Poetry Quotes New Flashcards
The Stolen Child:
In pools among…
In pools among rushes, that scarce could bathe a star
The Stolen Child:
Away with us he’s going…
Away with us he’s going, the solemn eyed he’ll hear no more lowness of the calves on the warm hillside
September 1913:
Yet they were of a different kind…
Yet they were of a different kind the names that stilled your childish play
September 1913:
Was it for this…
Was it for this the wild geese spread the grey wing upon every tide
September 1913:
They weighed…
Thy weighed so lightly what they gave
The Cold Heaven:
And there upon…
And there upon imagination and heart were driven
The Cold Heaven:
Vanished, and left but…
Vanished and left but memories that should be out of season
The Cold Heaven:
Riddled with light…
Riddled with light, ah! Where the ghost begins to quicken
The Wild Swans At Coole:
The trees are in their…
The trees are in their Autumn beauty, the woodland paths are dry
The Wild Swans At Coole:
All changed…
All changed since I hearing at twilight the first time on this shore
The Wild Swans At Coole:
Passion or conquest…
Passion or conquest wander where they will, attend upon them still
The Stolen Child:
Where the wave…
Where the wave of moonlight glosses the dim gray sands with light
An Irish Airman Foresees His Death:
No likely end…
No likely end could bring them loss
An Irish Airman Foresees His Death:
A lonely impulse…
A lonely impulse of delight drove this tumult to the clouds
An Irish Airman Foresees His Death:
A waste of breath…
A waste of breath the years behind, in balance with this life, this death
The Fisherman:
All day I looked…
All day I looked in the face what I had hoped it would be
The Fisherman:
Suddenly I began, in scorn…
Suddenly I began in scorn of this audience imagining a man
The Fisherman:
A man who does not…
A man who does not exist, a man who is but a dream
Broken Dreams:
Heaven has put away…
Heaven has put away her stroke of doom, so great her portion in that peace you make
Broken Dreams:
Your beauty…
Your beauty can but leave among us vague memories, nothing but memories
Broken Dreams:
Where those what have…
Where those what have obeyed the holy law paddle and are perfect
The Cat And The Moon:
The pure cold light…
The pure cold light in the sky troubled his animal blood
The Cat And The Moon:
Maybe the moon may…
Maybe the moon may learn, tired of that courtly fashion, a new dance turn
The Cat And The Moon:
Alone, important…
Alone, important and wise and lifts to the changing moon
Easter 1916:
And I thought before I had done…
And I thought before I had done, of a mocking tale or gibe to please a companion
Easter 1916:
He too has been changed…
He too has been changed in his turn, transformed utterly: a terrible beauty is born
Easter 1916:
We know their dream…
We know their dream: enough to know what they dreamed and are dead
The Second Coming:
The blood dimmed…
The blood dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere the ceremony of innocent is drowned
The Second Coming:
When a vast image…
When a vast image out of spiritus Mundi troubles my sight: a waste of desert sand
The Second Coming:
The darkness…
The darkness drops again but now I know that twenty centuries of stony sleep
Sailing to Byzantium:
These dying generations…
These dying generations at their song the salmon falls, the mackerel crowded seas fish, flesh or fowl
Sailing to Byzantium:
Soul clap it’s hands…
Soul clap it’s hand and sing, and louder sing for every tatter in its mortal dress
Sailing to Byzantium:
But such a form…
But such a form as Grecian goldsmiths make of hammered gold and gold enamelling
Leda and the swan:
Above the staggering girl…
Above the staggering girl, her thighs caressed by the dark webs
Leda and the swan:
But feel…
But feel the strange heart beating where it lies
Leda and the swan:
A shudder…
A shudder in the loins engenders there the broken wall, the burning roof and tower
Among The School Children:
The children’s eyes…
The children’s eyes, in momentary wonder stare upon a sixth year old smiling public man
Among The School Children:
And thereupon my heart…
And there upon my heart is driven wild: she stands before me as a living child
Among The School Children:
O body swayed to music…
I body swayed to music, o brightening glance, how can we know the dancer from the dance
In Memory:
Conspiring among the ignorant…
Conspiring among the ignorant, I know not what the younger dreams
In Memory:
Two girls in silk…
Two girls in silk kimonos, both beautiful, one a gazelle
In Memory:
The innocent and…
The innocent and the beautiful, have no enemy but time
Man And The Echo:
Did that play…
Did that play of mind send out certain men the English shot?
Man And The Echo:
Nor can there be…
Nor can there be work so great as that which clears men’s “dirty slate”
Man And The Echo:
But hush…
But hush for I have lost the theme it’s joy or night-seem but a dream