Quizzes Flashcards
6 criteria air pollutants
- ozone
- particulate matter
- carbon monoxide
- nitrogen oxides
- sulfur dioxides
- lead
what is a xenobiotic?
any substance that is foreign to the body or an entire biological system
the 3 primary routes of absorption are?
dermal absorption
the 3 primary routes of excretion of toxins are?
what is the predominant CYP in the liver?
what effect does fasting have on biotransformation?
fasting is not a good idea b/c biotransformation requires E that in a fasting state could only be spared at the expense of gluconeogenesis
the EPA sets limits for how much pesticide can remain on food, these limits are known as?
MRLs: maximum residue limits
which heavy metal is common in its organic form in shellfish and is one of the reasons you want to have your patients avoid seafood in the wk prior to testing?
what 2 pollutants combine to form ground level ozone?
VOCs + nitrogen oxides
what are the primary causes of acid rain?
sulfur dioxide + nitrogen oxides
VOC is an abbreviation for?
volatile organic compound
how can we be exposed to VOCs?
topical absorption
the main systems affected by VOCs are?
one of the most serious health consequences of exposure to this VOC is leukemia as it basically causes cells to not work effectively, esp those of the BM
this the component of non-stick or Teflon cookware that we are concerned about
plytetrafluorethylene (PTFE)
the water-solubility of this toxic substance prevents its access to the lower respiratory tract
those who huff glue are mostly after this specific VOC that is 25x more reactive than benzene
dry cleaned clothes that are brought home contain elevated levels of this VOC
tetrachloroethylene (aka perchloroethylene or PERC)
this VOC is a precursor to many medications and is also found as an oral anesthetic ingredient in chloraseptic and carmex
the most common VOC that is a potential occupational hazard for persons working in a histology lab and performing tissue processing is
what is one major source of the new car smell?
vinyl chloride
the main ingredient in mothballs is?
this is a major component of tar from charred/grilled foods and tobacco smoke
what does PAH stand for?
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
this primary metabolite of nicotine can be used to assess tobacco exposure
this condition is pathognomonic for asbestos exposure
these 2 plastics together are considered the safest
2 and #4
These are used as plasticizers and are of particular concern because they leech very easily
this substance is often found in packaging and in the metal coatings of cans
bisphenol A
this species is considered “black mold”
staphybotrys chartarum
what is the major severe health effect of vinyl chloride?
hepatic angiosarcoma