R Rubric Flashcards
What are the 5 categories of the SEE Rubric?
1) Range
2) Accuracy
3) Fluency
4) Interaction
5) Coherence
Range measures what parameters?
1) Communication
2) Vocabulary
3) Vocabulary Usage
4) Details
5) Circumlocution
Range 1 - Communication
Basic information with lots of struggling
Range 1 - Vocabulary
- Very basic repertoire of words.
- Primarily related to personal details and particular concrete situations
Range 1 - Vocabulary Usage
- simple phrases in isolation
List 2 Barriers from Range 1 to Range 2
1) mostly uses vocabulary or expressions in isolation even on very familiar topics
2) can only provide a bare minimum response, without details
Range 2 - Communication
- limited information on simple topics and everyday situations
- not able to consistently covey their own viewpoints and provide details on such topics
Range 2 - Vocabulary
- uses basic vocabulary words
Range 2 - Vocabulary Usage
- expressions with memorized phrases on fairly simple topics
List 2 Barriers from Range 2 to Range 3
1) cannot effectively discuss everyday topics
2) not able to provide more details on most discussed topics
Range 3 - Communication
- simply discuss familiar topics
Range 3 - Vocabulary
- uses relevant and commonly used vocab words
Range 3 - Vocabulary Usage
- expressions to provide simple, basic descriptions and viewpoints
Range 3 - Details
- challenged to use more complex vocabulary words and expressions or give more detailed explanations
Range 3 - Circumlocution
- noticeable instances of circumlocution to describe or discuss everyday topics
- not always very precise and clear
List 3 Barrier from Range 3 to Range 4
1) not able to talk about more general topics beyond basic information
2) circumlocution on simple, everyday topics, not always successful
3) does not use much advanced vocabulary
What is circumlocution?
- the use of many words where fewer would do, especially in a deliberate attempt to be vague or evasive
Why use circumlocution as a scoring parameter for Range?
- bc the speaker does not have adequate vocabulary words in their toolkits to express themselves
- uses words they know in place of one they don’t
Range 1 speaker need _____ and _____ of the questions asked and sometimes still ___ __ ____.
fail to understand
Range 4 - Communication
- engage in conversations on most general everyday topics
Range 4 - Vocabulary
- uses a variety of simple but precise vocabulary words
Range 4 - Vocabulary Usage
- expressions to provide clear descriptions and viewpoints
Range 4 - Details
- few advanced words and expressions
- word/phrase choice problems
Range 4 - Circumlocution
- few instances where they seem to be restricted, but sometimes use circumlocution
- clear and concrete vocabulary to describe
Range 4 Speakers show some _____ with phrases.
List 3 Barriers from Range 4 to Range 5
1) Limited breadth of topics and complexity or responses
2) inaccurate or inappropriate word and phrasal choices
3) does not use a variety of advanced vocabulary words appropriately
Range 5 - Communication
- express themselves well on the majority of topics covered in the interview
Range 6 - Communication
- effectively discuss a wide variety of topics, familiar or less familiar
Range 5 - Vocabulary
- uses varied vocabulary words