Quotes Flashcards
“In psychology the word affect is used to mean anything that is emotional”
Lindquist et al., 2012
“Emotions, Solomon says, are judgments rather than feelings (…) Emotions are conceptually sophisticated, intentional states that have objects outside of the body.”
Ratcliffe, 2018
“We define emotions as episodic relatively short term, biologically based patterns of perception, experience, physiology, action and communication that occur in response to specific physical and social challenges and opportunities.
Emotions regulate the individual’s relation to the external environment.”
Keltner & Gross, 1999
“Emotions are a kind of radar and rapid response system, constructing and caring meaning across the flow of experience. Emotions are the tools by which we appraise, experience and prepare to act on situations.”
Cole, Martin & Dennis, 2004
“…of the two things concerning the emotions, one must be true. Either separate and special centres, affected to them alone, are their brain-seat, or else they correspond to processes occurring in the motor and sensory centres already assigned.”
William James, 1890
“These models constitute a locationist account of emotion because they hypothesize that all mental states belonging to the same emotion category (e.g., fear) are produced by activity that is consistently and specifically associated with an architecturally defined brain locale […] or anatomically defined networks of locales that are inherited and shared
with other mammalian species”
Lindquist et al., 2012
“all mental states, whether they are experienced as an instance of a discrete emotion category or not, are realized by more basic psychological operations or ‘ingredients’ of the mind”
Core Affect - Lindquist et al., 2012
“Conceptualization is the process by which stored representations of prior experiences (i.e.,
memories, knowledge) are used to make meaning out of sensations in the moment”
Categorization - Lindquist et al., 2012
“Emotion words that anchor emotion categories work hand in hand with conceptualization”
Lindquist et al., 2012
“Executive attention helps direct the combination of other psychological operations to produce an emotional gestalt”
Lindquist et al., 2012
“The functions of distinct brain areas […] are best understood within the context of the other
brain areas”
“(…) a psychological constructionist approach hypothesizes that the same brain areas will be
consistently activated across the instances from a range of emotion categories […], meaning
that that brain region is not specific to any emotion category (or even to emotion per se)”
Psychological constructionist account - Lindquist et al., 2012
”have been claimed to underlie a large variety of psychological functions, including understanding
of others’ goals and states, imitation, speech perception, embodied simulation, empathy and
emotion recognition”
Mirror Neurons - Niedenthal, 2012
“we created compounds of intense negative faces combined with positive bodies, and vice versa”
Emotion as a “whole” - contextualization
Aviezer, Trope & Todorov, 2012
“Specifically, losing faces were posed as more positive when the poser viewed them on winning bodies than on losing bodies […]. Conversely, winning faces were posed as more negative when the poser viewed them on losing bodies than on winning bodies”
Aviezer, Trope & Todorov, 2012
“appraisals associated with different discrete emotions lead to predictable effects on evaluation of the current state of the Situation”
Niedenthal, 2017