R2 Flashcards
What is the Student loan interest expense limitation?
Allows up to 2500 of loan interest to be taken per year. any excess is “personal interest” & not deductible. No limitation on number of years int may be deducted. Int deducted when paid
What is the Keogh deduction?
- NBI - 50%SE tax= SE before Keough| 1. *20% = Keough deduction
What are the rules for Home Mortgage interest?
Interest on up to 750k to buy/build/ substantially improve 1st or 2nd AND secured by the home are fully deductible
Examples of nondeductible interest
interest on home equity loans, auto loans,muni bond income, or credit cards are not deductible
What is the treatment of LT/ST property for Charitable Contributions?
LT = take at FMV ST = take lower of cost OR FMV
What are the conditions for payment of Estimated Taxes?
- Amount of taxes owed is 1K or more(if not then no penalty for underpayment)| 2. if taxpayers withholding is less than the lessor of: 90% of CY tax OR 100% of PY tax(if AGI>150k then 110% of PY tax)
Name the 5 types of refundable credits
Child tax credit, EIC, W-2 Withholding taxes, Excess SS paid, AOC(40% refundable)
What is the calculation for income of a child under 18 that applies to trust and estate rate?
- Take child’s total interest income and reduce by Std deduction
- The next $950 is taxed @ child’s rate
- The remaining balance is taxed @ rates of estates and trusts
What are the Adjustments to AMT? (all added back except for taxes or Std )
PALs A/D (MACRS - AMT depreciation) NOL Installment income Contracts Taxes OR Std deduction
How does state income tax differ from regular tax vs AMT purposes?
Allowed as Itemized deduction for regular tax purposes while it is not for AMT
How is the AMT Credit CFWD treated?
Can be CFWD indefinitely
What is the CFWD on Charitable contributions?
5 yrs CFWD for any amount in excess of 60% of AGI
Which of the following are taxable income?
-Interest on FIT refund, Int on SIT refund, Int on Fed govt obligations, int on state govt obligations
FIT, SIT, and Fed govt obligations
What are deductible expenses for cash basis taxpayers?
deductible taxes for cash basis are deductible when paid
- real estate
- income taxes
- personal property(valorem tax on personal automobile)
What is the additional deduction for Age 65+ and/or blind?
Single and 65+ or blind =1650
Single and both = 3300
Married and 65+ or blind = 1300(per spouse)
married and both = 2600