Quizzez 1,2 and 3 Flashcards
(Q1) Unlike Piaget’s cognitive-developmental theory, the information processing approach
does not divide development into stages
(Q1) Unlike the psychoanalytical perspective, people move through a series of stages in which they…
confront conflicts between biological drives and social expectations
(Q1) The field of human development is considered to be an applied discipline because…
Findings are used for practical reasons such to improve peoples lives
(Q1) According to the lifespan perspective…
Development is a lifelong practice
(Q1) In Broffenbrenner’s ecological systems theory, work benefits, such as flexible schedules and paid maternity leave take place in the
(Q1)The _____ is the one the investigator expects to cause changes in another variable
Independent Variable
(Q1) In a cross-sectional design, researchers study
Groups of participants differing in age at the same point in time
(Q1) According to Jean Piaget’s cognitive-developmental theory, the structure of a child’s mind develop as the result of
efforts to achieve equilibrium between internal structures and the outside world
(Q1) Dr. Geib believes that even powerful negative influences in the first few years of life can be overcome by later, more positive events. Dr. Geib sees development as
Having substantial plasticity
(Q1) According to B.F Skinner, the frequency of behavior can be decreased through
(Q1) According to ecological systems theory, interactions between Marina and her child occur in the
(Q1) Annabelle uses symbols and engages in make-believe play. However, her thinking lacks logic. Annabelle is in Piaget’s__ stage of development
(Q1) The most influential kind of ___ theory emphasizes modeling
Social Learning
(Q1) Dr. Faulkner believe that directly observational events-stimuli and responses are the appropriate focus of the study of development. Dr. Faulkner probably follows the ___ perspective of development
(Q1) Although their assessment were designed for different purposes, Hall, Gesell, and Alfred Binet all took a ___ approach to child development
(Q1) Freud’s psychosexual theory
was the first to stress the influence of early parent-child relationship on development
(Q1) Which method is best suited for finding out what contributes to the accomplishment of prodigies
Case study
(Q1) Two main types of designs used in all research on human behavior are ___ and ___
correlational; experimental
(Q1) In every science, research is based on a ____, a prediction about behavior drawn from a ____
Hypothesis; theory
(Q1) Dr. Holder is interested in the relative importance of genetic and environmental factors on human development. This is known as the ____ controversy
(Q1) Information- Processing researchers
Often design flowcharts to map the precise steps individuals use to solve problems and complete tasks
(Q1) Charles Darwin’s ____ emphasized two related principles; natural selection and survival of the fittest
Theory of evolution
(Q1) Cohort effects
results when individuals are influenced by a particular set of historical and cultural conditions
(Q1) The ethical principle of ___ requires special interpretation when the participants are children
Informed consent
(Q1) ___ Explains why some children are growing up in difficult circumstances thrive, while others are less successful
(Q1) Dr. Anderson want to conduct a study to determine the cause-and-effect relationship between domestic violence and anger in children. Dr, Anderson should use a __ design
(Q1) A researcher using a structural interview would typically ask
The same set of questions in the same way to each participant
(Q1) Baby boomers are known for their collective emphasis on
The search for personal meaning, self-expression, and social responsibility
(Q1) Today, research that ___ is increasingly common because it permits casual interferences with implications for enhancing development
Combines and experimental strategy with either a longitudinal or a cross-sectional approach
(Q1) Theorists who emphasize stability stress the importance of
(Q1) Today, Albert Bandura’s theory stresses the importance of
(Q1) ___ is concerned with the adaptive or survival value fo behavior and is evolutionary history
(Q1) A special strength of the psychoanalytic perspective is
It’s emphasis on understanding the individuals unique life history
(Q1) By using ___ assignment of participants to treatment conditions investigators increase the chance that participants characteristics are equally distributed across treatment groups
(Q1) One strength off cross-sectional research is that
researchers need not be concerned with participant dropout or practice effects.
(Q2) Which age group is likely to do more niche-picking
(Q2) Active gene-environment correlation
Becomes common at older ages
(Q2) The sex of a new organism is determined by whether
an X-bearing sperm or a Y-bearing sperm fertilizes the ovumm
(Q2) ___ can be routinely used to safely screen for abnormal fetal development
(Q2) Identical twins are created when
A zygote that has started to duplicates separates into two clusters of cells that develop into twins
(Q2) Which of the following statements about behavioral genetics is true
A growing number of researchers regard the question of how much heredity and environment contribute to the differences among people as unanswerable
(Q2) Compared to high SES parents and low SES parents are more likely to
Use coercive dicsipline
(Q2) Candace and Cassy, like all monozygotic twins,
Have the same genetic makeup
(Q2) As a group, wealthy parents
are nearly as physically and emotionally unavailable to their youngsters as parents coping with serious financial strain.
(Q2) ___ are more likely than other children to suffer deficits in cognitive development and academic achievement
Children of poverty
(Q2) When Harry, Ron and Hermione are all exposed to an environment with moderate level of stimulation
They will each respond differently to the same environment
(Q2) In the male,
The cells from which sperm arise are produced continuously through life
(Q2) Generally, human ___ come in 23 matching pairs
(Q2) In several studies, affluent teenagers were ___ likely than low-SES youths to____
More; report high levels of anxiety and depression
(Q2) Which of the following American children is most likely to live in poverty
George; an African American
(Q2) According to the concept of epigenesis,
Development results from ongoing, bidirectional exchanges between heredity and the environment
(Q2) The events that occur during ___ make the likelihood extremely low than non-twin siblings will be genetically identical
(Q2) Heritability estimates are controversial because they
Can easily be missapplied
(Q2Animal evidence suggests that one reason for an inconsistency in results from studies regarding the risk of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in individuals who are homozygous for a chromosome-5 gene (DD) may be that
Environmental influences associated with ADHD modify the genes activity
(Q2) Fraternal twins are created when
Two different ova are released and fertilized
(Q2) Gilles has frequent and high exposure to radiation in his occupation in the paste ten years. Gilles offspring are at a greater risk for ___ than children with fathers who were not exposed to radiation
Childhood cancer
(Q2) Bart and Nadia are gymnasts. Their son, 4 year-old Dylan, participates in children Gymnastics. This is an example of
A passive correlation
(Q2) Which of the following is a recessive characteristic
red hair
(Q2) Parents and other caring adults can ___ gene-environment correlations by providing children with positive experiences that modify the expression heredity, yielding favorable outcomes
uncouple favorable
(Q2) ___ is/ are the longest-lasting concept(s) for development
The family
(Q2) Attempts to help children and youths have been difficult to realize in the U.S because
cultural values of self-reliance and privacy have made the government hesitant to become involved with family matters
(Q2) Taylors 23rd pair of chromosomes is XX. Taylor is a
(Q2) Gene therapy corrects genetic abnormalities by
Delivering DNA carrying carrying a function gene to the cells
(Q2) Which of the following statements about vitro fertilization is true
The success rate of vitro fertilization declines steadily with age
(Q2) An intellectually gifted child’s choice to participate in chess club is an example of
(Q2) Jenna’s mother tend to increase her use of punishment when Jenna becomes unruly and ungenerous. This is a(n) example of ___ influence between a parent and a child
(Q2) Mr. and Mrs. Parsons feel that and important factor in promoting their children’s academic success is frequent contact between their parents and teachers. The Parsons would most likely find this offspring in a(n)
Small Town
(Q2) ___ measures the extent to which individual differences in a complex trait in a specific population are due to genetic factors
Heritability estimates
(Q2) Adopted Children
Tend to have more learning and emotional difficulties than other children
(Q2) Area agencies on aging
Offer communal and home-delivered meals, and a wide range of other services
(Q2) Which of the following statements about public policies for older adults in the United States is true
During the 1960’s, U.S federal spending on programs for older adults was greatly expanded
(Q3) Rh compatibility problems are more likely to occur if an Rh-negative mother is carrying her ___ baby
Second Rh-positive
(Q3) Janelle is a firs-time mother. The first stage of her labor will probably last between ____ hours.
12 and 14
(Q3) The effect of Teratogens
vary with the the age of the organism at the time of exposure
(Q3) Not until ___ months to babies prefer the taste of salt to plain water
(Q3) Between 23 and 30 weeks
connections from between the cerebral cortex and brain regions involved in plain sensitivity
(Q3) Baby Taylors limb movements are gentle. He stirs occasionally and facial grimacing occurs. Although his eyelids are closed, occasional rapid eye movement can be seen beneath them. Taylor is most likely in which of the stages
Irregular sleep
(Q3) Recent evidence shows that paternal alcohol use around the time of conception
Can alter gene expression thereby contributing to symptoms of partial fetal alcohol syndrome
(Q3) fertilization usually takes place in the
fallopian tubes
(Q3) ___ reduces the likelihood of birth complications and shortens labor
A supportive labor companion
(Q3) Andrew received an Apgar score of 5. This means that Andrew
needs assistance in establishing breathing and other vital signs
(Q3) Willa gets regular headaches. While pregnant, Willa beings using aspirin to ease the pain because she is convinced that aspiring is harmless. Which of the effects can Willas regular aspirin use have on the developing organism
regular aspirin use is linked to low birth weight and poorer motor development
(Q3) Touching newborn Sarah’s ___ is especially likely to elicit a respinse
(Q3) Which of the following is the most likely to experience the greatest percentage of REM sleep
Cheryl, a preterm newborn
(Q3) Ursula is in the second stage of labor. She can expect ___ during this stage.
her baby to be born
(Q3) Small-for-date infants ___ than preterm infants
more often show evidence of brain damage
(Q3) Dori take a vitamin A derivative called Accutane to treat her acne. Dori is considering becoming pregnant. Dori should know that the exposure to accutane during the
first tri-mester results in eye, ear, skull, brain, heart and immune system abnormalities.
(Q3) A healthy diet that results in a weight gain of ___ pounds helps ensure the health of the mother and the baby
(Q3) If not identified and treated during routine prenatal care ___ can cause sharp increases in maternal blood pressure, along with swelling of hand, face and feet in the last half of pregnancy
(Q3) What advice can you offer parents who want to reduce their newborn sons discomfort during circumcision
Offer a nipple that delivers sweet liquid while gently holding the baby
(Q3) Forty years ago ___ was rare
Caesarean delivery
(Q3) The rooting reflex
has survival value
(Q3) Which of the following statements is supported by research on crying
Newborns often cry at the sound of another Newborn crying
(Q3) Fetal monitoring
may identify babies as in danger, who, in fact are not.
(Q3) The mesoderm will become the
muscles, skeleton, circulatory system and other internal organs
(Q3) Research mentions that healthy women in their ___ have about the same rates of pregnancy complications as those in their ____
Thirties, twenties
(Q3) When Jason bumps baby Grayson’s baby carrier, Grayson flings his arms wide and brings them back towards his body. Grayson’s reaction is the ___ reflex
(Q3) Which of the following about HIV-infected expectant mothers is true
Antiretroviral drug therapy reduces prenatal AIDS transmission by as much as 95 percent
(Q3) The Trophoblast
will become the structures that provide protective covering and nourishment
(Q3) In the last weeks of pregnancy
Most fetuses assume and upside-down position
(Q3) Which of the following mothers is most likely to have inadequate prenatal care
Harriet, who is uninsured and 22
(Q3) The umbilical chord rarely tangles during pregnancy because
the force of blood flowing through keeps it firm
(Q3) The ovum
is the size of a period at the end of a sentence
(Q3) Birth weight
is the best available predictor of infant survival and healthy development
(Q3) At birth, newborns prefer ___ to ___
Complex sounds; pure tones
(Q3) The most common approach to pain during pregnancy is
epidural analgesia
(Q3) As early as the third month of pregnancy
the fetus can suck its thumb
(Q4) In an EEG
Brain-wave patterns are examined for stability and organization signs of mature cortical functioning
(Q4) When skeletal ages are examined,
Girls are considerably ahead of boys
(Q4) In the prenatal period, neurons
are produced in the embryos primitive neural tube
(Q4) When diet and health are adequate ___ is largely influenced by heredity
(Q4) A researcher hangs a mobile over the crib of 4-month year old Anya. When the researcher attaches Anya’s foot to the mobile with the long chord, Anya can, by kicking, make the mobile turn. The turning of the mobile is an example of a
(Q4) Which of the following mothers is most likely to actively discourage rapid motor development
Biyaki, an Indian of southern Mexico
(Q4) Western efforts to get infants to sleep through the night
May be at odds with the infants neurological development
(Q4) Visual acuity improves steadily, reaching an adult level of about 20/20 by
4 years
(Q4) Which of the following statements about the role of nutrition in development is true
Pound for pound, an infants energy needs are twice those of an adult
(Q4) One surprising finding of infants face face perspective is that infants will will look longer at
attractive faces than unattractive ones
(Q4) Which infant is the most likely to refuse to cross the deep-side of the visual cliff
James, who has been crawling for three months
(Q4) In intermodal perception
babies make sense of visual, auditory, tactile, odor and taste information, perceiving them as integrated wholes.
(Q4) In the second year, most toddlers
Slim down
(Q4) ___, Infants can focus on objects as well as adults can
around two months
(Q4) during infancy, girls
have a higher ratio of fat to muscles than boys
(Q4) Every time Trisha bottle-fed baby Isabel, she stroke Isabels hair. In time, Isabel would make a sucking noise each time Trisha stroked her hair. In this example, ____ is the unconditioned stimulus
(Q4) Newborns prefer to look at
A checkerboard with large, bold squares over one with many small squares
(Q4) For synaptic pruning to advance
Appropriate stimulation of the child’s brain is vital during periods in which the formation of synapsis is at its peak
(Q4) In the proximodistal trend, during infancy and childhood, the
ams and legs grow somewhat ahead of the hands and feet
(Q4) In operant conditiong
Infants behavior influences the stimuli that occur
(Q4) A ____ plastic cerebral cortex has a ____ capacity for learning
Highly; high
(Q4) Which of the following is an example of a gross-motor skill
(Q4) In the Bucharest Early Intervention project, where specially trained social workers provided foster parents with counseling and support
The foster-care group exceeded the institutional-care group in intelligence test scores, language scores, and emotional responsiveness
(Q4) When baby Jaleel was born, stimulation in his brain resulted in a massive overabundance of synapses. As synapses formed, many surrounding neurons died. The process is known as
Programmed cell death
(Q4) Compared to breast-fed babies, bottle-fed babies
Have more respiratory illnesses
(Q4) Which of the following babies is demonstrating ulnar grasp
Becky, who holds an object by folding her fingers against her palm
(Q4) By focusing on the shift from a novelty preference to a familiarity preference, researches can use habituation to assess
Remote memory
(Q4) Dr. Anderson wants to study infants ability to judge the distance of objects from one another and from themselves. Dr. Andersons research involves the study of
Depth perception
(Q4) ___ Depth cues arise because out two eyes have slightly different views of the visual world
(Q4) Brain development in infancy and toddlerhood is
Jointly influenced by genetically programmed events and the child’s experiences
(Q4) Research on hearing shows that infants
prefer to listen to their native language over foreign languages
(Q4) The rise in body fat during the first year of life
helps infants keep a constant body temperature
(Q4) Kipsigi infants walk considerably earlier than North American infants because
Kipsigi parents emphasize early motor maturity, practicing formal exercises to stimulate particular skills
(Q4) Babies
Learn for their natural preference for novel stimulation
(Q4) recent evidence indicates
A strengthening relationship between rapid weight gain in infancy and later stability
is caused by a diet low in all essential nutrients