Quotes for La Casa de Bernarda Alba (La Poncia) Flashcards
Mata esos pensamientos
What Act?
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Suppress such thoughts
Act 2
Deja en paz a tu hermana, y si Pepe el Romano te gusta, te aguantas
What Act?
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tu hermana, y si Pepe el Romano te gusta, te aguantas
Let your sister be, and if it’s Pepe el Romano you want, reconcile yourself.
Reconcile = Bring it back together. Talk about the problems and become 1
Act 2
Ya me ha tocado en suerte este convento
What Act?
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I’ve been sent to serve in this convent.
Convent = A convent is a community of monks, nuns, religious brothers or
Act 2
Los hombres necesitan estas cosas.
What Act
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Men must do these things
Act 2
Yo sólo te digo: abre los ojos y verás.
What Act?
Can you translate this?
I’m merely saying: open your eyes and see.
Act 2
aquí pasa una cosa muy grande
Bernarda something serious is in the wind here
Act 2