Race And Ethnicity Flashcards
A socially constructed category of people who share biologically transmitted traits considered important by society
Race categories
Were invented in the 19th century (caucasoid, negroid, monogloid).
Critiques: there are no biologically pure people; there is wide variation within groups; differences between categories differ by 6%
Trend towards mixture
Increased throughout generations, intermarriage became more common and more people identify as multiracial
A shared cultural heritage; based on common ancestry; can change because it can be discarded or changed with a partner’s different identity. It is subjective, an internalized identity may persist.
Category of people distinguished by physical/ cultural differences that society sets apart as subordinates. Traits include an identity that is impossible to change and subordination (low income, less prestige)
A rigid generalization about an entire category of people. Prejudgements can range from mild aversion to outright hostility. It is about attitudes and beliefs.
The belief that one’s racial category is innately inferior/superior to another. It is about attitudes and beliefs. It pervades history and justified subjugation and colonialism. It is elusive and pervasive in society.
How does racism persist in Canada?
Overt racism subsided due to increased approval of interracial and interfaith marriage as well as awareness of discrimination. It persists in less open forms. There is research documenting injury, humiliation and inequality.
Scapegoat Theory
Prejudice springs from frustration among people who are disadvantaged. Hostility is directed towards minorities because they are safer targets and brings feelings of comfort and superiority.
A person or category of people, typically of little power, whom people unfairly blame for their own troubles.
Authoritarian personality
Adorno considered extreme prejudice to be a personality trait of individuals. These people rigidly conform to conventional cultural values, see moral issues as clear-cut right and wrong, view society as competitive with a hierarchy with better people who dominate others.
Culture Theory
Prejudice is embedded in culture. It is still part of Canadian culture. When there is social distance from other groups, they exhibit more prejudice.
Social distance
How close/distant people feel toward other groups.
Conflict theory
Prejudice is a product of social conflict. Powerful people use their power to justify their oppression of minorities. In rare consciousness, minorities argue that they are victims and dominant groups are victimizers. Due to historic disadvantage, minorities claim they want special consideration regarding their race.
Unequal treatment of various categories of people. It is about action.
Institutional prejudice and discrimination
Bias built into the operation of society including schools, hospitals, police and workplace.
Cycle of prejudice and discrimination
Prejudice and discrimination reinforce each other. Prejudice produces social inferiority which produces evidence that minorities don’t measure up, which continues prejudice and discrimination.
A state in which racial and ethnic minorities are distinct but have social parity. The categories share resources more or less equally.
Institutional completeness
Complexity of community organizations that meet needs of members. Members can live, shop, pray and work in the boundaries of their culture. In-group contact is increased and our group contact is minimized.
Process by which minorities gradually adopt the patterns of dominant culture and become similar to the dominant group.
Biological reproduction by partners of a different race.
Physical and social separation of categories of people mostly with majorities segregating minorities. In Canada, blacks were given different land rights than other immigrants. Aboriginals lived in reserves for status Indians often in remote areas, children were sent to residential schools and faced barriers to integration.
Systematic killing of one category of people by another.
Genocide in history
In North America, Europeans killed First Nations. During the 20th century, East Europeans were killed under the Ottoman Empire, 6 million Jews along with Romas, gays and disabled people died in the holocaust, Stalin killed 28 million real and imagined enemies, capitalists were killed in the Pol Pot regime, Serbians and Albanians were killed in the break up of Yugoslavia, Tutsis were killed at the hands of Hutus in Rwanda.