5 poems structure Flashcards
Eden rock: What effect does the enjambment cause?
1.conversational tone=sense of calm for the speaker
2.details spill across the lines and down convey image before him.detail
3.enjambement echo the parents’ actions parents call him across the stream=Slow pace
Eden rock: What is the rhyme scheme is it slanted or full and what is the effect?4
1.half rhyme scheme, ABAB pattern
2.Slant rhymes.=natural+parents real or not
3.rhymes don’t conform usual expectations unreliable—what is real, what is not.
Follower: What effect does enjambment have? 2
1.Enjambment= rhythm, build momentum.
2.quickly transition from one line to the next
Follower: What is the Form? 2
1.ballad form not rhyme of traditional ballads.
2.adaptation traditional poetic form mirrors speaker’s own take farming traditions his forefathers.
Follower: What is the Rhyme scheme (slant rhyme) and it’s effect? 2
1.ABAB rhymes slant rhymes=similar, but not identical, sounds. Falling short fathers exceptions
2.rhyme scheme not predictable suggest father’s skill in navigating the fields he plows. nimbly between various rhyme patterns.
walking away: What is the irregular meter (free verse) and it’s effect with enjambment? 1
1.irregular meter, frequent enjambment= conversational and intimacy
walking away: What does enjambment do and it’s effect and what is line 5 example?
line 5
1.reader suspended end line wondering how speaker’s thought will conclude
2.line 5, boy went drifting away.= wait to see where the son goes drifting off to=uncertainty mirrors speaker’s uncertainty
walking away: What is the rhyme scheme what does it join to do and it’s effect?
1.ABACA=highly regular rhyme scheme+poem’s uneven meter=balance between intimacy, control
2.Repeating A rhyme sounds three times each stanza=Memory continues affect him.
neutral tones: What are the common meters and the effect? 3
1.tetrameters, trimeter
2.inconsistency poem’s meter=difficulty end of a relationship.
3.two competing meters, painful duality two people break up,
neutral tones: How does enjambment used create effect what are lined examples? 2
line 5,7 9
1.sequential replay of the memory
2.lines 5, 7, and 9=feel unresolved incomplete. no potential glimpse of optimism
neutral tones: How is caesurae create effect? 2
1.anxious sense broken rhythm, matching despondent tone
2.slows poem down=piecing memory back together
neutral tones:
What is the 1 uses of form and what effect?
-cyclical structure= reputedly hurt by love since
neutral tones: What is the Rhyme scheme and it’s effect?
1-regular ABBA pattern= sense “neutrality” masks depth emotional pain.
2-ABBA= Petrarchan sonnet closely associated love poetry, deception love, ironic bitterness
winter swans: What are the stresses used for and what are the irregular pattern used for?
1-stresses flow gracefully=movements of the swans:
2-unpredictable stresses=pattern irregular= relationship
winter swans: What is enjambment used for what effect?
line 9
1-flowing sound and couple unison
2-line 9=enjambment suspends sentence=swans’ movements
winter swans: What effect does caesura do? 2
line 11
1-caesura divides line two distinct units=division of love
2-line 11.=majestic movements swans tip themselves into the water. balances line, conveying swans balance
winter swans: What effect does no Rhyme scheme have?
1-no rhyme scheme= discordant state couple in.
2-rhymes= union between words=lack of rhymes unity has been left out of the poem.