RABBINICS Flashcards
what does mishna mean
what language is Germera written in
what language is mishna written in
amorim means?
zuggot means?
Nasi means?
av bet din means?
head of the court of law
tannaim means?
sahnhedrin means?
the jewish supreme court
what was amorims job
to explain the mishnot
order of the oral torah being passed down
Moshe →Yehoshua → Elders(Zekainim),→ Prophets (Neviim), → Men of the Great Assembly(MoGA- Anshei Knesset HaGedolah).→ zuggot → Tanaim →Amoraim
What is the difference between a Mishna and a Beraita?
However the Beraitas are the teachings that Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi did not include in the mishna and remained on the outside.
(They did not make the cut)
what is the talmud
the germera and the mishna put together in one book
How long was moses on the mountain for
40 days and 40 nights thats when he received the oral torah
name of the 2 torahs
written torah and oral torah
what is the purpose of the oral torah?
to explain the written
what was said when the torah was being passed on
They said three things: Be deliberate in judgment, and establish many students, and make a fence for the Torah.