R1 Flashcards
What are the requirements for Qualifying Child?
CARES…1. Close Relative 2. Age limit(19 OR 24+college) 3.Residency test (same principal abode as taxpayer 4.Exclude gross income test 5. Support test (child does not support over 50%)
What are the requirements for Qualifying Relative?
SUPORT… 1.Support Test 2. Under gross income limitation (less than $4200)3.Precludes dependency filing 4. Only US Citizens 5.Relative OR Taxpaxer lives with individual for whole year
When is the qualifying widower status used?
Two years after the spouses death & have to have dependent for WHOLE tax year. In the year of spouses death still MFJ
What is the interest earned on Series EE bond?
Interest used to pay tuition & fees from taxpayer, spouse, or dependent enrolled in higher education
What in the interest exclusion on Series EE bond reduced by?
Interest exclusion is reduced by qualified scholarships that are exempt from tax and other nontax payments for edu expenses
What is an Accruable expense?
Services have been received/performed but have not been paid for by end of reporting period
On what date does the G/L on y/e sale of listed stock occur on?
Trade date
What is the equation for an annuity and what amount is taxable income?
Equation: Investment/years= “x”…. anything over “x” amount is included in income
How are early withdrawal penalties calculated from IRA?
- amount is taxed at marginal tax rate 2. Add additional 10% penalty tax for early withdrawal UNLESS it is apart of HIMDEAD: (Homebuyer- first $10k to first home, Insurance- medical, Medical expenses in excess of 10% AGI, Disability, Education, and Death)
What is special about interest on U.S. obligations & interest on income on Fed tax refund?
The interest income on refund is taxable income but the refund itself is not
How is prepaid interest allocated?
Prepaid interest must be prorated for which payment is made… deduct when both incurred and paid
How are personal expenses treated?
Nondeductible from Schedule C, Adjustment to AGI
Name some examples of business expenses
Work uniforms for taxpaxer & their employees, subscriptions for periodicals for patients and continuing edu expenses
What are the uniform capitalization rules applied to?
DM,DL,MOH, off-site storage, repackaging costs
Define a Guaranteed Payment
Salary or other payment to a partner that is not calculated w/ respect to partnership income
What is the formula for QBI?
- Lessor of: 20%TI OR QBI20%| 2. Limitation= Greater of: 50%W2 OR 25%W2 +2.5%* qualified property| 3. P/O= taxable income - threshold(160700S,321400MFS) = “x”, “x” / P/o(50k S, 100k MFJ)
How is ordinary income from S corporation treated?
Ordinary income from S corp is taxable income to the individual or their own tax return but not to SE tax
Define Passive Activity
Passive activity is any activity in which the tax payer does not materially participate. A Net passive activity loss generally may be deducted against other types of income.