RAD THERA - PRELIM L1 & L2 Flashcards
A wild, disorganized, unrestrained multiplication of rogue cells leading to abnormal growth in a tissue or organ of the body
Other terms for cancer (2)
- Virulent
- Malignant Cell Growth
Which type of cancer has the highest rate of incidence in males in 2014 ?
Prostate Cancer
Cancer can manifest itself as a localized tumor only
Which type of cancer has the highest rate of incidence in females in 2014 ?
Breast Cancer
Roentgen received the Nobel Prize in Physics in ________, making him the first person to win such award
Roentgen worked with cathode rays with a bottle of ________
Barium Platinocyanide
Which type of cancer has the highest rate of deaths in females in 2014 ?
Lung Cancer
Which type of cancer has the highest rate of deaths in males in 2014 ?
Lung Cancer
Complete the following:
______ and ____ are ised for the control of localized tumors while ______ is reserved for disseminated, widespread disease.
- Radiation Therapy and Surgery (Localized)
- Chemotherapy (Widespread)
X-rays could penetrate various substances but were stopped by _____
Lead (Pb)
He is a German physicist who discovered x-rays
Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
Becquerel discovered Radium alongside _______ and _______
- Marie Curie
- Pierre Curie
He discovered Uranium and was coined as the father of radioactivity
Henri Antoine Becquerel
Where and when did Becquerel discover radioactivity ?
- Paris
- February 26, 1896
The insertion of radium directly into the body at tumor sites which causes a more lethal effect on malignant cells is the advent of which imaging treatment/ modality ?
Who is the first cancer (breast cancer) patient who was irradiated daily for several weeks
Rose Lee
A Swedish pioneer of radiology credited with being the first to cure a patient with skin cancer using x-rays in 1899
Thor Stenbeck
A medical student in Chicago, USA who manufactured hot cathode tubes to irradiate the first cancer patient
Emil Grubbe
The 1940s moved the field from Supervoltage (kV) to __________ units of several million volts
Megavoltage (MV)
Who invented the hot cathode x-ray tube
William Coolidge
The ______ brought radiotherapy into its own science
Isolated low intensity electrons for irradiation of superficial tissues demonstrating little damage to deeper structure
Van de Graaff
In 1953 the first linear accelerator was used for patient treatment functioning in the energy range of _____
8 MV
Who is responsible for the treatment of Nevus with X-ray
Leopold Freund
He invented Fluoroscopy
Thomas Alva Edison
Who discovered Alpha and Beta Rays from Uranium ?
Ernest Rutherford
He discovered Gamma Rays from Uranium
Paul Villard
He discovered and announced the finding of electron on April 30, 1897
Joseph John Thomson
He is credited with the cure of cervical cancer with radium sources
Robert Abbe
Who are credited for the use of Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer ?
- Claudius Regaud
- Antoine Lacassagne
Who are the proponents of the Geiger-Muller counter ?
- Hans Geiger
- Walther Muller
He is credited with the treatment of Cutaenous Lupus with Radium
Henri Danlos
Who formulated the 1st Law of Cell Radiosensitivity ?
Jean Bergonie and Louis Tribondeau
Who are the proponents of the STOCKHOLM System of Brachytherapy Dosimetry ?
- Rolf Sievert
- J. Heyman
Who is the proponent of Dose Fractionation ?
Claudius Regaud
Originator of particle accelerator concepts including RF Linear Accelerator and Betatron Accelerator
Rolf Wideroe
He cured Laryngeal Cancer with Fractionated Radiotherapy
Henri Coutard
He invented the Cyclotron
Ernest Orlando Lawrence
Proponents of the QUIMBY System of Dosimetry
- Edith Quimby
- G. Failla
Who discovered Neutrons ?
James Chadwick
A particle accelerator capable of producing 13 million volts or 13 Mega volts
Van de Graaff Generator
They discovered oxygen effect in radiotherapy
- H. Crabtree
- W. Cramer
MANCHESTER System of Dosimetry for Interstitial Brachytherapy
- R. Patterson
- H. Parker
Discovered and produced Artificial Radioactivity by bombarding
aluminum ( AI ) with alpha particles.
- Frederick Joliot
- Irene Curie Joliot
Who are credited for the discovery of Technetium-99m ?
- Emilio Segre
- Carlo Perrier
He developed the Betatron to accelerate electrons
Max Steenbeck
First to use NEUTRON beam from Cyclotron for Cancer treatment.
- R. Stone
- Ernest O. Lawrence
The __________ accepted _______ as an international dosage unit for x-rays and gamma radiation ?
- 5th International Congress of Radiology
Constructed BETATRON, electron accelerator ( 20 MeV - 300 MeV )
Donald Kerst
Used Radioiodine ( Iodine 131) for Thyroid cancer
Saul Hertz
Proposed an application of ions of Radiotherapy
Robert Wilson
Developed MICROTRON, an electron accelerator
Vladimir Veksler
FLETCHER System of Gynecologic Brachytherapy
Gilbert Fletcher
Built the 1st Cobalt 60 Telegraphy unit
BONUS QUESTION: Where was the above-mentioned installed ?
- Harold E. Johns
BONUS Q: Saskatoon, Ontario, Canada
Invented Gamma Knife Radiosurgery
Lars Lekssel
Who installed the 1st Electron Linear Accelerator designed for radiotherapy
Metropolitan-Vickers (Fry, Ginzton, Chodorow)
1st treatment with Boron Neutron Capture Therapy
W.H. Sweet
Where was the 1st Electron Linear Accelerator designed for radiotherapy installed ?
Hammersmith Hospital in London, England
The _______ adopted the ______ as a unit of absorbed dose of any Ionizing Radiation
- 7th International Congress of Radiology
Linear Quadrantic parameters from fractionation experiment
- J. Fowler
- B. Douglas
Who invented the Medical Linear Accelerator ?
- Henry S. Kaplan
- Edward Ginzton
1st Patient treated with PROTON therapy
- E. Lawrence
- R. Wilson
Used of Cesium 137 for Teletherapy unit
- F. Comas
- M. Brucer
Oscillating source system for brachytherapy
U. Henschke
Who developed and applied computational methods to implant dosimetry ?
- R. Nelson
- M. Merck
Used Cobalt 60 source for high dose rate brachytherapy
Mark Wakabayashi
Developed Multi-leaf collimator ( MLC )
Shinji Takahashi
Invented X-ray Computed Tomography and 1st CT Scanner
Godfrey Hounsfield
PARIS System of brachytherapy dosimetry
B. Pierquin
Invented Positron Emission Tomography ( PET ) Scan
Edward J. Hoffman
Standardization of the clinical use if electron beam
N. Duv Tapley
Used fast Neutron Therapy.
- M. Catterall
- D. Bewley
Completed hospital-bases PROTON facility
Lorma Linda University
1st Commercial Magnetic Resonance Imaging ( MRI ) device
P. Bottomley
Formulated inverse planning
- A. Brahme
- A. Cormack
Invented Helical Tomotherapy
T.R Mackie
Proponent of Robotic Radiotherapy
J.R Adler
Radiotherapy Facility using CARBON ION beam.
N.I.R.S - Chiba, Japan
Multi-leaf Collimator adapted for IMRT
L. Brewster
Image Guided Radiotherapy ( IMRT ) was developed by ______
This radiation is thousand of times more powerful than the radiation used in taking a diagnostic x-ray
Ionizing Radiation
A clinical specialty dealing with the use of ionizing radiation in the treatment of patients with malignant neoplasia
Radiation Therapy
Marketing of Cobalt 60 microsouce system for HDR Brachytherapy
Eckert and Ziegler Bebig
GEC-ESTRO recommendations for image based for cervical brachytherapy
- C. Hale-Meder
- R. Potter
Proponent of Targeted Therapy and radiotherapy
J.A Bonner et.al
Proponent of MRI-LINAC
J. Dempsey
Objective / Aim of Radiotherapy is to _______
Deliver a Precisely Measured Dose of Radiation
Standard practice is to deliver small doses of radiation over a period of _____ to ____ weeks, called as _______
- 4 to 8 Weeks
- Fractionation
Provision of radiation with the intent to cure
Curative Treatment
Provision of radiation with the intention to reduce or relive pain in cases where prognosis is terminal
Palliative Treatment
A clinical
and scientific endeavor devoted to the management
of patients with cancer and other neoplasm by ionizing radiation alone or combined with other modalities and to the investigation of application of
radiation therapy and the training of personnel in
the field.
Radiation Oncology
Involves the removal of the tumor plus some surrounding normal tissues.
Uses photons, electrons and other sources of radiation, to deliver
radiation treatment and destroy cancer cells
Radiation Therapy
Is the use of drugs, taken by mouth or injected into
a patient’s vein. These drugs travel throughout the body working to
destroy cancer cells.
Low voltage x-rays, are used to treat benign skin or superficial soft tissue disorders.
Electron Therapy
It is primarily
used to fully eradicate the patient’s diseased bone marrow prior to transplantation.
Bone Marrow Transplantation
Administration of Radiotherapy may be through (2):
- External Beam Radiation Therapy
- Brachytherapy
Can be performed on benign venous
malformation (AVM) in the brain that are
surgically unresectable
Stereotactic Radiosurgery
A radiation beam comes from an outside source
directed towards the tumor sites. Machines used are either Cobalt 60
(Co60) or a Linear
Accelerator (LINAC).
External Beam Radiation Therapy
Involves the application of radioactive source directly to the tumor site
Radioactive sources for brachytherapy include (4):
- Cobalt-60
- Iridium-192
- Cesium-137
- Gold-198
Brachytherapy may be applied via (4):
- Intracavitary
- Interstitial
- Intraluminal
- Contact or Surface Application
The Effects of Radiotherapy include (4):
- Decrease in the Size of the Mass
- Decrease the Intensity of Pain
- Render Sterility to Tumor Bed
- Controls Bleeding
An initial multi-disciplinary evaluation is performed
which includes assessing the pathologic and clinical stage of disease, diagnostic tests, history and physical examination of the patient.
Clinical Evaluation and Consultation
Based on evaluation and consultation, treatment modality and treatment goals are selected
Therapeutic Decision
Immobilization devices are designed, field center and borders are aligned by fluoroscopy/ lap lasers, treatment fields are documented by diagnostic quality radiographs/ CT images
Tumor extent and potential areas of spread are defined, sensitive organs and tissues are identified
CT Planning / Target Volume Localization
Treatment technique is planned with the aid of dosimetry calculations and treatment planning devices. The use of CT images is a part of this process
Treatment Planning
Actual delivery of radiation treatment either by external beam or brachytherapy
Patients are evaluated during and after treatment to assess the response and tolerance to treatment
Evaluation and Follow-up
Workflow in Radiotherapy (7):
- Clinical Evaluation and Consultation
- Therapeutic Decision
- Simulation
- CT Planning / Target Volume Localization
- Treatment Planning
- Treatment
- Evaluation and Follow-up
The doctor who oversees the radiation therapy
Radiation Oncologist
Ensures that complex treatment plans are properly
tailored for each patient
Medical Radiation Physicist
Works with the radiation oncologist and medical physicist to calculate the proper dose of radiation given to the tumor
Administers the daily radiation under the doctor’s
prescription and supervision.
Radiation Therapist
Cares for the patient and family by providing education,
emotional support and tips for managing side effects.
Radiation Oncology Nurse
Responsible for the accurate delivery of radiation dosage according to the prescription of radiation oncologist and based on the technique developed by the
medical physicist.
Radiation Therapy Technologist
Scientific and technical experts who are responsible for
the acceptance, commissioning, calibration, maintenance and on-going QA of all radiotherapy
Medical Physicist
Checks the attendance and proper referrals of cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy
Oncology Nurse
Instructs patient’s therapeutic diet and necessary
nutritional s in holistic approach
Nutritionist - Dietitian (ND)
Cleans instruments, treatment and examination rooms
Nurse Attendant
Answers patient’s queries regarding charges such as
hospital and professional fees.