quotes station eleven Flashcards
“They spend all their lives waiting for their lives to begin” - people of the undersea
human weakness - faiure to make your life good and choose to make stuff happen and making the best of their circumstances fate vs freewill
Quote bout shakespeare
“peope want what was best about the world”
quote about people and civilisation
Massive delectable infastructure of people” Ch30 - world ending
“iphone zombies”
criticisms of modern civilization and the detachment from other humans and from reality that technology enables human weakness
quote about hell
Hell is the absence of people you long for” - separation protocol
“No one ever thinks theyre awful, even people hwo actually are” -
We justify our reasons for doing bad instead of seeing what we really are,
survival mechanism so we don’t self destruct - human strength
failure to acknowledge our faults - human weakness
Hell is the absence of people you long for” - separation protocol
The best of humanity is our relationships with others. One thing that makes Station Eleven unusual is it is not about the period of the collapse but instead focuses on how humanity adjusts to draw our attention to what we are when the ease of modernity is stripped away.
“no more… no more” ch6 the incomplete list
reptition and paralellism used to complemplate the heaviness of what was lost
“Survival is insufficient”
inter textual reference to Star Trek
following fate is not enough. post-apocalyptic world, surviving is a daily task making it important to find something to make life worth living for. travelling symphony find meaning by creating art.
quote from list
“no more.. no more”
quote about survival
“Survival is insufficient”
quote about time
“time had been reset by catastrophe”
quote about awfulness
“No one ever thinks theyre awful, even people hwo actually are” -
Massive delectable infastructure of people” Ch30 - world ending
Jeevan here understands that vast network of people that had always been a part of the smooth functioning of his everyday life. Now, increasingly alone in the world, he understands too late that the world has always been delicately interdependent.. This gives a sense that, though the larger project of humanity has broken down, the intricate ways the characters are interrelated continues.
quote about waiting
“They spend all their lives waiting for their lives to begin” - people of the undersea
“time had been reset by catastrophe”
every sense of normalicy had been lost and the circumstances forced the people to move on. some people made the best of their circumstances like the travelling syphony while others waited for life to begin again
quote about zombies
“iphone zombies”
“People want what was best about the world” - Dieter Ch11 about to perform A Midsummer’s Night Dream
Similarity to Shakespeare - relatble so can find menaing
Escapism of art allows the audience to find beauty in their world now rather than reminicing what was lost