How to convert from Tenths to Seconds?
Multiply .37 X 60 = 22 seconds
Multiply .95 x 60 = 57 seconds
How to convert from Seconds to Tenths?
37’14”22 N
076’14’57” W
Divide 22/60 = .37
Divide 57/60 = .95
What is Correcting demonstrating?
Changing from a Compass to a True Course
What is UN-Correcting demonstrating?
Changing from a True - Compass course
1° or 60” minutes = ?
60 Nautical Miles
1’ or 60” seconds of latitude = ?
1 Nautical mile
1 nautical mile = ?
2000 YARDS
.1 nautical mile = ?
200 Yards
What is the three min rule?
Distance traveled in yards in three minutes divided by 100 = the speed traveled
2700/100 = 27 kts or 27x 100 = 2700 yards
What is the Six minute Rule?
Distance traveled in 6 minutes X by 10 = speed traveled
you traveled 1.2 nm in 6 min ?
1.2 x 10 =12 kts
What is a turn bearing?
is a range and bearing off a fixed charted object used to mark a turn
What is RML?
relative motion line- direction of the line of relative motion expressed in degrees true
What is DRM?
Direction of relative motion
What is CPA?
Closest point of approach
What is SRM?
Speed of Relative motion- contacts speed relative to own ships motion.
What are the eight aspects of a vessel?
BOW port bow stbd bow stbd beam port beam port quarter stbd quarter dead astern
What is True motion?
The Movement of an object with respect to the surface of the earth.
you are on a course of 000T, speed 10 kts, passing by a fishing pier extending from the beach down your port side.
What is Relative motion?
The apparent movement of an object with respect to another moving object.
You are cruising down the freeway doing 70 mph and a car pulls up next to you. Is that car moving? Does it look like they are moving? Why, because they are doing the same “course” and speed that you are.
What is True Vs Relative bearing?
True bearings: Direction measured with respect to true geographic north.
What is Relative bearing vs True?
Direction measured in degrees from own ship’s heading(course) clockwise to the observed object.
What formula do you use to convert relative bearing to True bearing ?
True bearing = Ship’s heading + Relative Bearing
Ex: Contact bears 090°R, ship is on course 045° T. What is True bearing 90 + 45 = 135 T
When your using a MO-Board, and something is pointing towards your center location, this indicated what?
CBDR when in Relative Mode