Quotes Flashcards


Im short what do I do ?


I’m short what do I do I’m short okay

God Made You short fine good doesn’t

matter you can’t change it what you can

do is become as strong as an ox and

become Filthy Rich and monumentally

important and extremely influential you

can do that I people say I’m poor you

should be strong oh I’m strong but I

don’t have any money okay then teach

others to be strong yes you there’s

always a way you can take your

advantages and use them and by teaming

up with other men other people you can

build a team in which there are no

weaknesses so if you have a disadvantage

you also have somewhere God has given

you a distinct advantage over others and

it is your duty to excel in that realm

it is your duty to become so

monumentally influential and Powerful

within that specific criteria in which

you have the capability to be brilliant

that your weaknesses no longer appear

because they can be simply overshadowed

by your network or overshadow shadowed

by your absolute competence by

constructing the correct mindset you can

be in the exact same scenario you’re

currently in living the exact same life

with a different mental model in which

you view the world and you will not only

feel more powerful you will be more

powerful you’ll achieve more amazing

things you will be greater you will be

happier with the same car the same woman

the same house the same income the same

everything but your mind changes the

lens in which you view the world lenses

change things Rose tinted G glasses

perhaps dark glasses you can put glasses

on change the lens and you can view the

world differently by changing how your

mind is constructed and put together and

the way you view the world that is the

point of mental iido

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