quotes Flashcards
what’s David Hummes ship analogy
if we survey a ship what an exalted idea must we form of ingenuity of the carpenter who framed so complicated, useful and a beautiful machine? and what surprize must we feel, when we find him a stupid mechanic , who imitatedd others , and copied an art.
what’s Paley’s natural theology
this mechanism being observed…the inference, we think is inevitable, that the watch must have a maker….
“God cannot be….
conceived not to exist” Anselm, Proslogium
“God is…a being than which…..
nothing greater can be conceived.” Anselm, Proslogium
“That which can be conceived
not to exist is not God.” Anselm, Proslogium
It is possible to conceive of…..
“the most perfect and real lost island.” Gaunilo of Marmoutiers, Responsio
“It is just as much of a contradiction…..
to think of God…lacking existence…as it is to think of a mountain without a valley.” Rene Descartes
“It is quite evident that existence can no more…..
be separated from the essence of God than…[three-sidedness] …can be separated from the essence of a triangle.” Rene Descartes
“Existence is…..
not a real predicate.” Immanuel Kant
If you then say, ‘Oh, and…..
by the way, the Thalers exist’, nothing has been added.” Immanuel Kant
“I thank thee, gracious Lord…..
if l were unwilling to believe that thou dost exist, I should not be able not to understand this to be true.” Anselm, Proslogium
“The fool says in his heart,….
‘There is no God.’” Psalm 14:1
Faith seeking understanding means…..
“…an active love of God seeking a deeper knowledge of God.”
“…heaven’s vault is crisscrossed with information arrows…
From our perch in the universe…we see that those arrowlets.” Loewenstein
“We find in nature things that are possible
to be and not to be…if at one time nothing was in existence, it would have been impossible for anything…to exist…Therefore, we…postulate the existence of some being having…necessity…This all men speak of as God.” Aquinas