R3; Rene Descartes Flashcards
Most truths are learned either from the senses or through the senses
Sensory Deception Argument
There are no certain indications by which clearly distinguishes wakefulness from sleep
Dream Argument
It attempts to show that we cannot know or be certain of something we ordinarily believe
Skeptical Argument
Descartes argued that ___ are deceptive
The _____ and ____makes him doubt his sensory belief
dream argument; painter analogy
Things inside our dream are actually products of the reality’s combination
The painter analogy
It is his belief that if God deceived him from other matters, then he has a reason to doubt something
deceiving God argument
I think therefore I am
Rene Descartes
Everything that has a reason to doubt is completely false
Only certain things are true
What did Descartes start to doubt in the meditations II?
His existence
He thinks that he doesnt have a body but he considered himself as a ____ rather
thinking thing
It involves being aware of mental images so this cannot exist without a body
It is being aware of things by using your senses.
what are the two modes of thought
seeming to sense something and seeming to imagine things
what is the only essential thing to a body?
its extension