race/ethnicity + sex/gender Flashcards
The process by which a minority group takes on the characteristics of the dominant group in place of their own particular group identities.
color-blind racism
The denial that individuals are thought about or treated differently based on their race and the assumption that everyone has equal opportunities.
The dispersal, typically involuntarily, of a racial or ethnic population from its traditional homeland over a wide geographic area.
The unfavorable treatment of Black Americans and other minorities, either formally or informally, simply because of their race or some other such characteristic (actions)
ethnic cleansing
The establishment by the dominant group of policies that allow or require the forcible removal of people of another ethnic group.
A sense, shared by members of a group, of belonging to and identifying with a given ethnic group : groups sharing some cultural characteristics
A movement that became popular in the early twentieth century and that argued that the human population could be genetically improved through scientific manipulation.
Removal of a minority group from a territory, either by forcible ejection through military and other government action or by “voluntary” emigration due to the majority’s harassment, discrimination, and persecution
An active, systematic attempt to eliminate an entire group of people.
institutional racism
Race-based discrimination that results from the day-to-day operation of social institutions and social structures and their rules, policies, and practices
members of any given minority (or majority) group are affected by the nature of their position in other systems or other forms of social inequality. It implies that in order to more fully understand the social experience of an individual we need to account for the multiplicity of their identities.
(M)ajority v. (m)inority group
M: A group in a dominant position along the dimensions of wealth, power, and prestige.
m: A group in a inferior position along the dimensions of wealth, power, and prestige.
A set of ideas and texts produced in the West that served as the basis for dominating, controlling, and exploiting the Orient (the East) and its many minority groups.
outsider within
A person who has formal membership in a majority group without being given the full informal rights of other members.
A political system in which there is a balance of power among many competing interests, none of which has complete control.