Radiation And Waves Flashcards
What is ionisation?
It is the addition or removal of an electron to create an ion
What happens if you:
(a) Lose an election?
(b) Gain an electron?
(a) Creates a positive ion
(b) Creates a negative ion
How are electrons lost?
Ionising radiation comes close to / collides with the atom and forces the electron away
Name the three types of ionising radiation
Alpha - helium nucleus
Beta - fast moving electron
Gamma - high energy electromagnetic wave
What is the mass and charge of the three radiations?
Alpha - large mass, strong positive charge
Beta - very small mass, negative charge
Gamma - no mass, no charge
What is penetrating power?
Radiation has a different ability to penetrate materials. The material is said to have absorbed the radiation.
Rate the radiations from least penetrating to most
Alpha - thickness of skin
Beta - few millimetres of aluminium
Gamma - several centimètres of lead
What is radioactive decay?
It’s when the nuclei of some atoms are unstable, they naturally release off ionising radiation which allows the nucleus to become stable
What natural resources produce background radiation?
The ground, building materials, food and cosmic rays from space
Which radioactive gas do rocks produce?
Give examples of artificial radiation
Radioactive waste from nuclear power stations, radioactive fallout from nuclear weapons testing and medical x-rays
What percentage of average background radiation does does artificial sources account for?
How does a Geiger miller tube work?
When radiation enters it produces ions in the gas. The ions produce a current which produces a voltage pulse. These pulses are counted and displayed on a GM tube.
How do you get a proper indication of how radioactive a source is?
Measure the number of ionisations per second or the count rate
What is the count rate usually called and how is it given?
The activity and it’s given by the number of counts or ionisations per second
What is the activity of a radioactive source and how is it measured?
It is the number of decays per second and it’s measured in becquerels
What do the letters stand for and their units in the formula for the activity?
A = N/t
A - activity of source in becquerels (Bq)
N - number of decays
t - time in seconds (s)
What is background radiation?
Radiation from natural sources and man made sources that is around us all the time. Usually less than 1Bq
What is half life?
Half life is the time taken for the activity of a radioactive source to reduce by half
What is absorbed dose?
It is the energy absorbed per unit mass of the absorbing materials
Label the equation and state the units:
D = E/m
D - absorbed does in grays (Gy)
E - energy absorbed in joules (J)
m - mass of absorbing tissue (kg)