R2112 3.7 FIVE climbers Flashcards
Trachelospermum jasminoides
Vigorous medium-sized evergreen twining woody climber with glossy dark green, oval leaves 5-8cm in length and often turning deep red in winter; clusters of very fragrant white flowers 2.5cm in width become cream with age.
Fertile well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade with shelter from cold winds; for conservatory cultivation grow in a container in loam-based potting compost in full light with shade from hot sun.

Wisteria floribunda
Pinnate leaves and, in early summer, fragrant, pea-like, violet-blue, pink or white flowers in racemes to 30cm or longer.
Can be grown informally through large tree or more formally against a house wall or trained as a free-standing half standard in a container. Will grow in most soils that are moist but well-drained.
Solanum crispum ‘Glasnevin’
‘Glasnevin’ is a large, scrambling, semi-evergreen climbing shrub with finely-pointed, ovate leaves 5-12cm in length, and fragrant violet-blue flowers 2.5cm in width, in large open clusters. Fruit 6mm, creamy-white.

Actinidia kolomikta
A large vigorous deciduous climber with twining stems. Leaves ovate, those of mature plants tipped with silver, later pink. Flowers white, male and female on separate plants. Grown for foliage effect.

Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris
A large self-clinging, deciduous climber with broadly oval leaves turning yellow in autumn. Flower-heads to 20cm in width, with small fertile flowers surrounded by showy white sterile ones.

Lonicera japonica
A vigorous twining large evergreen climber. Leaves ovate, dark green; flowers to 4cm in length, white, soon turning buff-yellow, highly fragrant. Berries glossy, black
Rosa ‘Compassion’