“RADAR” means ?
Radio Detection And Ranging
Two methods of speed detection ?
Average speed method
Microwave Doppler method
Why is cosine effect most common situation you will encounter as a radar operator ?
Ideally a target vehicle should travel directly towards the radar and in the centre of the effective beam however ideal conditions for the radar create a dangerous situation for the operator.
To overcome the danger the radar is operated from a point which is not directly in front of the target thus creating an angle between the direction in which the beam is transmitted and direction of travel of target.
What is Doppler shift ?
It is the difference between the transmitted and received energy, radar emits electromagnetic energy which strikes the target and return to receiver, the difference is called Doppler shift
As an operator what should you apply to keep the cosine angle within acceptable limits ?
7:1 ratio
As an operator why must you maintain a reasonably constant patrol speed ?
To allow faster acquisition of patrol speed and more time calculating closing rate speed
As an operator how do you know if the silver Eagle 2 radar is being subjected to Radio Frequency interference?
‘Rfi’ will be displayed
Requirements of a valid speed check ?
Visual observation and estimation
of target speed
Observe the numerals in the patrol and target displays
Clear and constant tone (pitch may vary)
Correlation between patrol speed and checked
Duration of the check(steps 2,3,4) must not be
less than 3 seconds
Minimum 200m between targets of similar size
What needs to be fitted with HWP vehicles before being used for speed enforcement duties ?
Checked speedometer &
Shielded cable
Why does the size of the target affect the range of the Radar?
Radar obeys inverse Square Law.
It considers the reflective area of the target and the amount of energy reflected from the target. And the distance between the antenna and the target
What range of speed will the
Silver Eagle 2 Radar measure ?
Target speed 16km/h to 320km/h
Patrol speed 16km/h to 239km/h
Under what circumstances is the radar likely to encounter an add on speed ?
When police vehicle is moving less than the threshold speed of the radar 16km/h)
Radar treats any on coming vehicles within
50m as a stationary object and displays the
closing rate speed as patrol speed and no
target is displayed.
When operating the radar is moving
mode, as the operator what would you do to negate the possibility of a Gross Error’ ?
Correlate with patrol speed and checked speedometer
How will interference commonly affect the radar?
Display of target speed in the absence of target
No Displayed speed when a target is
List when the radar must be tested and who performs these test
At the start of the shift
Every hour
At the conclusion of the shift
When it is taken to REU every 12 months
And the operator does the check