R2111 6.2 Domestic trees < 10m (evergreen) Flashcards
Arbutus unedo

Attractive in autumn when the small, bell-shaped creamy-white or pink flowers are produced and the fruit from last year are turning red. The tree gets its name from these fruit. Rough, shredding red-brown bark and mid-green leathery leaves.
Suggested planting locations and garden types:
Low maintenance, Coastal, City & courtyard gardens, Cottage & informal garden, Mediterranean, Climate plants
Grow in humus-rich, well-drained soil in full sun and sheltered from cold winds.
H 4–8 m S 4–8 m 20–50 years
Luma apiculata

Simple, aromatic leaves and 4- or 5-petalled, 2cm, bowl-shaped white flowers, followed by purple berry fruits. Older branches with a cinnamon- and cream-coloured bark.
Grow in well-drained soil in sun or partial shade
Suggested planting locations and garden types:
Patio and container plants, City and courtyard gardens, Mediterranean climate plants, Wall side borders
H 8–12 m S > 8 m 20–50 years
Ilex aquifolium
A medium-sized evergreen tree, slow-growing when young, with dark, glossy green, undulate and usually strongly spiny leaves. Small, dull white flowers in spring are followed by bright red berries, on pollinated female plants.
Full sun
H 10 m S 4–8 m 20–50 years
Magnolia grandiflora
Glossy dark green, leathery, oblong-elliptic leaves, often rusty-brown beneath, and highly fragrant, cup-shaped, cream flowers to 25cm across in late summer and autumn
Grow in moist, well-drained preferably neutral to acid soil in sun or part shade. Tolerates dry, alkaline soil.
Suggested planting locations and garden types:
Architectural, Low maintenance, Wall side borders
H 10 m S > 8 m 20–50 years
Magnolia ‘Caerhay’s Surprise’ (AGM) (alt.)
The candy-pink blooms start opening at the end of March, before the foliage appears, and last well into May. Each waterlily-shaped flower has 9–12 narrow tepals, with a darker pink tint on the outside.
Grow in moist, humus-rich, well-drained neutral to acid soil in full sun or part shade with shelter from cold winds. Late frosts may damage flower buds and/or flowers.
Suggested planting locations and garden types:
Cottage and informal garden, City and courtyard, Low maintenance, Wall side borders
H 2.5 – 4 m S 4 – 8 m 10–20 years
Photinia x fraseri ‘Red Robin’

Erect habit, with glossy, elliptic leaves to 10cm in length, bright red when young, later dark green. Flowers creamy-white, rather sparse. Usually followed by red berries.
Grows best in fertile, humus-rich soil in sun or partial shade
Suggested planting locations and garden types:
Low maintenance, Hedging and screens
H 2.5-4 m S 2.5-4 m 10-20 years