Rabbits and Ferrets Flashcards
Steps to sex a rabbit.
- Part fur above genitals to see them more clearly.
- Apply gentle pressure and the penis emerges if a male rabbit, and slit-like opening on the vulva if a female rabbit.
- The anus sits at the lowest point below the genitals and is separate from them in males and the vagina and anus are immediately next to each other in females.
Describe Dutch rabbit.
Medium sized rabbit with prominent black and white or brown and white banding.
Describe English Spot rabbit.
Genetic predisposition to what condition?
Medium/large rabbit with dark pointes around nose, ears and around the eyes, and dark stripe down top of back from head to tail.
Predisposed to megacolon.
Describe Dwarf lop rabbit.
What diseases are they predisposed to?
Small/medium sized rabbit with lop ears and brachycephalic features.
Predisposed to dental and ear disease due to conformation.
Describe English lop rabbit.
What condition are they predisposed to and why?
Large rabbit with large lopped ears.
Predisposed to ‘diamond eye’ where the skin of the lower lid folds downwards and exposes the eye more than it otherwise would be. This is due to loose facial skin.
Describe Belgian hare.
Large breed rabbit with long limbs and upright ears.
Describe Lionhead rabbit.
What issues are they predisposed to and what is the likely reason for this?
Small/medium breed rabbit with long, fine fur around face and neck with brachycephalic features underneath.
Predisposed to GI issues, like due to ingestion of hair during grooming.
Describe Angora rabbit.
medium rabbit with long, fine fur over most of body surface.
Require a lot of coat maintenance or regular clipping of fur to avoid matting.
Describe Netherland dwarf rabbit.
Predisposed to what issues?
Small rabbit with brachycephalic features and short upright ears.
Dental issues due to brachycephaly.
Describe Flemish Giant rabbit.
Weight range?
Prone to what issues and why?
Large rabbit with large upright ears.
Spinal pathologies because of long backs.
Describe Rex rabbit.
Predisposed to what issue and why?
Medium rabbit with short plush fur.
Predisposed to pododermatitis lesions due to very fine fur on plantar aspect of hindlimbs.
Describe New Zealand White rabbit.
What establishment type most often use them?
Large breed rabbit with white fur.
What type of diet are rabbits designed for?
What do wild rabbits predominantly eat?
What were rabbits historically reared for?
–What diet were they fed as a result?
What does an inappropriate diet lead to?
An overproduction of what can be seen if the diet is too high in sugar?
Low nutrient and high fibre.
Grasses and wild herbs.
Historically reared for meat.
Higher protein diet for rapid growth.
Lead to poor dental and gastrointestinal health.
Overproduction of caecotrophs.
Why is crown replacement so important in the rabbit?
To replace tooth surface that is worn down by the fibrous diet, so the rabbit can continue to eat and not die of starvation.
What is the typical lifespan of rabbits?
At what age are farmed rabbits slaughtered?
5-10 years.
Slaughter at 8-12 weeks.
What percentages of each food tyoe are aimed for for a good rabbit diet?
85% long fibre – good hay and fresh grass.
10% greens, plants, herbs.
5% complete pellets as a supplement.
What method of water provision is more likely to encourage a rabbit to drink the amount of water they should?
Bowl rather than a bottle.
What is the most stable pairing for housed rabbits?
Neutered buck and neutered doe.
What is the issue with male/male pairing?
What is the issue with female/female pairings?
Likely to break down as they reach maturity, resulting in significant injury due to fighting.
Can be unstable during the breeding season due to hormonal surges.
Should rabbits and guinea pigs be housed together?
What disease risk is associated with housing rabbits and guinea pigs together?
No – they are different species with different origins, different dietary requirements and behaviours.
Rabbits often carry bacteria Bordetella asymptomatically but can pass on to guinea pigs and cause significant respiratory disease.
What is the guideline of minimum space that should be provided for a rabbit housed outdoors?
What should be provided for rabbits in an outdoor enclosure?
3mx2mx1m single enclosed area.
Multiple enclosed hides, shelter from direct sunlight and draughts, access to grass and space to exercise.
What is the guideline of minimum space to be provided to a rabbit housed indoors?
What considerations must be made for an indoor rabbit?
3mx2mx1m single enclosed area.
Ensure wires are rabbit-proofed, ensure plants are non-toxic to rabbits and consider training rabbit to use litter trays and cat flaps.
At what temperature will a rabbit develop heat stroke?
What is the ideal ambient temperature fir a rabbit?
Why don’t rabbits tolerate higher temperatures well?
Above 27 degrees C.
Ideal is ~20C.
Only have sweat glands on lips and pant very ineffectively.
How often will an unneutered female rabbit come into season?
What is a common behaviour for unneutered rabbits?
What does crepuscular mean?
Every 2-3 weeks.
Territorial marking.
Crepuscular = active at dusk and dawn.