R3 - Proprety Flashcards
Name the three different ways to obtain property:
- ) Purchase
- ) Gift
- ) Inherited
What is Real Property?
Land & Building
What is Personal Property?
Machinery & Equipment
As a general rule, when you obtain a piece of property tax free, what is your basis?
As a general rule, when you obtain a piece of property and are required to pay tax, what is your basis?
As a general rule, when property is gifted to you, what is your cost basis?
Rollover Cost Basis = Givers basis becomes your basis.
Only exception to this rule exists when FMV on the date of gift is less than the givers basis. In that case, you determine your basis only when the property is sold (to reduce possible gain / loss - see rules)
What is the holding period of a piece of property that was gifted to you?
Rollover Holding Period
Exception exists when value of gift is less than NBV @ date of gift. If required to use FMV for basis during sale, use date of gift for holding period.
When you inherit a piece of property, what is your basis?
Basis becomes FMV @ date of inheritance (date of death) (step up/down to FMV)
What is the alternative valuation date?
Alternative valuation date is the date the estate can use for FMV of all assets. Must be the earlier of 6 months after death, or date of distribution / sale (maximum is 6 months)
What is the holding period of property inherited by you?
Always assume long term when inherited anything, regardless of how long is has actually been held
Should property improvements be expensed or capitalized for tax purposes?
Should regular repairs and maintenance be expensed or capitalized?
What is the de minimis rule?
Companies can expense items up to $5,000 per asset if policy is written, and $2,500 is policy is not written. This rule provides guidance for assets you can expense right away under a certain dollar amount.
Briefly explain difference between REALIZED & RECOGNIZED:
REALIZED = real world, what actually happened
RECOGNIZED = recorded, subject to rules of IRS (some gains/losses may be realized, but not recognized - know rules and know how to apply)
Show basic calculation of determining gain/loss of a piece of property upon disposition:
Amount realized
(Adjusted Basis)
= Gain / Loss*
*G/L may realized, but not recognized because of HIDEIT (gains) & WRaP (losses)
As a general rule, if you receive boot upon sale of a piece of property, how is that boot treated?
As a taxable gain
If a gain is realized, it is not taxable if the taxpayer can “HIDE IT”, what does that stand for?
H= homeowners exclusion I= Involuntary conversions D= Divorce property settlement E= Exchange of Like-Kind Business property I= Installment sales T= Treasury & Capital Stock Transactions
What is the homeowners exclusion? How do you qualify?
H.O exclusions allows you to realize a gain of up to $250k single, $500k MFJ w/o recognizing it as a taxable gain if you pass the test:
Must own & use the residence for 2 years during any 5 year period.
What is the age requirement to qualify for the home owners exclusion?
No age requirement
Is the homeowners exclusion renewable? Or for one time use only?
If a taxpayer only uses & owns a home for 1 year out of a 5 year period, can they still qualify for the homeowners exclusion?
You can prorate your exclusion based on what you do qualify for.
If you only qualify for 50%, just prorate the exclusion amount by 50% to exclude that portion of your gain.
What is an involuntary conversion and how do you qualify to get the exclusion?
Involuntary conversion is when property is destroyed, stolen, etc, and the taxpayer is given insurance proceeds to make them whole.
You can avoid recognizing a gain on an involuntary conversion as long as all insurance proceeds are reinvested into whatever you lost. Any amount not reinvested = boot (taxable gain)
During an involuntary conversion, you had a basis in a diamond ring of $5k. On the date of the conversion, the FMV of the ring was $25k. What is the new basis in the replaced ring?
As long as all insurance proceeds were reinvested into a new ring for $25k, basis will still be $5k for the new ring.
How long does a taxpayer have to reinvest insurance proceeds for involuntary conversions in order to avoid recognizing a gain?
Personal property = 2 years from that YE
Business property = 3 years from that YE
How do you determine basis after an involuntary conversion after some of the insurance proceeds were not reinvested?
New basis = Cost of new - Gain not recognized
How is a loss treated on an involuntary conversion?
All loss can be recognized immediately. Basis of new property = replacement cost
In a divorce property settlement, what is the basis of the property received by the wife?
Nontaxable = NBV (rollover basis)
Gains on like-kind exchanges qualify for non-recognition treatment. Which items do not qualify for this treatment?
“Things on paper”
inventory, stock, securities, partnership interests, goodwill, etc.
Gains on like-kind exchanges qualify for non-recognition treatment. Which items do qualify for this treatment?
Real property (land & building) & Personal property (M&E)