R-44 Raven II Flashcards
Main Rotor:
- Diameter
- Blade Chord
- Blade Twist
- Tip Speed @ 102
- 33feet
- 10.0 inches inboard/10.6 inches outboard
- -6degrees
- 705 fps
Tail Rotor:
- Diameter
- Blade Chord
- Blade Twist
- Precone Angle
- Tip Speed @ 102
- 4ft 10in
- 5.1in constant
- 0 degrees
- 1 degree
- 614fps
Powerplant Model:
Lycomming IO-540-AE1A5
Powerplant Type:
6cylinder horizontally opposed direct drive air cooled fuel injected normally aspirated
Powerplant Displacement:
541.5 cubic inches
- Max Continuous rating
- 5 Minute rating
- 205 @ 2718
- 245 @ 2718
Never Exceed Speed:
- 2200 TOGW and Below
- Over 2200 TOGW
- Autorotation
- 130
- 120
- 100
Airspeed Limits:
- Max Power above MCP
- Max with any combo of cabin doors off
- 100
- 100
Rotor Speed Limits:
- Power on
- Power Off
- 101-102
- 90-108
Engine Max Speed:
2718 rpm
Cylinder head temp: max
Oil Max Temp
Oil Pressures:
- Min Idle
- Min Flight
- Max Flight
- Max startup
- 25
- 55
- 95
- 115
Oil Quantity Minimum
7-9 quarts
Weight Limits:
- Max GW
- Min GW
- Max Seat
- Max bag compartment
- Solo minimum weight
- 2500
- 1600
- 300
- 50
- 150
Flight and Maneuver Limitations
O-Operation up to 100 kias with doors off all seats buckled
G-gov off prohibited unless instruction or emergency
L-Low G pushovers prohibited
A-Aerobatics Prohibited
D-density altitude max 14,000
I-flight in known icing conditions prohibited
M-minimum 1 crew
S-solo right seat
M- Max op alitiude 9,000 agl to allow landing within 5minutes in case of fire
A- alternator, rpm gov, low rotor rpm warn, oat gauge, hyd system working
L-left seat belt buckled
Gas Mileage
Fuel Capacity: Bladders: -Main -Aux -Total Tank -Main -Aux -Total
Bladders: -Main:29.5 -Aux:17.0 -Tot: 46.5 Tanks: -Main:30.6 -Aux:18.3 -Tot:48.9
Airspeed Indicator:
- Green arc
- Red Line
- Red Crosshatch
- 0-130
- 130
- 100
Rotor Tach:
- Upper Red Line
- Green Arc
- Lower Red Line
- 108
- 90-108
- 90
Engine Tach:
- Upper Red Line
- Green Arc
- Lower Red Line
- 102
- 101-102
- 101
Oil Press Guage:
- Lower Red line
- Lower yellow arc
- Green arc
- Upper Yellow arc
- Upper red line
- 25
- 25-55
- 55-95
- 95-115
- 115
Oil Temp Gauge:
- Green arc
- Red Line
- 75-245f
- 245f
Cylinder Head Temp:
- Green Arc
- Red Line
- 200-500f
- 500f
Manifold Pressure:
- Green arc
- Yellow arc
- Red Line
- 15.0-23.3
- 19.1-26.1
- 26.1
General System Description r44:
4place, single main rotor, single engine helicopter, primarily metal and equipped with skid type landing gear
Hyd Pressure: