Quotes Flashcards
When are quotations used (3)
- Part of an exhibit that’s being read into the record
- repeating what the witness said
- repeating what someone else said
True of false
Periods and commas always go inside quotation marks
Choose inside or outside:
Semicolons and colons go ____side quotation marks
When does the question mark go inside the quotation marks?
When the quote itself is a question.
When does a question mark go outside the quotation marks?
When the question applies to the whole sentence, not just the quoted material.
He said, “How are you?” and Did you say, “I am fine”?
Why would you see this sentence in a transcript?
You said you didn’t go to the doctor afterwards; correct?
Attorneys are required to ask questions. They will make a statement and add words/phrases like is that correct, right, true, correct to the end of sentences.
The CR indicate this by using a semicolon between the statement and the question
How would you fix this sentence?
I visited Miami, Florida, Mobile, Alabama, and Dallas, Texas before arriving in Flagstaff, Arizona.
I visited Miami, Florida; Mobile, Alabama; and Dallas, Texas, before arriving in Flagstaff, Arizona.
Use semicolons to help devide lists where multiple commas are used and could be confusing.