How many articles are there in RA 10912
How many sections are there in RA 10912
When was RA 10912 approved?
July 21, 2016
What is the driving force of RA 10912?
PQF – Philippine Qualifications Framework
AQRF – ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework
When was the IRR of RA 10912 implemented?
March 15, 2017
T or F: CPD is mandatory
Who is the president of the Philippines that signed into RA 10912
Benigno S. Aquino III
Title of RA 10912
Continuing professional development act of 2016
Refers to the formal or official approval granted to a person, a program or an organization, upon meeting essential requirements of achievement standards, including qualifications or unit(s) of a qualification, usually for a particular period of time, as
defined by an accrediting agency;
AIPO/APO refers to?
Accredited Integrated Professional Organization or the Accredited Professional Organization in a given profession
This is an avenue to professionals of different fields
to raise their concerns with regards to their profession so that they may lobby for change or improvements formally and collectively to the PRC
refers to the device that enables comparisons of qualifications across ASEAN Member States;
ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework (AQRF)
refers to a regional arrangement entered into by the ASEAN Member States, predicated on the mutual recognition of qualifications, requirements met, licenses and certificates granted, experience gained by professionals, in order to enhance mobility of professional services within the region
ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement (ASEAN MRA)
refers to an ability that extends beyond the possession of knowledge and skills
Refers to the inculcation of advanced knowledge, skills and ethical values in a post-licensure specialization or in an inter- or multidisciplinary field of study, for assimilation into professional practice, self-directed research and/or lifelong learning
Continuing professional development (CPD)
refers to a body created to promote and ensure the continuous improvement of professionals, in accordance with national, regional and international standards of practice
CPD Council
refers to the value of an amount of learning that can be transferred to a qualification achieved from formal, informal or nonformal learning setting, wherein credits can be accumulated to predetermined levels for the award of a qualification
CPD Credit Unit
refers to a set of learning activities accredited by the CPD Council which equip the professionals with advanced knowledge, skills and values in specialized or in an inter- or multidisciplinary field of study, self-directed research and/or lifelong learning
CPD Program
refers to a natural or juridical person accredited by the CPD Council to conduct CPD Programs
CPD Provider
refers to educational arrangements such as curricular qualifications and teaching-learning requirements that take place in education and training institution recognized by relevant national authorities, and which lead to diplomas and qualifications
Formal learning
refers to learning that occurs in daily life assessed, through the recognition, validation and accreditation process, and which can contribute to a qualification
Informal learning
refers to the quality assured national system for the development, recognition and award of qualifications at defined levels, based on standards of knowledge, skills and values, acquired in different ways and methods by learners and workers
Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF)
refers to planned and systematic processes that provide confidence in the design, delivery and award of qualifications within an education and training system, and is a component of quality management that is focused on ensuring that quality requirements will be fulfilled
Quality assurance
refers to learning activities that did not undergo CPD accreditation but may be applied for and awarded CPD units by the respective CPD Council
Self-directed learning
T/F: CPD Programs consist of only structured activities, which have learning processes and outcomes
F ; both structured and unstructured
T/F: Different learning resources are credited—for as long as there are learning outcomes to the said resource
Who shall undertake the overall implementation of the CPD Programs?
PRC and PRBs (Professional Regulatory Boards)
The CPD Council is under the supervision of?
PRB (Professional regulatory board)
Every CPD Council shall be composed of?
A chairperson
2 members
The first member of the CPD Council shall be the president of ______ duly authorized by its Board of
In the absence of the AIPO/APO, the PRB concerned
shall submit within how many working days from notification of such absence?
10 working days
The PRC shall designate the first member within how many days from receipt of the list of recomendees from notification of AIPO/APO absence
The second member of the CPD Council shall be the president of?
national organization of deans or department chairpersons of schools, colleges or universities offering the course requiring the licensure examination
In absence of such organization for the second member of the CPD council, the PRC shall designate how many working days from receipt of the list
20 working days
T/F: The term of office of the chairperson of the CPD Council shall be coterminous with the term in PRB
The first and second members of the CPD Council shall have a term of office of how many years?
2 years
How many years would be the term of office of the chairperson of the CPD Council?
3 years
T/F: members of the CPD Council who are appointed by the PRC may be replaced before the end of the two (2)-year period, upon the recommendation of the PRB through a resolution.
provide technical, administrative and operational support to the CPD Councils and the PRBs in the implementation of the CPD Programs.
CPD Council Secretariat
The CPD Council Secretariat shall be headed by a ______ to be appointed by the _____
Executive Director; PRC
is what they use to determine if what you have submitted is valid for CPD units and how many units would it equate to
Pathways and Equivalencies of the PQF
Who shall review and approve the proposed budget for each CPD Council
What is the penalty for professionals guilty of fraudulent act relating to CPD?
suspension or revocation of his/her PRC Certificate of Registration and/or Certificate of Specialization
Under the PRC Resolution No. 1032, who may apply as CPD Provider?
Any natural or juridical person may apply as CPD provider.
refers to the card bearing the registration number, dates of issuance and expiry, duly signed by the Chairperson of the Commission issued to a registered professional upon payment of fees.
Professional Identification Card
PIC is renewable every?
3 years
Previously, how many CPD credit units are required by the council?
How many credit units do medical technologists need per 3 years?
15 CUs
T/F: During the transition period, professionals working overseas shall not be covered by the CPD requirement
T/F: During the transition period, newly licensed professionals shall be covered by the CPD requirement for the first renewal cycle after obtaining their license.
F; not covered
When will the transition period expire?
When all antecedents had been met, upon the recommendation of the CPD Councils through their respective Boards and approved by the Commission.
Amended Relevant Provisions of Resolution No. 1032 (s. 2017) Otherwise known as the “Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the Republic Act No. 10912, known as the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Act of 2016”
PRC Resolution No. 2019-1146 Series of 2019
Amended Relevant Provisions of Resolution No. 1032 (s. 2017) Otherwise known as the “Implementing RUles and Regulations (IRR) of the Republic Act No. 10912, known as the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Act of 2016”
PRC Resolution No. 2019-1146 Series of 2019
When do the CPD Council meet under the supervision of the Board?
Every 4th Thursday of the month
How many percent of incorporators of a corporation should be RMTs to be accredited as a CPD Provider?
What are the requirements for partnered firms to be accredited as a CPD Provider?
One of the partners is a registered medical technologist with an updated PIC.
What is the requirement for a sole proprietor to be accredited as a CPD Provider?
Must be a registered Medical
Technologist with updated Professional
Identification Card (PIC)
T/F: Qualifications for local and foreign CPD Providers are just the same
What are the components of learning objectives for the requirements for accreditation of a CPD Program?
After attending the workshop
(condition), the participant medical technologist (intended audience) will correctly (standard) conduct (behavior) the processing and microscopic examination of fecal specimens for detection of parasites.
Which does The Council use as the basis of the CDC Competency Guidelines for Public Health Laboratory Professionals of 2015
Dreyfus Model of Skill Acquisition
- Elementary level of performance
- Might have gained enough classroom or on-the-job training to note
- Recurring principles and themes but might not yet be able to apply them consistently
- Sufficient subject matter knowledge, but has limited experiential knowledge
One who has been in the same or similar job and who begins to see their actions within the context of the laboratory’s long-range goals and plans
One who understands situations as a whole and perceives their meaning in terms of the laboratory’s mission and long-term goals.
One with substantial experience and knowledge, has an intuitive grasp of situations and focuses on the root of the problem
As provided in Resolution No. 1032, Series of 2017
Generally, a maximum of how many credit unit/s per hour of activity may be given?
1 CU
How many percent of the full credit units is given for
attendance/participation. (Certificate of Attendance)
How many percent of credit units are given for attendance/participation
and completion of the pre- and post-test? (Certificate of completion)
Full; 100%
Programs under the Professional Track (e.g., conference, workshop) may be given a maximum of ____ credit units only for an activity of 3 or more days.
Starting 2020, application for credit units of self-directed and/or lifelong learning must be submitted within, how many days from completion of the activity.
60 days
Who validates the CPD activity applied for credit units?
The Council through the CPD Secretariat
What is the maximum creditable units for self-directed and/or lifelong learning for RMTs?
What is the maximum creditable units for self-directed and/or lifelong learning for MLTs?
The required credit units for renewal of the Professional Identification Card (PIC) per compliance period for RMT:
45 CUs
The required credit units for renewal of the Professional Identification Card (PIC) per compliance period for MLTs:
30 CUs