Rad10B Chap 2 Flashcards
when foreign objects are swallowed/aspirated into air passage; PA/LAT upper airway
disease in which collapse of all/portion of lung; PA/LAT (PA insp. & exp)
irreversible dilation /widening of bronchi/bronchioles; PA/LAT with bronchogram/CT
an acute (ST) or chronic (LT) irritation of bronchi; PA/LAT
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
most common form of emphysema; PA/LAT
Cystic Fibrosis
most common INHERITED disease, in which secretions of heavy mucus cause progressive ‘clogging’ of bronchi & bronchioles; PA/LAT
condition of shortness of breath; PA/LAT
irreversible & chromic lung disease in which spaces in alveoli become greatly enlarged as a result of alveolar wall destruction; PA/LAT
common in ages 2-5, develops rapidly; PA/LAT
Lung Neoplasm
refers to new growth/tumor; may be Benign or MalignantN
Benign (Hamartoma)
noncancerous; pulmonary mass and generally found in peripheral regions of lungs; PA/LAT
cancerous; starts in bronchi (bronchigenic); PA/LAT/CT
Occupational Lung Disease
forms of pneumoconiosis; arises from occupational exposures, such mine work, sandblasting, and similar positions; 3 types are silicosis, asbestosis, and anthracosis
aka black lung pneumoconiosis, caused by coal dust;
caused by inhalation of asbestos dust (fibers), in which result in pulmonary fibrosis, especially in smokers
permanent condition of lungs that’s caused by inhalation of silica (quartz), twice likely to get TB than others w/o
Pleural Effusion
(outdated term is hydrothorax); condition of abnormal accumulation of fluid in pleural cavity; LAT/DECUBITUS w AFFECTED SIDE DOWN, erect positioning
occurs when the fluid is PUS; type of pleural effusion
occurs when the fluid is BLOD; type of pleural effusion
characterized by inflammation (caused by virus/bacterium) of pleura; PA/LAT
inflammation of lungs that result in accumulation of fluid w/in certain sections of lungs; 4 types; PA/LAT
Aspiration pnuemonia
type of pneumonia; foreign object/food into lungs which irritates the bronchi resulting in edema
bronchitis in both lungs, caused by staph/strep bacteria
Lobar pneumonia
generally confined to one/two lobes of lungs
Viral (interstitial) pneumonia
inflammation of alveoli and connecting lung structures
accumulation of air in pleural cavity; erect PA/LAT or LAT DECU w AFFECTED SIDE UP
Pulmonary Edema
condition most frequently associated with congestive heart failure; PA/LAT or Horizontal beam (DECUB.)
Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)
commonly called hyaline membrane disease (HMD) & adult RDS (ARDS); emergent condition in which alveoli and capillaries of lung are injured/infected, resulting in leakage of fluid + blood into spaces between alveoli; PA/LAT erect
contagious disease (potentially fatal) that’s caused by airborne bacteria
Primary TB
TB occurs in person for the first time; Hilar enlargement + along with enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes (important indicator of primary tb); PA/LAT
Reactivation TB
secondary; develops in adults, upward retraction of hila is frequently evident; AP LORDOTIC/PA/LAT
Bony Thorax
protective framework; consists of sternum, clavicles, scapulae, 12 ribs and 12 Thoracic vertebra
Purpose of respiratory system
gas exchange between air & blood
4 divisions of respiratory system
pharynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs
serves as a passageway for food/fluids as well as air
connects bronchi and larynx
primary muscle for inspiration; inferior to the lungs
Important landmarks
Vertebra Prominens (C7) & Jugular Notch (level of of T7)
“voicebox”; upper margin is at lvl of C3 & lower margin is at lvl of C6;
Laryngeal prominence
level of C5; aka Adam’s apple
thyroid gland
store certain hormones & releases them slowly to aid regulation of body metabolism
parathyroid gland
attached to each thyroid lobe (total of 4); stores & secretes certain hormones that aid specific blood functions
thymus gland
inferior to thyroid & anterior + supeior to heart
trachea bifurcates at the craina to form R & L bronchi
what makes the right bronchi unique?
it’s wider & shorter, and more vertical; prone to have particles descending the trachea; 3 lobes
4 important structures located in mediastinum
Heart (it’s great vessels), trachea, esophagus, and thymus gland