R28: Overview Of PWM Flashcards
How to evaluate capital sufficiency? Pros and cons?
Deterministic forecastic - simple, unrealistic, assumes average return for entire period.
Monte carlo simulation - many possible paths, can assess probability of achieving goal.
Ways to analyse retirement goals? Useful for? Cons?
Mortality table - life expectancy and probability of survival at different ages. Probability adjusted future CF needs. Longevity risk.
Annuities - uses annuity prices to determine PV of retirement spending needs. Reduces longevity risk but not useful if not planning on using annuities.
Monte Carlo - many possible paths, dynamic situations, probability of shortfall. Model risk and doesn’t calculate shortfall magnitude.
What are the two ways to construct a portfolio?
Traditional - constrained MVO on asset classes and include other external exposures and tax considerations.
Goals-based - MVO on each goal to a max vol or to a probability of success. Easier to express risk tolerance for each goal but may not be mean variance efficient for whole portfolio.
How can you evaluate success?
Goal achievement
Process consistency
Portfolio performance (absolute vs relative)
Definition of success
What are the ethical considerations?
Fiduciary duty and suitability
Know your client
Conflicts of interest