Quotes for Volver (Movie) Flashcards
“!Qué ha trae!”, Raimunda?
What have you brought?, Raimunda? - Sole. Shouting it so Irene can go hide from her
“He vuelto para pedir de pérdon”
Irene to Raimunda. “I have returned to ask for forgiveness”
Raimunda smells Irene in Soles bathroom
mystery themed or the theme of loneliness (smells dead people)
“De pequena, era la nina de mis ojos”
“When she was young, she was the apple of my eyes” (Irene talking to Sole about Raimunda. apple of someones eye means that you love them above everything else)
“Aunque todo esto tiempo, dejuro que vivir en un auténtico purgatorio”
Although all this time, I swear or feel like I’ve been in a living purgatory.
Irene to Raimunda
“Dicen que ha vuelto para cuidar de tú tía Paula”
“They say she came back to look after your auntie Paula”
Agustina to Raimunda
“Qué tal, Raimunda!”
“Whats up, Raimunda?!”
Sole shouting to Raimunda to warn Irene to hide.
“no tienes derecha complicar las vidas de démas”
“You dont have the right to complicate other people’s lives”
Raimunda to Agustina
“Me gusta que descansa aquí”
“I’m glad he’s resting here”
Paula to Raimunda about Paco being dead.
Weird moment since Paula isn’t supposed to know where Raimunda burried him, but she knew he was burried there.
“Recuerda, que fui yo quilar, y que tú no ví, porque estabas en la calle”
“Remember, I killed him, and you didn’t see anything because you were on the street”
Raimunda to Paula young
“Lo importante está vuelva”
“The important thing is that you return”
Auntie Paula to Raimunda
“Que me pone llorar, y las fantasmas no lloran”
“That will make me cry, and ghosts don’t cry”
Irene to Raimunda
Implying that she treats herself as a ghost
“La mujer de aquí viven más que los hombres”
“Women here live longer than men”
Sole to Raimunda
“Estoy sola, como siempre”
“Ya no”
“I am alone, as always”
Sole says that to herself
“No more”
Irene replies to Sole saying she is no longer alone
“Simplemente se ha ido, para siempre”
“He is just gone, forever”
Raimunda to the shop owner (emilio)
Raimunda telling Emilio that Paco left her, but little did he know…
“Prendí fuego al casilla”
“I set fire to the hut”
Irene to Raimunda. Raimunda realising that Agustina’s mother died in the fire