Quotations part 1 Flashcards
1.Capote describing the effects of the murders on the village of Holcomb at the very start
Afterwards, the townspeople, theretofore sufficiently unfearful of each other to trouble to lock their doors… viewed each other strangely and as strangers
- Description of Mr Clutter
Always certain of what he wanted from the world, Mr. Clutter had in large measure obtained it…
- Description of Mr Clutter part 2
The master of river valley farm, Herbert William Clutter was… in first- rate condition.
- Description of Mr Clutter and his river valley farm
The little collection of fruit bearers growing by the river was his attempt to contrive… a patch of the paradise, the green apple-scented Eden, he envisioned.
- Phrase used to describe Nancy Clutter
Town darling
- Mrs Clutter talking to Joleene Katz about her children
They don’t need me
- Description of Nancy Clutter
She felt it her duty to be available when younger girls came to help
- Description of Nancy Clutter part 2
Each moment was assigned; she knew precisely at any hour, what she would be doing
9.Capote describing Bonnies bouts of depression
she suffered little spells
- Bonnie Clutter describing herself when talking to Susan Kidwell’s mother
Like a ghost
- What Kenyon’s friends say about him
He lives in a world of his own
- The first description of Perry, which comes straight after a description of Mr Clutter
Like Mr Clutter, the young man breakfasting in a cafe called the little Jewl never drank coffee
- Dick talking to Perry about murdering the Clutters
I promise you, honey, we’ll blast hair all over them walls
14.Capote describing Dick
The imperfectly aligned features were the outcome of a car collision… his eyes not only situated at uneven levels but of uneven size, the left eye being truly serpentine, with a venomous, sickly- blue squint that… seemed to warn of bitter sediment at the bottom of his nature.
15.Capote describing Dick’s view of Perry
Dick became convinced that Perry was that rarity, “a natural killer…such a gift could be profitibaly exploited”.
16.Capote descrining Dick’s aspirations
Dick wanted a regular life with a buisness of his own, a house, a horse to ride, a new car and plenty of blonde chicken
17.Holcomb teacher Larry Hendricks giving his reaction to the clutters’ deaths
I’d been dazed, too numb, to feel the full viciousness of it. The suffering. The horror. They were dead. A whole family. Gentle, kindly people, people I knew- murdered. You had to believe it, because it was really true.
- Capote describing how the people of Holcomb no longer tust each other after the Clutter murders
This hitherto peaceful congregation of neighbors and old friends had suddenly to endure the unique experience of distrusting each other; understandably, they believed that the murderer was among themselves
- Capote describing the effect on Holcomb that the Clutter murders had
The crime confronted the townsfolk of Holcomb with their own isolation. Neighbourliness evaporated.