Quizzes Flashcards
Which best describes the Academy of the Incogniti?
a group of intellectuals who met in private
Castrati were used in Rome and the Papal states to perform sacred music, but women were allowed to perform in operas in those same locations.
Which of the following is not true about the Florentine Camerata?
They were supporters of the “prima prattica.”
All of the following are true about Jacquet de la Guerre except:
She was the first French woman to write sonatas for the piano.
Which of the following statements is not true about Jacquet de la Guerre?
She stopped composing when she got married.
Which of the following is not true about Isabella Leonarda?
She was excused from her daily duties as a nun so she could devote her time to composing music.
Caccini, Strozzi, and Guerre were virtually unknown during their lifetimes.
False-Although these women were erased from the pages of written history at times, they were known during their lifetimes.
Nuns in convents in Bologna experienced great musical freedom, and were encouraged to sing and play instruments, including cornetti and trombones, typically played by males.
After the Council of Trent, nuns were given greater freedom to worship and sing publicly.
Which of the following is not true regarding dowries for entering convents during the Baroque period?
Families of females who entered convents gave their daughter’s inheritance to the church.
By 1650, as many as three-quarters of the female children born into Italian aristocratic families entered convents.
The monodic style was monophonic.
The Doctrine of the Affections was an ancient Greek belief.
With the rise of the middle class during and after the Age of Enlightenment, public and paid performances by women began to increase.
Which best describes Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de la Guerre’s social rank?
Which of the following statements does NOT describe music of the Baroque period?
Form-driven structure, symmetrical balance, and objectivity
Which is incorrect regarding the French Baroque keyboard suite?
The musical roots of the keyboard suite are connected to the instrumental dance suite.
Which of the following was not one of Francesca Caccini’s duties?
Building instruments for the court.
All of the following describe Maria, dolce Maria except–
It was dedicated to the Virgin Mary.
Francesca Caccini’s primary duties revolved around serving the women of the Versailles court.
False-Caccini was employed by the Medici family in Italy. The Versailles court is in France.
The Renaissance was an entirely secular age, and this was reflected in the music.
“Fin amors” refers to which of the following:
Unattainable love referenced in troubadour songs.
In the year 1580 women musicians gained permission to perform publicly without the fear of negative social consequences.
Which of the following is NOT true of devadasi?
They remained sexually pure.
Which of the following does not describe Maddalena Casulana?
She was stabbed in the throat due to her impropriety.
Which of the following is not true of noble women’s musical performances during the Renaissance?
They were allowed to perform on small hand drums.
Which of the following is not a true statement about the Renaissance?
Noble women were allowed to perform publicly.
Which is of the following is not a musical element found in “A chanter m’er de so?”
Wide range
All of the following are associated with a “kouta” EXCEPT:
woodblock printing
Which of the following best explains why courtesan’s music is difficult to find today?
It was often improvised.
Which of the following is not associated with troubadour’s songs?
Written in French
Which of the following is not true regarding troubadours?
They primarily wrote songs for the lord of the court
Women who married royalty in European courts were—
Selected for their ability to form political alliances.
Which of the following does not describe a siren?
Provided noble men with wise counsel
Which of the following does not describe a courtesan?
She was considered to be a virtuous woman.
Which is true regarding Renaissance madrigals?
Word painting reflected emotion.
Which of the following most impacted the musical form of troubadour songs?
The poetic rhyme scheme
Who among the following was employed by the Medici family?
Maddalena Casulana
All sacred music is liturgical.
False -A morality play is sacred but is not part of the liturgy.
Which of the following statements does NOT describe Hildegard’s style of writing chant?
Limited to one octave
Which of the following statements is NOT true about Hildegard?
She began recording her visions when she was a child.
The Office was codified by Pope Gregory the Great.
The primary liturgical genres of the Roman Catholic church were the mass and the office.
All of the following facts are true about Pope Gregory the Great EXCEPT:
He developed written notation-Written notation was developed by Guido of Arrezo.
In 313 A.D. Constantine legalized Christianity and women were allowed to sing in the church.
All of the following are correct regarding the term “kolisha” EXCEPT:
Jewish women were allowed to sing in the choir
Hebrew women, such as Miriam, Deborah, and Hannah, were depicted in the Bible as leading in public worship.
False-The women participated in secular music, but were banned from liturgical music used in public worship.
The Abbot was opposed to Hildegard von Bingen moving her convent away from the monastery for all of the following reasons except –
The monks would lose the dowries (material goods) that the nuns had brought with them upon entering the convent.
The vast majority of published sacred works by women date from the latter half of the 20th century.
Women could not officially sing during the Christian Mass until after 1900.
Which of the following terms is associated with the preservation of musical manuscripts?
Which is true regarding the Ordo Virtutum?
It is rhythmically free-The Devil is not allowed to sing, and thus speaks his part.
In which regard was a medieval-era performance of the Ordo Virtutum different from a Mass?
It included dramatic roles
In which way does Sofia Gubaidulina’s musical language most abandon a culturally defined “female” sphere?
In her use of harsh dissonance
Gubaidulina’s structural design is complex beneath the surface.
Which of the following church-sponsored institutions prepared musicians to assist at liturgy?
schola cantorum
The Age of Enlightenment brought about greater freedom for women to perform and publish music.
Mozart was inspired to write the “Queen of the Night Aria” in The Magic Flute for which of the Weber sisters?
All of the following statements are true about Nannerl Mozart EXCEPT:
Nannerl chose to end her musical career to marry and have children-she was forbidden
All of the following statements are true about Nanette Streicher nee Stein EXCEPT:
At age seven, she began assisting her father building pianos in their piano shop in Vienna. (It was Ausburg)
The patronage of Empress Maria Theresa resulted in Vienna becoming the musical capital of Europe.
Which of the following statements is NOT true about Marianna Martines?
Pietro Metastasio was Martines’ first music teacher-He hired her first teacher
Which of the following is NOT an accurate statement about Martines’ composition, Dixit Dominus?
Features text of Psalm 100-it’s Psalm 109
Which of the following is NOT true about Marianne Martines?
Her primary source of income was concert fees she received for public performances.
Maria Theresia von Paradis could play at least ______ piano concertos and sonatas for memory.
Which of the following men assisted Maria Theresia with her compositions by developing a wooden board and peg system for her to use as a musical staff?
Johann Riedinger
Anna Amalia, Princess of Prussia was encouraged to study music by everyone except
her father, Frederick I.
Maria Theresia von Paradis’s career was divided into which of the following three parts?
performing, composing, and teaching.
Maria Theresia suffered from hysterical blindness due to the violent behavior of her parents.
The Viennese people gave Maria Theresia von Paradis the title of “The Blind Enchantress” out of respect for her remarkable musical talent.
Maria Theresia von Paradis was born blind and never recovered her sight.
Maria Theresia sang Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater, while accompanying herself on the organ,when she was only 11 years old.
Maria Theresia von Paradis was named after an Empress, who later became her patron.
Anna Amalia, Princess of Prussia, was forced to become an abbess of a convent because she defied her brother and continued to compose and perform music.
False-Her brother sent her to a convent because of her love affair with a young army officer.
Anna Amalia, Princess of Prussia, played harpsichord, organ, flute, and violin.
Anna Amalia, Princess of Prussia, played harpsichord, organ, flute, and violin.
Due to her interest in intellectual and artistic pursuits, the court of Anna Amalia, Duchess of Saxe-Weimar, became known as the ________________.
court of the muses
Which of the following statements is NOT true about Anna Amalia, Duchess of Saxe-Weimar?
Although she was a patron of the arts, she did not compose music.
Although Anna Amalia, Princess of Prussia, was Abbess of the Quedlinburg convent, she was allowed to live in her home in Berlin and hold musical soirees.
Anna Amalia, Princess of Prussia, composed several ___________, which was a unique genre of composition for women of all historical eras.
Anna Amalia, Princess of Prussia, received her first music lessons from her brother, Frederick.