race/ethnicity + sex/gender Flashcards
The process by which a minority group takes on the characteristics of the dominant group in place of their own particular group identities.
color-blind racism
The denial that individuals are thought about or treated differently based on their race and the assumption that everyone has equal opportunities.
The dispersal, typically involuntarily, of a racial or ethnic population from its traditional homeland over a wide geographic area.
The unfavorable treatment of Black Americans and other minorities, either formally or informally, simply because of their race or some other such characteristic (actions)
ethnic cleansing
The establishment by the dominant group of policies that allow or require the forcible removal of people of another ethnic group.
A sense, shared by members of a group, of belonging to and identifying with a given ethnic group : groups sharing some cultural characteristics
A movement that became popular in the early twentieth century and that argued that the human population could be genetically improved through scientific manipulation.
Removal of a minority group from a territory, either by forcible ejection through military and other government action or by “voluntary” emigration due to the majority’s harassment, discrimination, and persecution
An active, systematic attempt to eliminate an entire group of people.
institutional racism
Race-based discrimination that results from the day-to-day operation of social institutions and social structures and their rules, policies, and practices
members of any given minority (or majority) group are affected by the nature of their position in other systems or other forms of social inequality. It implies that in order to more fully understand the social experience of an individual we need to account for the multiplicity of their identities.
(M)ajority v. (m)inority group
M: A group in a dominant position along the dimensions of wealth, power, and prestige.
m: A group in a inferior position along the dimensions of wealth, power, and prestige.
A set of ideas and texts produced in the West that served as the basis for dominating, controlling, and exploiting the Orient (the East) and its many minority groups.
outsider within
A person who has formal membership in a majority group without being given the full informal rights of other members.
A political system in which there is a balance of power among many competing interests, none of which has complete control.
race + racism
race: A social definition based on some real or presumed physical/biological trait of a person (skin color or hair texture) + a shared lineage.
racism: The act of defining a group as a race and attributing negative characteristics to that group.
white racial frame
An array of racist ideas, racial stereotypes, racialized stories/tales, racist images, powerful racial emotions, and various inclinations to discriminate against minority races, especially Black people.
gender (agender)
A: An individual who may not identify with any particular gender.
consensual sexual activities
Sexual activities agreed upon by the participants, any of whom have the right to decide to stop at any point and for any reason.
emphasized femininity
A set of socially constructed ideas about “model womanhood” organized around accommodating the interests of men and the patriarchy.
female proletarianization
The channeling of an increasing number of women into low-status, poorly paid manual work.
feminization of labor
The rise of female labor participation in all sectors and the movement of women into jobs traditionally held by men.
gender identity v. role
I: A person’s internal sense of gender.
R: social presentation of gender, which includes clothing, hairstyle, and attitudinal and behavioral traits.
A broad umbrella term that encompasses a range of gendered identities, feelings, and self-determined labels.
heterosexism v. homophobia
Herterosexism: The belief that heterosexuality is superior to other sexual orientations; individual and institutional discrimination against those with other orientations
Homophobia: The fear of being, appearing, or seeming gay; fear of anyone or “anything” gay
hegemonic masculinity
The dominant form or most idealized vision of masculinity; taken for granted as natural and linked to the patriarchy.
A general term used for a variety of medical conditions in which a person is born with reproductive or sexual anatomy that does not seem to fit the typical definitions of male or female.
master status
A position that is more important than any others, both for the person in the position and for all others involved.
sex trafficking
A commercial sex act that includes force, fraud, or coercion and transporting and obtaining a person for sex acts.
rape + rape culture
R: Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration with a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.
culture: An environment conducive to sexual assaults and rape.
second shift
the household chores, such as cleaning, cooking, or child care, required of working people (usually women) in addition to their paid employment
sex tourism
Activity that occurs when individuals travel to other countries for the purpose of buying sex from men, women, and children in those locations; sex is the primary or sole purpose of these trips.
sexual identity
An internal sense of one’s sexual self.
sexual double standard
A cultural belief system in which men are expected to desire and seek sex from whomever, whenever they wish, while women are expected to be sexual only within committed, romantic relationships.
sexual orientation
Involves whom one desires (fantasies), with whom one wants to have sexual relations (behavior), and with whom one has a sense of connectedness (feelings).
The ways in which people think about, and behave toward, themselves and others as sexual beings.
An umbrella term for people whose gender identity and/or gender presentation differs from the gender assigned at birth or in infancy.