Quotes Bank 1 Flashcards
Letters from Yorkshire: ‘Pouring (air) and (light) into an (envelope)’
Themes: strong bonds, admiration, distance, desire, nature
4 analysis points
1.’envelope’ old fashioned juxtaposes her life
2.Air light building blocks life
3.Celestial imagery- his life closer god more meaning
religious connotations
4.air, light rely exchanges for life source- extreme, seclusion speaker computer- not real.
Letters from Yorkshire: feeding words onto a blank screen.”
5 analysis points
1.actions artificial void meaning
2. juxtapose tangible food potatoes Figurative he feeds people
3.contrasts letter writing, intimate communication
4.contrast urban and rural life alienated career
5.’feeding’ demanding never ending= living thing personify
When two parted: ‘Knell in mine ear’
5 points
-lexical field of death
1-acts silent, tortured witness save face,
2-hearing name “knell.”=ringing bell, funerals
3-extremely heavy object=emotional heaviness
4-“knell” Metaphorically death relationship. lexical field of death.
5-ear= senses overwhelmed all can hear seriously affected him= auditory imagery
When two parted: ‘spirit deceive’ ?
3 points
1-Snakes are symbols of evil,deception- sibilance throughout - Garden of Eden-lovers sinful and deceptive.
2-hushed sound—secrecy and silence. Illicit relationship
3-spirt- emotional connection destroyed
before you were mine:
‘Stamping stars from the wrong pavement’
1-Alluded famous image Marilyn Monroe, “pavement” photograph= reinforce glamour
2-Walk of Fame on Hollywood Boulevard. =worthy of tribute
3-adoration deserved Scottish pavement is “wrong” unworthy of her glamour
4-stamping stars = aggression sibilance= dreams gone=STARS-dreams
5-metaphor wrong pavement/path
before you were mine: ‘Possessive yell’
-iambs and stress
1-title=child takes possession parents.
2-cries baby dominated mother’s life life unrecognizable -Carefree years (endless work)
3-different eras reference to noise—fun, loudness dancing days vs. yell
4-meter rising—unstressed to stressed pattern; Iambs predictability monotony
climbing my grandfather:
‘Warm ice’
4 points
1-Oxymoron simile, unusual
2-warmth=emotional warmth memory. finger
3-grandfather-hardiness and gentleness
4-simile=imaginative bringing memory life.
climbing my grandfather: ‘‘Slow pulse his good heart’
3 points
-maintain+nurture memory
-metaphorical climb
1-two stress-couples=heartbeat = alive
2-metaphorical climb=revisits intimate relationship-emotional warmth
3-slow pulse= dying or already dead,
heart= vital organ= vital to him
mother any distance:
‘Endless sky to Fall or fly’
4 points
1-“endless sky,” metaphor future. independence result failure or success.
2-falling or flying=expression childhood,= a bird leaving the nest Fricative=harsh= reinforce bird imagery
3-heighten ending’s suspense, ambigious how poem will close.
mother any distance: ‘Anchor. Kite’
5 points
1-metaphor= interconnectedness mother and child.
2-“Anchor” =security, stability
3- “Kite”=child memory, some point allowed to fly.
4-Anchors steady ships=hold back; prevent ships floating away by winds
5-comforting mother= never truly independent while tethered parent.
Eden rock: ‘Sky Whitens as if lit by three suns’
5 points
1-Enjambment= Intensifying unsettling atmosphere
2-metaphor Christian allusion= “three suns” Holy Trinity, (Father, Son, Holy Spirit.)
3-mirroring family unit=heavenly imagery
4-white connotes= illness, death, warmth love parents
5-unnatural intensity to the light, not real scene, imagination, memory
Eden rock: ‘beckon to me from the other bank.’
4 points
1-“beckon” “bank” assonant, plosive /k/ sounds =sensation two words calling each speaker’s parents
2-moving further away from him unnatural= dead.
3-mythological=stream crossing alludes ancient Greek belief newly deceased souls cross the rivers Styx afterlife
4.approaching death, comforted by memory his parents, enduring bond familial emotional closeness
Follower: Shoulder globed like a full sail strung’
5 points
-avoids figurative language
1-imagery father working=simile avoids figurative language straightforward statements
2-father’s stature= familiar image, formidable ship.
3-allegory Greek god Atlas, carries the heavens—represented by a sphere—shoulders, father god.
4-assonant repetition of the long ‘o’ sound in “shoulders globed” mimics circle
5-lexical field of nautical imagery ‘wake’ ‘breaking’= vast sea= expert
Follower: ‘Yapping always. but today’
6 points
-sitional irony
1-Onomatopoeia piercing barks speech bothersome,
2-”yap” sharper metrical stress
3-anthropomorphic generational trauma
4-contrast perception relationship Situational irony.
5-Juxtaposition past, present. Volta revere roles
6-caesura attention “but today,” abruptly brings reader present.
walking away: ‘Scorching Ordeals which fire ones irresolute clay’ (consonants lines)
6 points
1-potter sculpts vessel clay, fired kiln material strengthened. Without shape collapsing “irresolute” unsure shape to take=maturity
2-destructive acts “scorching” a vessel,”fire”—healthy
3-metaphor to describe his son, painful ordeals healthy, necessary
4-repeating consonants lines=connection meaning.
5-PROMETHEUS greek god: moulding mankind out of clay.- out of his hand in control of gods higher power
walking away: ‘Half-fledged thing set free’
4 points
-cossance and fricative
1- immaturity=difficult navigate environment
2-learning independent, essential child’s process of growing up.
3-stage of life bird some but not all of the adult feathers it needs to fly. metaphor= bird imagery
4-Consonance, frickative= helpless