RA drugs: Fitz Flashcards
what are the disease modifying anti Rheumatic Drugs (DMARDS)
- methotrexate: inhibit dihydrofolate reductase
- Hydroxychloroquine
- Sulfasalazine
- Leflunamide: inhibits dihydroorotate dehydrogenase
what is the frontline DMARD of choice for mild to moderate RA
low dose methotrexate
time to reach steady state for methotrexate
- needs to become polyglutamated
- takes 25-30 weeks
What does polyglutamated methotrexate inhibit in cells?
- DHFR: Disrupts purine and pyrimidine synthesis. anti proliferative and immunosuppressive
- and AICAR TFase
what does inhibiting AICAR TFase do?
builds up adenosine which can be anti inflammatory
how do you increase bioavailability of MTX
give same dose parenterally instead of orally
Toxicities of MTX
- Hepatotoxicity: do liver function tests
- Pulmonary damage: hypersensitivity
- Myelosuppression: more common with high dose therapy for cancer but do occur sometimes with low dose
what should all pts taking MTX also take
- folic acid 1 mg daily
- or weekly folinic acid (leucovorin) to prevent hematologic side effects
what happens with withdrawal of MTX
flare of RA within 3-6 weeks
Describe the mechanism and use of glucocorticoids in RA
- repress transcription of genes encoding inflammatory cytokines (TNFa, IL-1) and COX-2 (REPRESS NFkB transcription factor
- pulseglucocorticoid therapy in RA is limited to: 1: treatment of acute flares. 2: a therapeutic bridge b/t the initiation of and response to DMARDS
adverse effects of glucocorticoids
- osteoporosis
- diabetogenic
corticosteroids used and routes of administration
- Prednisone: oral
- Methylprednisolone: IM
- Triamcinolone and Hexacetonide: intra articular
what is used for moderate to severe RA in combo with low dose MTX
biological agents
Describe the biological agents used
- Etanercept: soluble TNF receptor
- Infliximab and Adalimumab: Anti-TNF monoclonal antibodies
- Anakinra: inhibits IL-1
- Certolizumab pegol: pegylated humanized antibody
- Golimumab: monoclonal antibody
onset of anti TNF agents?
onset of IL-1 antagonists
- 2-4 weeks
- 4-6 weeks
What are the risks of using ALL anti-TNF agents
- increase risk for serious infections, lymphomas, and other malignancies
- Tb
- opportunistic infections (eg. histo, listeria, cocci, pneumocystic carini)
what is used to treat adults with moderately to severely active rheumatoid arthritis who have had an inadequate resonse to, or who are intolerant of MTX
MAO of Tofacitinib
-oral JAK inhibitor . . . an intracellular signaling pathway
what is the caution with Tofacitinib
- Don’t get vaccines . .you might get the infection
- don’t be around those that got vaccine
- measles, mumps, flu, polio, rotavirus, rubella