attending employees.
Packaging instruments prior to sterilization
maintains instrument sterility after processing.
‘’ Wrapping or packaging instruments prior to sterilization reduces the risk of post sterilization contamination.
A sharps container is an example of which?
Engineering control
‘’ The sharps container is an example of an engineering control, as opposed to an administrative control, work practice control, or personal protective equipment
Central nervous system disorders, tremors, and kidney dysfunction are associated with increased exposure to
mercury vapors
‘’ Mercury vapors are toxic; long-term daily exposure can result in tremors, kidney dysfunction, depression, and central nervous system disorders. Careful amalgam handling procedures are essential to prevent daily exposure to mercury vapors.
Which statement is NOT true?
Overgloves are acceptable alone, as a hand barrier, in nonsurgical procedures.
‘’ Overgloves are not acceptable alone as a hand barrier in nonsurgical procedures. These gloves are used over the examination gloves when the assistant leaves the room or wants to prevent contamination of an area with the examination gloves.
An employee who voluntarily forgoes the hepatitis B vaccination is required to sign a(n)
informed refusal that is kept on file in the dental office.
‘‘A signed informed refusal is kept on file for any employee who voluntarily declines the HBV vaccination. If an employee initially declines the vaccination but at a later date opts to have the vaccine and is still covered under the standard, the employer must provide the vaccine at no cost to the employee.
The written exposure control plan must be reviewed and updated
‘’ The written exposure control plan, outlining office compliance with the BBP Standard, must be reviewed and updated annually.
When do you need to change your protective clothing?
When visibly soiled
‘‘Outer protective clothing can protect against contamination. When the outer clothing is obviously contaminated, it should be changed before providing care for another patient.
To be considered acceptable for use in dentistry, a disinfectant must be able to kill
tuberculosis bacteria.
‘‘The tuberculosis (TB) bacterium is the benchmark organism for disinfectants used in dentistry; a disinfectant must be lethal to Mycobacterium tuberculosis to be considered acceptable.
Which agency regulations apply to the handling of waste in the dental office?
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
‘’ OSHA regulations apply to the handling of waste in the dental office for the protection of employees. When waste leaves the dental office, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations apply to the disposal
Which are NOT acceptable for use as a surface disinfectant in dentistry?
‘‘Glutaraldehydes are unacceptable surface disinfectants due to high toxicity and tendencies to discolor and corrode surfaces.
OSHA requires the use of Standard Precautions for
all patients
‘‘OSHA requires Standard Precautions be used for all patients. Therefore, blood and other body fluids from all patients are treated as potentially infectious.
The most important infection control law in dentistry is OSHA’s
Bloodborne Pathogens Standard.
‘’ OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogens Standard is the most important infection control law in dentistry
Regulated medical waste comprises what percentage of a dental office’s total waste?
‘’ Regulated medical waste (infectious waste) makes up 3% or less of the total medical waste produced in a dental office
Without proper eye protection, curing light exposure may damage the
‘’ Unprotected exposure to the curing light may damage the retina. Both the operator and the patient should wear appropriate eye protection when the curing light is required.
Which is NOT a recognized regulated medical waste?
Used PPE
‘’ Used personal protective equipment is not regulated medical waste. Extracted teeth, sharps, and liquid blood are regulated wastes, which are potentially infectious and require special handling and disposal
Which is true regarding the handling of hazardous infectious waste?
Infectious waste should be placed in closable, leak-proof, labeled containers or bags.
‘’ Following recommended procedures, hazardous infectious waste should be placed in closable, leak-proof containers or bags that are color coded or labeled appropriately.
Which container requires a chemical label?
All secondary containers, including disinfectant spray bottles, ultrasonic cleaner tanks, and x-ray processing tanks require a label to indicate which chemicals they contain and any associated hazards
Which qualifies as a biologic monitor?
Spore testing
‘’: Spore testing qualifies as a biologic monitor, which is used to ensure sterilization has occurred
Examination gloves used for dental treatment can be made of
Either latex or vinyl.
‘’: Dental examination gloves are primarily made of latex or vinyl, not clear plastic
The CDC recommends biological monitoring of sterilization equipment at which interval?
‘‘The CDC, ADA, and OSAP, as well as the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, recommend at least weekly spore testing of each sterilizer in the office. Some states also require routine spore testing of dental office sterilizers
Which is a safety measure for managing noncontact scrap amalgam?
Label the scrap amalgam container.
‘‘Noncontact scrap amalgam should be placed in a wide-mouthed container labeled “Noncontact Amalgam Waste for Recycling.” The scrap amalgam container should be tightly sealed and when full, sent to a recycler
OSHA does NOT mandate the training of dental personnel in which area?
Specialty safety standards
‘’ The OSHA standard does not include specialty safety standards as part of dental personnel training; however, training in the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, Hazard Communication Standard, and general safety standards is required.
The intent of handwashing is to remove
transient florae.
‘’ The microorganisms of transient skin florae contaminate the hands during the touching of, or other exposure to, contaminated surfaces. These florae serve as a source of disease spread because they can contain just about any pathogenic microorganism. Transient skin florae can be reduced or removed in some cases by routine handwashing because they remain primarily on the outer layers of the skin.
Dental professionals are to use surgical masks and protective eyewear
whenever spatter and aerosolized sprays of blood and saliva are likely.
‘’ In accordance with OSHA recommendations, surgical masks and protective eyewear are to be worn whenever splashes, spray, spatter, or droplets of blood or saliva may be generated and eye, nose, or mouth contamination may occur
Which protects the gingival tissue during laser bleaching?
Resin-based, light-curable barrier
‘’ To protect the soft tissue when laser bleaching, a resin-based, light-curable barrier is placed over the gingiva, as opposed to cotton rolls or a rubber dam.
Which action promotes environmental infection control in a clinical area?
Avoid the use of carpet and cloth-upholstered furnishings.
‘‘Carpet and cloth-upholstered furnishings are difficult to clean and disinfect and should be avoided in dental operatories, laboratories, and instrument-processing areas. Barriers are recommended on the dental unit but should be replaced after every patient, as opposed to twice a day. Isopropyl alcohol is not recommended as a surface disinfectant
Which face mask is optimal for pouring or mixing chemicals?
Mist respirator
‘‘A mist respirator face mask is optimal for pouring or mixing chemicals. Face shields and surgical masks, flat or dome shaped, may not provide adequate inhalation protection.
A chemical spill victim with immediate symptoms of dizziness, headache, nausea, and vomiting is experiencing
acute chemical toxicity.
‘’ A person with acute chemical toxicity will immediately experience dizziness, headache, nausea, and vomiting upon acute overexposure to chemicals.
Which is true of latex or vinyl gloves?
Nonsterile gloves are recommended for examinations and nonsurgical procedures.
‘’ Nonsterile gloves are recommended for routine dental care and nonsurgical procedures. Sterile gloves would be used in surgical or invasive procedures. Latex and vinyl gloves are single-use items; they cannot be washed and reused. Hands should be washed before gloving and between patients.
Which is NOT an acceptable method of managing surface contamination?
Wipe the surface with alcohol.
‘‘The use of alcohol is not acceptable as a means of preventing surface contamination or disinfecting a contaminated surface
When recapping the needle, the dental assistant must NOT use a
two-handed scoop method.
‘‘The dental assistant must never use a two-handed scoop method to recap an anesthetic needle because he or she could slip, producing a needle puncture
The main source of infectious microorganisms in a dental office is
patients’ mouths.
‘‘Patients’ mouths provide the main source of infectious microorganisms in the dental office. Microorganisms may originate from other sources, but by far the patient’s mouth presents the greatest source
Which glove is NOT chemical-resistant?
‘’ Latex gloves are not chemical-resistant; when exposed to chemical disinfectants, latex degrades, wicking chemicals and contaminants through the gloves and onto the hands. Natural rubber, neoprene, and nitrile utility gloves provide adequate protection when handling chemicals.
Cleaning instruments prior to sterilization
increases the chance of sterilizer success.
‘‘Cleaning instruments prior to sterilization increases sterilization success. The FDA has approved ultrasonic cleaners and instrument washers for this purpose
Heavy utility gloves are used
to work with contaminated instruments.
‘’ Heavy utility gloves are worn when processing contaminated instruments. Examination gloves are used for intraoral procedures, radiographic processing, and entering data on the computer.
Which can kill bacterial spores, tuberculosis, and viruses?
High-level disinfectant
‘’ According to the CDC, disinfectants are categorized according to their microbial spectrum of activity; high-level disinfectants destroy all microorganisms, including spores, tuberculosis, and viruses.
Which error WILL NOT result in a failure of sterilization?
Failure to use a process indicator
‘’ A process indicator is important but does not affect the operation of the sterilizer. Improper loading, inadequate time, and a faulty chamber door seal will result in sterilization failure.
Protective eyewear should have
side shields.
‘’ Eyewear worn by the dental healthcare worker should have side shields to protect against aerosols and spatter.
The high-volume evacuator (HVE)
removes large amounts of fluid and debris from the mouth.
‘’: The HVE system is designed to remove large volumes of fluid and debris from the mouth during all operative and surgical procedures.
The hepatitis B (HBV) vaccination must be
offered free by the employer.
‘’ Employers must offer the HBV vaccine, free of charge, to category I or II employees within 10 days of job assignment.
If you opt not to receive a hepatitis B vaccination and have signed a waiver to this effect, you have the right to
change your mind and the employer is required to provide the vaccination.
‘’ In accordance with the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, the employee who initially declines the vaccination may at a later date, while still covered under the standard, decide to accept the offer. The employer must make the vaccine available at no charge at that time.
In which method of sterilization can instruments be processed wet?
Steam autoclave
‘‘Instruments can be processed wet in a steam autoclave but must be dry for sterilization with unsaturated chemical vapor, dry heat static air, or rapid heat transfer (forced air).
Which have the highest operating temperature and longest cycle time?
Dry heat sterilizers
‘‘Dry heat sterilization requires 60 to 120 minutes of processing at a temperature of 320° F (160° C). Steam autoclaves operate at a temperature of 250–273° F for 3 to 30 minutes. Chemical vapor sterilization requires a processing temperature of 270° F for 20 to 40 minutes.
Protective clothing must meet which requirement?
High neckline
‘’ To minimize the amount of uncovered skin, personal protective clothing should have a high neckline and long, not short, sleeves. Protective clothing should be made of fluid-resistant, as opposed to flame-resistant, materials. Buttons, trim, zippers, and other ornamentation (which may harbor pathogens) should be kept to a minimum
Which is a clinical touch surface?
Light handle
‘’ Light handles are directly touched and contaminated during treatment procedures. Instrument trays and handpiece holders are transfer surfaces, not touch surfaces. Countertops are a splash, spatter, and droplet surface
Which best describes an intermediate-level surface disinfectant?
‘‘An intermediate-level disinfectant is differentiated by its tuberculocidal activity.
The maximum allowable amount of nitrous oxide in the dental environment is
50 ppm
‘’ Concentrations of nitrogen oxide in the dental office atmosphere must not exceed 50 ppm, for the safety of the dental team
Which waste product is hazardous?
Spent fixer solution
‘’ Spent fixer solution is an example of hazardous waste, which poses a risk to humans and the environment. Used paper mixing pads are considered general waste. Soft tissue is pathologic infectious waste, while used barriers are considered contaminated, not hazardous, waste.
The OSHA Hazard Communications Standard requires employers to do all EXCEPT
submit annual urinalysis results of all employees.
‘’: An annual urinalysis test for all employees is not required or associated with the OSHA Hazard Communications Standard. Employers are required by the OSHA Hazard Communications Standard to implement a hazard communication program, inform employees of the presence and associated hazards of chemicals in the dental office, and maintain accurate MSDS records
OSHA inspections may occur randomly in an office with
11 or more employees
‘‘OSHA inspections may occur randomly in an office with 11 or more employees. OSHA dental inspections also occur at the request of the dentist or when an employee or patient files a complaint
A single container of alcohol-based hand rub solution in a dental treatment room can contain up to
2 L.
‘’: The American Society of Healthcare Engineering has issued a set of rules that include the placement of alcohol-based hand rubs. One of these rules states that single containers installed in the dental treatment room should not exceed a maximum capacity of 2 L of alcohol-based rub solutions in gel/liquid form.
Which is NOT appropriate postexposure protocol?
The employee may opt for medical evaluation but must assume the cost.
‘‘After the exposure incident, the employer must make immediately available to the exposed employee a medical evaluation performed by a licensed physician or other licensed healthcare professional, at no cost to the employee.
When using an ultrasonic cleaner, which is correct procedure?
Use a basket for loose instruments.
‘’ Manufacturers of ultrasonic cleaners recommend using a basket for loose instruments. Instruments are processed in the ultrasonic cleaner until visibly clean, which can vary from 5 to 15 minutes. The mechanical and chemical cleaning action of the ultrasonic cleaner replaces the need for hand scrubbing instruments. Ultrasonic solutions, which are specially formulated for this purpose, should be used in the ultrasonic cleaner to prevent complications.
Which is an example of regulated medical waste?
Used anesthetic needles
‘’ Used anesthetic needles are regulated as infectious medical waste, which requires special handling, neutralization, and disposal.
Disease is transmitted through which means?
Person-to-person contact
‘’ Disease transmission can occur in a variety of ways, including through person-to-person contact, indirect contact, aerosol spray, and splashes or splatter. While sleep deprivation, exhaustion, and cold weather may affect the body’s ability to fight an infection, a pathogenic microorganism must be present in sufficient numbers to cause infection.
Utility gloves are worn when
disinfecting the treatment room.
‘‘Utility gloves are worn for surface cleaning and disinfecting treatment rooms. Utility gloves are not used in direct patient care—for mounting films, seating a patient, or mixing dental materials
The hepatitis B (HBV) vaccine must be offered to which category of employees?
I and II
‘’ OSHA mandates the HBV vaccine be provided for category I and II employees. Category III employees are not exposed to blood or saliva
Gloves are a principal component of which infection control practice?
Protective attire and barrier techniques.
‘‘Gloves are a principle component of protective attire and barrier techniques. Personal protective equipment includes gloves, eyewear, and masks that are worn during routine clinical treatment to protect the dental healthcare worker
Which item of personal protective equipment (PPE) is donned last?
‘’ Gloves are donned last, immediately before patient treatment, for maximum efficiency and safe practice.
Which disinfectant tends to produce yellow staining?
: Iodophor
‘’ Iodophor disinfectants contain iodine, which tend to produce a yellow or red staining
Recording the highest temperature reached during a sterilization cycle is an example of ____________ monitoring.
‘’ Physical monitoring involves examining, monitoring, observing and recording sterilizer activity
Dental unit waterlines are flushed for
several minutes each morning and for 20 to 30 seconds between patients.
‘‘Flushing of the dental unit waterlines for several minutes each morning and for 20 to 30 minutes between patients is recommended. Dental lines should be purged of water and dried with air at the end of the day
How often are chemical monitors used in the sterilization process?
With every instrument pack
‘’ Appropriate monitoring as recommended by the CDC involves the use of a chemical indicator on the inside and outside (if the internal indicator cannot be seen) of each pack, pouch, and cassette.
Which agency requires employers to provide the hepatitis B immunization?
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
‘‘The OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard requires the dentist/employer to offer the HBV vaccination series to all employees whose jobs include category I and II tasks. The employee has the right to refuse the HBV vaccine for any reason
Which is required for correct disposal of used orthodontic wire?
Sharps container
‘’ Orthodontic wire is defined as a sharp and is placed in the sharps container at the end of use.
Which does NOT minimize the amount of dental aerosols and spatter generated during treatment?
Preprocedural mouth rinse
‘‘The amount of aerosols and spatter generated during dental treatment is not reduced by preprocedural mouth rinses. However, studies have shown that a mouth rinse with a long-lasting antimicrobial agent can reduce the level of oral microorganisms for up to 5 hours
Surgical masks used in dentistry
prevent spatter from contacting mucous membranes.
‘’ Surgical masks primarily protect the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth from aerosol sprays and oral fluid spatter. Surgical masks do not completely eliminate the inhalation of dental aerosols, and they are not designed to protect against tuberculosis. Surgical masks are required when treating all patients, including children
Which is not considered a “sharp”?
Metal matrix retainer
‘’ The matrix retainer is not a sharp device. It is used to hold the matrix band, which is considered a sharp. Orthodontic wires and needles are also sharps and should be placed in a sharps container after use.
Which is NOT infectious or regulated waste?
X-ray wrappers
‘’: X-ray wrappers are not infectious, regulated, or pathogenic waste, nor are they likely to be saturated with blood or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM). The lead foil from x-ray packages is recyclable and exempt from regulation as hazardous waste
Which is the leading cause of sterilization failure in dental offices
Human error
‘‘The primary cause of sterilization failure is human error; improper loading, improper timing, improper cleaning, improper packaging, and selecting the wrong sterilization method are all caused by human error.
Which are NOT killed or inactivated by intermediate-level disinfection?
‘’ Intermediate-level disinfectants destroy vegetative bacteria, most fungi, and most viruses but are ineffective against bacterial spores.
Which gloves are recommended to assist the placement of an amalgam?
‘’ During routine patient care, the dental healthcare worker wears disposable latex or nonlatex examination gloves
Sterile surgical gloves are required for which procedure?
Assisting a mandibular resection
‘‘A mandibular resection is an invasive surgical procedure and would require the use of sterile surgical gloves.
Protective clothing
must prevent mucous membrane exposure to blood and other body fluids.
‘’ In accordance with OSHA recommendations, protective clothing must prevent skin and mucous membrane exposure to blood and other body fluids. Protective clothing is required for charting, although the type of protective clothing varies, depending on the degree of risk for exposure. Contaminated protective clothing should not be worn home
Which allergic reaction is most commonly associated with latex?
'’Type IV
‘‘Type IV allergic reaction, the most common type of latex allergy, is a delayed contact reaction that involves the immune system. Reactions are limited to the area of contact.
The goal of an infection control program is to prevent disease transmission from
All of the above.
‘‘Disease transmission can occur in a variety of ways including patient-to-staff, staff-to-patient, and patient-to-patient; the goal of an infection control program is to prevent disease transmission.
Which combination produces the greatest amount of instrument rusting and dulling
Carbon steel instruments in a steam sterilizer
‘’ Carbon steel instruments placed in steam sterilization will produce rusting and dulling; using distilled water in the sterilizer with a protective emulsion can prevent this
The risk of getting HIV as a dental assistant is
‘‘The CDC reports that the risk of HIV disease transmission from dental patients to members of the dental team is low.
The strength of an organism’s ability to produce disease is
‘’ Virulence is defined as an organism’s strength in producing disease. Bioburden refers to the number of bacteria on an unsterilized surface. Immunity is the ability of the body to resist disease. Infection is the invasion and multiplication of microorganisms not normally present in the body.
Dental assistants involved in the direct provision of patient care must undergo training in
infection control, safety issues, and hazard communication.
‘’ The OSHA standard requires that employers ensure that all employees with occupational exposure participate in a training program on the hazards associated with body fluids, safety issues, hazard communication, and the protective techniques needed to be taken to minimize the risk of occupational exposure.
After removing the plastic surface cover from the clinical contact surface
: place a new plastic cover, as long as the underlying surface remains untouched
‘‘Carefully removing the protective cover, without touching the underlying surface, prevents surface contamination and negates the need for precleaning and disinfecting between patients
Biofilm in a dental unit waterline exemplifies which type of disease transmission?
Community to dental office to patient.
‘’ Biofilm in a dental unit waterline spreads disease from the community, through the municipal water that supplies the dental office, to the dental unit and eventually to the patient
Gloves are required to handle each item, EXCEPT one. Which is the EXCEPTION
Laboratory prescriptions
‘‘Gloves are not required to handle laboratory prescriptions. Personal protective equipment (PPE), including gloves, must be worn when performing clinical activities that require the handling of items contaminated with patient secretions, including impressions (both preliminary and final) and laboratory cases.
How does HIV cause AIDS
It destroys the body’s defenses against disease.
‘’: HIV is capable of destroying the body’s defenses against disease and lowers the immune system’s ability to resist the disease.
Before disinfecting a clinical contact surface,
clean the surface.
‘’ Before disinfecting a clinical contact surface, the surface is first precleaned and then sprayed or wiped a second time with the disinfectant to provide disinfection. Most products require 10 minutes to dry. If the surface is still wet when ready for the patient, wipe dry.
Which agent is most lethal?
‘‘A sporicidal agent is capable of killing all microorganisms, including bacterial endospores and therefore can be called a sterilant.
Dental personnel are NOT exposed to infectious disease through
indirect contact with sterile instruments.
‘’: Infectious disease is not transmitted through indirect contact with sterile instruments. Dental personnel are likely to be exposed to infectious disease through direct contact with blood and saliva, aerosol, splatter, and splashes and via contaminated operatory equipment.
The scavenging system
reduces the nitrogen oxide that escapes into the dental office atmosphere.
‘‘The scavenging system is an important safety measure that reduces ambient nitrogen oxide/oxygen in the dental office atmosphere. The control valves are used to control the flow of each gas. The gas hose carries nitrogen oxide/oxygen from the reservoir bag to the mask or nosepiece. The mask delivers nitrogen oxide/oxygen to the patient as a nasal inhaler.
A contaminated dental chart exemplifies which mode of disease transmission?
Indirect contact
‘’ A contaminated dental chart facilitates indirect disease transmission. Indirect transmission occurs when microorganisms are first transmitted to an object or surface and then transferred to another person or whoever touches the object or surface.