Quotes - Poetry Flashcards
Where the wandering…
Where the wandering water gushed from hills above glen-car - the stolen child
Come away…
Come away O human child!, to the waters and the wild - the stolen child
And add the…
And add the halfpence to the pence - September 1913
Romantic Ireland’s…
Romantic Ireland’s dead and gone, it’s with O’leary in the grave -September 1913
For this Edward…
For this Edward Fitzgerald died and Robert emmet and Wolfe tone - September 1913
Confusion of the death bed over, it is sent out on naked roads - the cold heaven
By the injustice…
By the injustice of the skies for punishment - the cold heaven
That seemed as though…
That seemed as though ice burned and was but the more ice - the cold heaven
Are nine…
Are Nine and fifty swans - the wild swans at Coole
Their hearts have…
Their hearts have not grown old, passion or conquest wander where they will - the wild swans at Coole
The nineteenth…
The nineteenth autumn has come upon me since I first made my count - the wild swans at Coole
My country is…
My country is kiltartans cross, my countrymen kiltartans poor - an Irish airman forsees his death
Nor law…
Nor law nor duty bade me fight - an Irish airman forsees his death
The years to…
The years to come seemed waste of breath, a waste of breath the years behind - an Irish airman forsees his death
This wise…
This wise and simple man - the fisherman
The witty man…
The witty man and his joke aimed at the commonest ear - the fisherman
To a grey…
To a grey place on a hill in grey Connemara clothes - the fisherman
Full of…
Full of berries and reddest stolen cherries - the stolen child