Racial Persecution Flashcards
What happened in 1934?
Anti-Jewish propaganda increased
What happened in 1933?
Official 1 day boycott of Jewish shops
What happened in 1935?
Nuremberg Laws
What were the Nuremberg laws?
1 - Law For The Protection Of German Blood and Honour
2 - the Reich Citizenship Law made Jews subjects rather than citizens - lost legal rights
What did the Law For The Protection of German Blood and Honour ban?
Banned marriages between Jews and Aryans
What did the Reich Citizenship Law mean the Jews lost?
They lost legal rights
What happened in 1936?
Olympic Games
What did Hitler do in 1936 for the Olympic Games?
Anti-Jewish slogans removed from shops and streets
What happened in 1937?
Hitler spoke out against the Jews?
What 2 things happened in 1938?
Doctors, Dentists and Lawyers forbidden to treat Aryans
Kristallnacht - Night Of Broken Glass
What is Kristallnacht?
Consequence of the murder of a German embassy official by a Jewish boy in Paris.
As well as most of the synagogues, how many shops and homes were destroyed?
How many Jews were killed? How many were arrested?
100 Jews killed and 20,000 arrested
What was the fine for the damage caused?
1 billion Reichsmark
What happened in 1939?
Jews were encouraged to emigrate.
How many Jewish men and boys were sent to concentration camps in 1939?
How were the Jews treated after the Kristallnacht?
They only had the worst jobs - only allowed to go to Jewish schools, it was encouraged to treat Jews badly
Apart from Jews, name 3 other undesirable groups.
Gypsies, tramps/ beggars, people with physical disabilities/ mental conditions
Why were gypsies undesirable?
They did not have regular jobs and moved around a lot - they were not contributing to the economy.
What happened to tramps and beggars?
Arrested and put to forced labour
Why were people with disabilities seen as undesirable?
Seen as a threat to Aryan superiority if allowed to have children.
What law was put in place to stop people with disabilities from having children?
Compulsory sterilisation
By 1937, how many sterilisations had taken place? What later began to happen?
By 1937, 200,000 forced sterilisations.
After, euthanasia, or mercy killing through lethal injections
What did racial persecution lead to for the economy and employment?
Economic problems ended. Honour and pride restored. Optimism and self confidence.
What did racial persecution lead to in terms of living conditions?
Lived under a police state where their lives were controlled, education, work, leisure time, religion
What did racial persecution lead to on terms of honesty?
Difficult to judge what people thought because there was little open opposition as this was destroyed. SS and Gestapo terrified people, censorship and propaganda meant that people did not have the information to make reliable judgements.
Name 3 people / things who benefit from racial persecution.
1- those who had been unemployed benefited because Nazi rule created jobs.
2- People who fit the Aryan race
3- German honour and pride - people felt part of a strong country
Who/ what did not benefit from racial persecution?
1- peoples lives were controlled in every way - work, religion, leisure time
2- Jews and those who did not fit into the Aryan race