Radar Phraseology and EDST Entry Flashcards
During initial scan of Active Bay/ACL, add all arrivals from _____, _____, and _____, to the SPA.
- UU (CID)
R-Side mentions “On approach, Vicksburg Airport or Byerly Airport”, DO NOT _____.
Clear any departures from 0M8 or KVKS
0M8 Arrival from D67
- Keep eye out for ETA over previous fix
- Highlight strip in ACL
- Once located, bring up FDB
- [PVD] (CID)
- Call D67: “D66, request control, N1234, for turns and descent … APREQ, block 4,000 and below for Byerly Arrival.”
0M8 Arrival from D67, Strip Marking & Tell R-Side:
- Strip Marking
- In black: “CTL” space 14a
- In black: “67↧40” circle in red
- Tell R-Side: “(Position), N1234 is your control for turns and descent into Byerly Airport and Byerly block 4,000 and below approved”
Flight Data call with 0M8 arrival down time
Write time in Space 18
Call D67: “D66, cancel block at Byerly”
Strip Marking: Line out “67↧40”
Remove Strip: [RS] (CID)
Tell R-Side: “Byerly arrival landed”
R-Side mentions “On approach, Byerly Airport”, A/C cancels IFR on APCH to 0M8
Call D67: “D66, information, N1234 canceled IFR… cancel block at Byerly”
KGWO Arrival A/C request Visual APCH Runway 18
- Call GWO Tower: “Jackson Low, information, (Position from airport with mileage), N1234, visual approach”
- Strip Marking
- In red: “VA”
- Tell R-Side: “N1234 visual approach coordinated”
GWO Tower call with arrival time
Write time in Space 18
Remove Strip: [RS] (CID)
Tell R-Side: “Greenwood arrival landed”
KGWO Arrival A/C request Visual APCH Runway 5
- Call GWO Tower: “Jackson Low, APREQ, (Position from airport with mileage), N1234, visual approach runway 5”
- Strip Marking
- In red: “VA5”
- Tell R-Side: “N1234 visual approach runway 5 approved”
Flight Data call with KVKS arrival down time
Write time in Space 18
Remove Strip: [RS] (CID)
Tell R-Side: “Vicksburg arrival landed”
Point out
Altitude for direction of flight
Flight data calls requesting clearance (0M8 direct SQS)
Respond: “N1234, expect departure clearance ####, (initials)”
Call D67: “D66, APREQ, block 4,000 and below for Byerly departure direct Sidon”
0M8 Departure Pre-Check
- ACL for anyone AOB 4,000
- Departure/Arrival Strips NOT radar identified
- Radar Scope for anyone in the area
- P.A.L.M
0M8 Departure Clearance if Block Approved
Call Flight Data: “D66, Clearance, N1234 cleared from Byerly Airport to (airport), via direct Sidon (amended route if any) as filed, climb and maintain 4,000, expect (altitude) one zero minutes after departure, (if amended altitude “(requested altitude) is not available”), squawk ####, clearance void if not off by ####, if not off by ####, advise Aerocenter not later than #### of intentions. Advise N1234 released for departure, contact Aerocenter 125.0”
0M8 Departure Clearance if Block Unabled
Call Flight Data: “D66, Clearance, N1234 cleared from Byerly Airport to (airport), via direct DESKE direct Sidon (amended route if any) as filed, climb and maintain 4,000, expect (altitude) one zero minutes after departure, (if amended altitude “(requested altitude) is not available”), squawk ####, clearance void if not off by ####, if not off by ####, advise Aerocenter not later than #### of intentions. Verify this clearance will allow compliance with local traffic pattern and terrain or obstruction avoidance. Advise N1234 released for departure, contact Aerocenter 125.0”
0M8 Departure A/C Radar Contact and Dwell Locked with Block Approved
Call D67: “D66, Point Out, North East Byerly Airport, N1234, stopped at 4,000’, will be climbing to (altitude)”
D67: “Point Out Approved”
D66: “Cancel block at Byerly”
Tell R-Side: “N1234 has been pointed out climbing to (altitude)”
0M8 Departure A/C Radar Contact and Dwell Locked with Block Unabled
Call D67: “D66, Point Out, North East Byerly Airport, N1234, will be turning direct Sidon”
Tell R-Side: “N1234 has been pointed out, when able clear direct Sidon”
After giving 0M8 departure clearance input following commands, then Tell R-Side:
[DM] (CID) (Altitude, if amended)
[TRK] //0M8_(CID)
[INT] 040_(CID)
[PVD] 67_(CID)
Tell R-Side: “Byerly Departure Climbing to 4,000”
KGWO Departure Pre-Check
- ACL for anyone AOB 4,000
- Departure/Arrival Strips NOT radar identified
- Radar Scope for anyone in the area
- P.A.L.M
- KGWO arrival on Base or Final, use Visual Separation
Greenwood Tower calls requesting release
- “N1234 released…”
- If route has been amended: “…, via (route)…”
- “…, climb and maintain 4,000…”
- If requested altitude amended: “…, expect (altitude) as a final, (requested altitude) is not available”
- Amended route/altitude, update route/altitude in ERAM before telling R-Side
- Strip Marking: in red: new route/altitude
- Tell R-Side: “Greenwood Departure Climbing to 4,000”
GWO Tower request release for Navy Blue Angel (VVBA01), with traffic departure NOT yet radar identified
Respond: “VVBA01, expect departure clearance ####, (initials)”
GWO Tower request release for Navy Blue Angel (VVBA01), with traffic departure that IS radar identified
Wait for departure to be leaving 4,000’ or 5,000’ to release VVBA01
VVBA01 is higher performing, traffic must be 1,000’ above initial altitude that will be assigned to VVBA01 for proper separation
May need to give EDC if waiting for departure to leave safe altitude
GWO Tower request release for Navy Blue Angel (VVBA01), with traffic low flying overflight
Release VVBA01 1,000’ below that overflight
GWO Tower VVBA01 Release Phraseology
“VVBA01 released, climb and maintain (altitude)”
Tell R-Side: “Greenwood Departure Climbing to (altitude), requesting unrestricted climb to (requested altitude)”
GWO Tower VVBA01 Release Phraseology with MEI West 1 MOA active and route conflicts
“VVBA01 released to Navy Pensacola Airport via direct Sidon, direct Magnolia, direct, climb and maintain (altitude)”
Tell R-Side: “Greenwood Departure Climbing to (altitude), requesting unrestricted climb to (requested altitude), when able after Sidon, clear direct Navy Pensacola Airport”
no need to update route in ERAM
KVKS Departure Pre-Check
- ACL for anyone AOB 4,000
- Departure/Arrival Strips not radar identified
- Radar Scope for anyone in the area
- P.A.L.M
KVKS Departure Clearance Phraseology
“N1234 cleared from Vicksburg Airport to (airport), via direct (fix) (amended route if any) as filed, climb and maintain 4,000, expect (altitude) one zero minutes after departure, (if amended altitude “(requested altitude) is not available”), squawk ####, clearance void if not off by ####, if not off by ####, advise Aerocenter not later than #### of intentions. Advise N1234 released for departure, contact Aerocenter 125.0”
KVKS Departure Clearance Phraseology route amended between KVKS and next fix
“…Verify this clearance will allow compliance with local traffic pattern and terrain or obstruction avoidance. Advise N1234 released for departure, contact Aerocenter 125.0”
After giving KVKS departure clearance input following commands, then tell R-Side:
[DM] (CID)_(Altitude, if amended)
[INT] 040_(CID)
Tell R-Side: “Vicksburg Departure Climbing to 4,000”
Remove _____ when departure A/C is Radar Contact and Dwell Locked
The following must be done to request control if emergency arrival A/C is not in your sector
“Request control N1234, for turns and descent direct (airport)”
If strip exists, write “CTL” in Space 14a
Tell R-Side: “N1234 is your control for turns and descent direct (airport)”
Command to reroute aircraft in ERAM after R-Side gives clearance and receives proper readback from emergency arrival A/C
[RTE] (Airport)↓(CID)
Emergency arrival A/C into JAN APCH Phraseology
“Jackson Approach, Jackson Low, Emergency inbound…N1234 declared an emergency, (nature of emergency), (pilot’s requests), APREQ direct Jackson Airport, descending to 110, no speed restrictions.”
Tell R-Side: “N1234 has been coordinated, direct Jackson Airport, descending to 110, no speed restrictions approved”
Emergency arrival A/C into KGWO Phraseology
“Greenwood Tower, Jackson Low, Emergency inbound…(position from airport with mileage), N1234 declared an emergency, (nature of emergency), (pilot’s requests), APREQ visual approach Runway 5.”
Tell R-Side: “N1234 has been coordinated, visual approach Runway 5 approved”
Emergency arrival A/C into MLU APCH Phreaseology
“Monroe Approach, Jackson Low, Emergency inbound…N1234 declared an emergency, (nature of emergency), (pilot’s requests), APREQ direct Monroe Airport, descending to 130.”
Tell R-Side: “N1234 has been coordinated, direct Monroe Airport, descending to 130 approved
Phraseology to notify Supervisor of Emergency Arrival A/C
“N1234 declared an emergency, (nature of emergency), (pilot’s requests), change of destination (airport)”
Strip Request & Strip Marking for Emergency Arrival
Print strip with Strip Request
[SR] (CID)_(Airport)_66
Strip Marking
- in red: “E”
- in black: Nature of emergency, Pilot’s request, “R” for Radar Contract, check mark altitude
Strip Marking Emergency Arrival JAN APCH
Circle in red: ↓110, KJAN, Nature of Emergency, & Pilot’s Request
Strip Marking Emergency Arrival KGWO
Write in red: “VA” or “VA5”
Circle in red: Nature of Emergency, Pilot’s Request, &VA5
Strip Marking Emergency Arrival MLU APCH
Circle in red: ↓130, KMLU, Nature of Emergency, & Pilot’s Request
For emergency arrival into JAN or MLU APCH, once frequency change is given, the A/C is considered to be _____.
Do the following after down time is received for emergency arrival into KGWO, KVKS, or 0M8:
Remove Strip Deadwood
[RS] (CID)
Provide down time to Supervisor only if landing KVKS or 0M8
Tell Supervisor: “N1234 landed (airport) at (time)”
Emergency Overflight Strip Marking
In red: “E”
In black: Nature of Emergency, Pilot’s Request, “R” for Radar Contact, check mark altitude
Circle in red: Nature of Emergency, Pilot’s Request
Emergency Overflight Phraseology (3 Steps)
- Call next sector ASAP: “(Next sector), Jackson Low, Emergency…N1234 declared an emergency, (nature of emergency), (pilot’s requests).”
- Tell R-Side: “N1234 coordinated with next sector”
- Tell Supervisor: “N1234 declared an emergency, (nature of emergency), (pilot’s requests)”
Emergency overflight is considered deadwood when R-Side circles _____ in black and writes _____ for communication transfer.
“R”, “C”
Input following commands for military change of destination
Print strip or R-Side will write info on blank
[SR] (CID)_/T_66
Enter new route into ERAM, reprint strip
[RTE] (Airport)↓(CID)
[SR] (CID)_/T_66
Military change of destination strip marking
Space 26, in black:
- Original destination, then line it out
- ETA ####
- FET #### (Fuel Exhaustion Time)
- “R” for Radar Contact
- Checkmark altitude
Circle in red: ETA and FET after GWO - 32 call
When able, call Greenwood Radio (GWO - 31) for military change of destination stating:
- “Jackson Low, military change of destination…”
- “…(A/C Call Sign)…”
- “…(Type Aircraft)…” (omit “heavy”/equipment suffix)
- “…departed (departure airport)…”
- “…original destination (original destination airport)…”
- “…position, (pick one from below) at (time)…”
- Mileage & Direction from nearest NAVAID
- Fix Radial Distance obtained from Space 15
- The NAVAID itself, if within 5 miles
- “…new destination (new destination airport)…”
- “…estimated time of arrival (ETA)…”
- “…fuel exhaustion time (FET)”
When is a military change of destination A/C considered deadwood?
After hanging up with Greenwood Radio
If you notice LDB flashing “RDOF” or previous sector calls with information input the following command for NORDO arrivals/overflights
If remarks section does NOT display “NORDO”, input the following command(s)
What action must be taken if traffic is found at NORDO’s altitude?
Climb traffic ABOVE or reroute away from the NORDO
NORDO arrival landing KJAN or KMLU in Hand Off status, call appropriate approach:
“Information, N1234 is NORDO”
NORDO overflight A/C in Handoff status with next sector, call with:
“Information, N1234 is NORDO”
NORDO arrival landing KGWO A/C radios are back
Call GWO Tower: “N1234 has radios back”
Manual Hand Off to Next Sector (next sector respond with “radar contact”)
- Pull up Flight Plan in ERAM
- [FR] (CID)
- Contact next sector: “Hand Off, (position with mileage), N1234 at (altitude)
- Next Sector will respond
- “N1234, Radar Contact”
- Tell R-Side: “N1234 has been handed off”
Manual Hand Off to Next Sector (next sector respond with “need flight plan”)
- Pull up Flight Plan in ERAM
- [FR] (CID)
- Contact next sector: “Hand Off, (position with mileage), N1234 at (altitude)
Next Sector: “N1234, Radar Contact, I need the flight plan”
Respond: “Standby”
- Tell R-Side: “N1234 has been handed off”
- Tell next sector: “(Type Aircraft) (Equipment Suffix), code (Beacon Code), true airspeed (True Airspeed), departed (Departure airport) (Route of flight into next sector)”
For each manual hand off add a tally mark under “_____” for WEPT, notify supervisor if this is the ______ occurrence.
“E”, “Second”
Write down the following on a blank strip when sector calls with manual hand off
Write down code, call sign, altitude, and “R” for Radar Contact
Greenwood holding before landing A/C wants to divert from holding to an airport outside of D66 Airspace
After pilot acknowledges reroute, reroute in ERAM
- [RTE] (Airport)↓(CID)
Tell Supervisor: “N1234 changed destination to (airport) for (reason)”
Receiving a Manual Hand Off, Target is Mode C Intruder ( I ) or Unpaired Beacon ( / )
Tell R-Side: “I accepted a hand off, (position), N1234 at (altitude). Flight plan to follow”
Command to enter Flight Plan into ERAM
[FP] (ACID)(Type Aircraft)/(Equipment Suffix)(Code)(True Airspeed)(Fix)(Time)(Altitude)_(Route)
When receiving a manual hand off, when is the strip considered deadwood?
As soon as the flight plan is entered
General Holding Instructions
- R-Side gives holding instructions, input into Holding Menu Box, confirm by clicking “Hold/SPA”
- Click on the “H” in the ACL to show holding instructions
- Scan ACL Altitude column for any A/C at Holder’s altitude
- If altitude matches, run route to see if flight conflicts with Holding Pattern Airspace: [RTE] 99 (CID)
Greenwood holding before landing A/C wants to divert from holding to an airport outside of D66 Airspace
After pilot acknowledges reroute, reroute in ERAM
- [RTE] (Airport)↓(CID)
Tell Supervisor: “N1234 changed destination to (airport) for (reason)”
Greenwood holding before landing A/C wants to divert from holding to an airport inside D66 Airspace
After pilot acknowledges reroute, update ERAM & print new strip
- [RTE] (Airport)↓(CID)
- [SR] (CID)_(Airport)_66
Strip Marking: “R” for Radar Contact & cross out or checkmark altitude
Tell Supervisor: “N1234 changed destination to (airport) for (reason)”
Greenwood Tower calls informing of missed approach
Strip Marking: Write “MA” in black Space 28 (under APCH marking)
Tell R-Side: “N1234 has missed the approach”
Greenwood missed approach requesting to Hold at SQS
- After pilot acknowledges reroute, update ERAM
- Point out to D67
- [PVD] 67_(CID)
- “D66, Point Out, at Sidon, N1234, holding South West of Sidon”
- Tell R-Side: “N1234 has been pointed out”
- Enter Holding information into Holding Menu Box
- Print strip for documentation
- [SR] (CID)_KGWO 66
- Strip Marking: “R” for Radar Contact and cross out or checkmark altitude
- Holder diverts from holding pattern or is landing, notify D67
- “D66, Information, N1234 exiting hold, direct (airport)”
Greenwood missed approach diverting to airport outside of D66 Airspace
- After pilot acknowledges reroute, reroute in ERAM
- [RTE] (Airport)↓(CID)
- Tell Supervisor: “N1234 changed destination to (airport) for (reason)”
Greenwood missed approach diverting to airport inside D66 Airspace
- After pilot acknowledges reroute, update ERAM, print new strip
- [RTE] (Airport)↓(CID)
- [SR] (CID)_(Airport)_66
- Strip Marking: “R” for Radar contact and cross out or checkmark altitude
- Tell Supervisor: “N1234 changed destination to (airport) for (reason)”
STUEE Holding Instructions
- R-Side gives holding instructions, input into Holding Menu Box, confirm by clicking “Hold/Spa”
- PVD to both F30 and D67
- [PVD] F3067(CID)
- Call Monroe Low & D67: “Point Out, East Monroe VORTAC, N1234, holding North East of STUEE”
- Tell R-Side: “N1234 has been pointed out”
A/C holding at STUEE wants to divert Eastbound to KJAN or KMEI
- After pilot acknowledges reroute, reroute in ERAM
- [RTE] (Airport)↓(CID)
- Call Monroe Low and D67: “Information, N1234 exiting hold, eastbound”
- Tell Supervisor: “N1234 changed destination to (airport) for (reason)”
A/C holding at STUEE wants to divert D67 to KMEM, KLIT, or KOKC
- Call D67: “APREQ, N1234, direct (airport), climbing to (altitude)”
- Call Monroe Low: “Information, N1234 exiting hold, direct (airport), climbing to (altitude)”
- Tell R-Side: “N1234 direct (airport), climbing to (altitude) approved”
- After pilot acknowledges reroute, reroute in ERAM
- [RTE] (Airport)↓(CID)
- Tell Supervisor: “N1234 changed destination to (airport) for (reason)”
A/C holding at STUEE wants to divert Monroe Low to KSHV
- Call Monroe Low: “APREQ, N1234, direct Shreveport Airport, climbing to (altitude)”
- Call D67: “Information, N1234 exiting hold, direct Shreveport Airport, climbing to (altitude)”
- Tell R-Side: “N1234 direct Shreveport Airport, climbing to (altitude) approved”
- After pilot acknowledges reroute, reroute in ERAM
- [RTE] KSHV_↓_(CID)
- Tell Supervisor: “N1234 changed destination to Shreveport Airport for (reason)”
Point Out with PVD
[PVD] (Sector)_(CID)
- Call Sector when within 27.5 miles from boundary
- “Point Out, (position), N1234”
- Tell R-Side: “N1234 has been pointed out”
Point Out with PVD, Climb/Descent not shown in FDB
[PVD] (Sector)_(CID)
- Call Sector when within 27.5 miles from boundary
- “Point Out, (position), N1234, climbing/descending to (altitude)”
- Tell R-Side: “N1234 has been pointed out, climbing/descending to (altitude)”
Point Out with PVD, Climb Above FL230
[PVD] (Sector)_(CID)
- Call Sector when within 27.5 miles from boundary
- “Point Out, (position), N1234, climbing to high”
- Tell R-Side: “N1234 has been pointed out”
Point Out with PVD, Climb Above FL230 with Traffic
[PVD] (Sector)_(CID)
- Call Sector when within 27.5 miles from boundary
- “Point Out, (position), N1234, stopped at (altitude) for (reason), will be climbing to high at the boundary”
- Tell R-Side: “N1234 has been pointed out”
Manual Point Out
- Open Coordination Box
- Call Sector when within Sector = 27.5 miles / Approach = 17.5 miles
- “Point Out, (position with mileage), N1234, at (altitude), (direction of flight)”
- Tell R-Side: “N1234 has been pointed out climbing to (altitude)”
Manual Point Out, Climbing/Descending
- Open Coordination Box
- Call Sector when within Sector = 27.5 miles / Approach = 17.5 miles
- “Point Out, (position with mileage), N1234, leaving (altitude), climbing/descending to (altitude), (direction of flight)”
Tell R-Side: “N1234 has been pointed out climbing to (altitude)”
Manual Point Out, Climbing/Descending with Interim Altitude
- Open Coordination Box
- Call Sector when within Sector = 27.5 miles / Approach = 17.5 miles
- “Point Out, (position with mileage), N1234, leaving (altitude), stopped at (altitude) for (reason), will be climbing/descending to (altitude), (direction of flight)”
- Tell R-Side: “N1234 has been pointed out climbing to (altitude)”
D45 Points out Lower - D45 Has Track Control (R); NO Traffic
Approve altitude D45 requests: “N1234, descending to (altitude), point out approved”
Tell R-Side: “I approved a point out, (position) N1234 descending to (altitude)”
D45 Points Out Lower - D45 Has Track Control (R); W/ Traffic
Approve the next available altitude: “N1234, descending to FL220, point out approved”
Tell R-Side: “I approved a point out, (position), N1234 descending to (altitude)”
ERT Routing
When you see blue text in the ACL route and the A/C is on frequency, let your R-Side know
Tell R-Side: “N1234 needs ERT routing”
Right click on the ERT routing and ONLY click OK after pilot acknowledged readback
Rules for JAN APCH Requesting Higher for Departure
- If you see traffic, give departure altitude below traffic. Able to give altitude 1,000’ below that traffic
- You do NOT have to clear departure to the highest available altitude, JAN APCH is requesting any altitude above 10,000’
- Inbounds more than 5 miles from behind Departure are not traffic
JAN APCH requests higher for departure, if opposite direction inbound traffic has NOT been handed off yet, tell JAN APCH
“N1234, maintain 10,000’…”
JAN APCH requests higher for departure, if inbound traffic HAS been handed off (“R” in FDB); tell JAN APCH & input the following command:
“N1234, climbing to (altitude)…”
[INT] (Altitude)_(CID)
JAN APCH requests higher for departure, also requesting direct SQS; tell JAN APCH & input the following code:
Clear A/C direct SQS
“…, cleared direct Sidon approved”
Tell R-Side: “I approved N1234 climbing to (altitude), cleared direct Sidon”
Minimum Fuel
- R-Side will notify pilot reports Minimum Fuel
- Enter remarks into ERAM
- [AM] (CID)11◯Min_Fuel OR [AM] (CID)RMK◯Min_Fuel
- Coordinate with next sector
- Target within 27.5 miles of boundary
- [Next Sector]_(CID)
- Call next sector: “Information, N1234 is minimum fuel”
- Tell R-Side: “N1234, minimum fuel has been coordinated with (next sector)”
MISM Error
- R-Side will advise with target displaying a MISM error
- Tell Supervisor: “There’s a MISM for N1234 coming out of (sector)”
True or False. Does MISM error count as an equipment failure for WEPT?
Natchez Shelf POE LO will call in an request block at Natchez, at or below (altitude)
- Reply: “Natchez shelf approved as requested”
- Start Track to have block appear on Radar Scope
- [TRK] //HEZ360020_AOB(Altitude)
- Tell R-Side: “I released Natchez shelf at or below (altitude)”
POE LO calls to cancel the Natchez Shelf, input the following code & tell R-Side:
Tell R-Side: “Natchez shelf is canceled”
Next Sector Request
- Sector calls and gives request, respond: “N1234, Wilco”
- Check for coordination with other sectors BEFORE telling R-Side
- Tell R-Side: “Next sector request, N1234, (request)”
Request A/C at a Different Altitude
Call Sector: “Request, N1234 at (altitude)”
Request Control of A/C in Another Sector
- Call Sector: “Request Control, N1234 for…”
- “…turns direct (fix)”
- “…climb/descent to (altitude)”
- Tell R-Side: “N1234 is your control for…”
- “…turns direct (fix)”
- “…climb/descent to (altitude)”
Route Aircraft into the Gate
- Tell R-Side: “N1234 needs to go through the Gate”
- R-Side will give routing and after pilot acknowledges, update in ERAM
- [RTE] (Gate Fix)(Airport)(CID)
- Gate Fixes include: HEDUD, BOOSI, ROMAR, MLU089031
- Check altitude and that it complies with LOA
- If below, tell R-Side: “N1234 needs to climb to (altitude) for the LOA”
TMU Reroute
- TMU strip prints out, note airport, stuff and post strip in SIA bay
- Tell R-Side: “(Airport) has a TMU re-route in place, I will notify you of any aircraft that need the TMU reroute”
- Find any A/C in ACL with said airport and put in SPA and highlight
- Once A/C on frequency, if reroute results an immediate route change
- Tell R-Side: “N1234 needs the TMU re-route” - Update route in Flight Plan Template after pilot acknowledges
- P.A.L.M
NORDO arrival/overflight phraseology to inform R-Side & Supervisor (after PVD)
“(Position), N1234 is NORDO”
NORDO arrival landing KGWO with Track control, call Greenwood Tower:
“Information, (position from airport with mileage), N1234 is NORDO”
NORDO arrival landing KJAN A/C radios are back
Wait until Hand Off status
- Open Coordination Box
- Call JAN APCH: “N1234 has radios back, APREQ direct Magnolia VORTAC, descending to 110, no speed restriction”
- Tell R-Side: “N1234 direct Magnolia VORTAC, descending to 110, no speed restriction approved”
Input the following command(s), then tell supervisor for a NORDO Arrival
[AM] (CID) 11 ◯ OR [AM] (CID) RMK ◯
Tell Supervisor: “N1234, has radios back”