Race - Concept, Classification Flashcards
Classical Definition of Race by, Vidal De La Blache
According to Vidal De La Blache,
" A race is a great division of mankind, the members of which may vary individually but are charecterized by certain body charecteristic, which are inherited from nature and transmitted from generation to generation ".
Why is Race a biological concept
Race is a biological concept because it’s charecteristics cannot be changed by concious wishes of the mankind.
Why there is no pure race ?
Because of continous intermixing and migration
Classification of Human Race’s (from Sanskrit txts till Bradley)
The very first attempt to classifiey the human’s on the basic of physical charecteristics are found in Sanskrit texts followed by Chineese and Egyption. Bernier’s attempt to classify humans can be considered as the first attempt to classify humans in four groups. Bradley made another attempt by systemizing the racial types.
Kroebier’s classification
A.L. Kroebier has classified the races of mankind into 4 major groups :
1] Cacasoid
2] Mangoloid
3] Negroids
4] Doutfull Classification
4]a) Australoid
b) Veddoid
c) Ainu of Japan
d) Polynesian
Kroebier’s classification criteria :
1} The external charecteristics obtained by direct observation
2} Internal Charecteristics obtained by various processes.
External Charecteristics :
Skin Colour - According to G Taylor, it the most obvious classification, but least satisfactory
Cacasoid - White
Mongoloid - Yellow
Negroid - Black
Hair and Texture -
Straight : Mongoloid
Wavy : Cacasoid
Wooly : Negroid
Colour and Shape of the eye’s
Eye-Orbital ratio is the ratio of the breath and length of the eye
- 80 for Negroid
- 85 for Cacasoid
- 85-95- Mangoloid
Stature :
Most discrenible trait of the human body.
Structurial Charecteristics
1] Cephalic Index
Shape of the head
2] Blood Group
3] Cranial Capacity