R22 Beta Flashcards
Main Rotor:
- Diameter
- Chord
- Twist
- Tip Speed
- 25ft 2in
- 7.2in (constant)
- -8degrees
- 672 fps
Tail Rotor:
- Diameter
- Chord
- Twist
- Precone
- Tip Speed
- 3ft 6in
- 4in (constant)
- 0degrees
- 1degree 11 min
- 599 fps
R22 Beta Engine:
- Model
- Type
- Lycomming o-320-b2c
- 4cylinder, horizontally oppossed, direct drive, air cooled, carburetted, normally aspirated.
R22 o-320 ratings:
- Normal
- Continuous
- 5Minute
- 160
- 124
- 131
Rotor RPM:
- Power on
- Power off
Operating limits:
- Max engine speed
- Cylinder head max temp
- Oil Max temp
- Oil quantity
- 2652
- 500 degrees f
- 245 degrees f
- 4-6quarts
Oil Pressure limits:
- Minimum Idle
- Minimum flight
- Maximum Flight
- Maximum startup
- 25
- 55
- 95
- 115
Weight Limits:
- Max gross
- Minimum gross
- Max per seat with baggage
- Max Baggage
- Minimum pilot weight with baggage
- 1370
- 920
- 240
- 50
- 135
G-Gov off ops prohibited unless training or emergency
L-Low g pushovers prohibited
A-Aerobatic flight prohibited
D-Doors off permitted
I-Flight in known icing conditions prohibited
M-Maximum 14,000 density altitude
S-Solo right seat only
M-Minimum one crew
A-Govenor, oat, alternator, low rotor rpm warning system
L-Left seatbelt buckled at all times
Approved fuels:
- 100LL
- 91/96
- 100/130
Required Equipment:
- Day
- Night
Compass Altimeter Manifold Pressure Gauge Airspeed Indicator Landing gear position indicator Seatbelts Fuel gauges Oil temp gauge Oil pressure gauge tachometers
Position Lights Anti-collusion Lights Landing Light(if for hire) Spare fuses Source of power
Required Equipment:
- Day
- Night
-GOAL Governor OAT Alternator Low rotor rpm warning system
Navigation Lights Anticollusion Lights Instrument Lights Landing Light Orientation(Celestial or ground illumination)
Fuel Capacity Without Bladders(Useable):
- Main
- Aux
- Combined
- 19.2
- 10.5
- 29.7
Airspeed Indicator:
- Green Arc
- Redline
- 50-102 kias
- 102 kias
Rotor Tachs:
- Upper redline
- Green arc
- yellow arc
- lower redline
- lower yellow arc
- 110
- 97-104
- 90-97
- 90
- 60-70
Engine Tachs:
- Upper red arc
- Green arc
- Lower red arc
- Yellow arc
- 104-110
- 97-104
- 90-97
- 60-70
Oil Temp:
- Green arc
- Redline
- 75-245
- 245
Cylinderhead Temp:
- Green arc
- Redline
- 200-500
- 500
Carb Air Temp:
-Yellow arc
- -15 to 5 degrees Celsius
Manifold Pressure:
- Yellow arc
- Redline
- 21.0 to 25.2
- 25.2
When encountering moderate , severe, or extreme turbulence
- Adjust forward airspeed to between 60 knots indicated and 0.7 Vne but no lower than 57 kias
Catastrophic rotor stall occurs at?
when rotor rpm drops below 80% plus 1% per 1000 ft of altitude.
Engine o-320 displacement?
319.8 cubic inches