quiz2(mod1-2) Flashcards
plumbing system
system that includes water supply distribution pipes, fixture, appurtenances, devices and connection within and outside the bldg within the property line
a system consisting of water supply pipes, fixture appurtenances, devices and connection within and outside the bldg within the property line
plumbing system
2 categories of plumbing system
water supply and Distibution system
drainage system
water supply and distribution system
a system that provides and distributes water to different parts of the bldg for uses such as drinking coooking washing. Could either be hot water or cold water system
a system that _ and _ water to different parts of the bldg for uses such as _ _ _ . Could either be _ or _ system
water supply and distribution system
provides and distributes water
cooking washing drinking
drainage system
all piping within a bldg that conveys sewage or liquid wastes to a point of disposal
does not include sewage treatment plant
all _ within a bldg that conveys _ and _ to a point of _
does not include the sewage treatmemt
drainage system
piping, waste water and liquid waste, disposal
2 categories under the drainage system
sanitary drainage and vent piping system
storm drainage system
sanitary drainage and vent piping system
basically installed by the plumber to remove waster waste and waterborne waste from a plumbing fixture and to provide air circulation within the drainage piping.
installed by the plumber to removes waterborne waste from plumbing fixtures and to provide air circulation to the drainage piping
sanitary drainage and vent piping system
cylindrical tubes or conductors to convey water or liquid wastes
cylindrical tubes or conductors to convey water or liquid waste
standardized pre-fabricated components to connect sections of the pipes
can be categorized as water line fitting or drainage fitting
a standardized prefabricated components to connect sections of pipes
can be categorized into; _ and _
water line fitting and drainage fitting
a receptable which water may be collected into the plumbing system
receptor which water may be collected into the plumbing system
plumbing fixture trim
installed in the fixture to control the flow of water into the fixture
installed in a fixture to control the flow of water into the fixture
plumbing fixture trim
plumbing appurtenance
prefabricated assembly of component parts or on-the-job assembly of component parts that is adjunct which does not require additinal water nor additional discaharge laod
prefabricated assembly of component parts or on-the-job assembly of component part that is adjunct to the piping system that does not require additinal water nor additional discharge load
plumbing appurtenance
plumbing equipment
mechanical or electrical component that are designed and manufactured to perform a specific purpose such as conveying water
mechanical or electrical component that are designed and manufactured to perform a specific purpose such as conveying water
plumbing equipment
plumbing appliance
a special class of plumbing fixture intended to perform special function such as washingh machine
a special class of plumbing fixture intended for special function such washing machine
plumbing appliance
plumbing accessories
devices that may be added for aesthetic, convenience and comfort
devices that can be added for aesthetic, convenience and comfort
plumbing accessories
a device used to control, regulate and divert the flow, pressure and heat of a liquid
a device used to control, regulate and divert the flow, pressure and heat of liquid
plumbing trap
a device or fitting used to create a liquid seal to prevent backflow and passage of foul air
a device or fitting used to create liquid seal to prevent backflow and passage of foul air
plumbing trap
give 5 general parts of a typical water supply and distrribution system
water main
water service pipe
upfeed pipe
downfeed pipe
give 5 general parts of a typical sanitary drainage and ventilation system
fixture drain
soil pipe
give 5 general part of a typical storm drainange system
catch basin
storm drain pipe
air break
physical separation between a waste pipe and an indirect waste receptor
physical separation of a waste pipe and an indirect waste receptor
air break
air gap
the unobstructed vertical distance between the outlet of the faucet and the flood level rim of the fixture or receptor
the unobstructed vetical distance between the outlet of the faucet and the flood level rim of the fixture or receptor
air gap
angle valve
a valve with inlet and outlet openings that are 90 degrees to each other
a valve with its outlet and inlet openings that are 90 degrees to each other
angle valve
back pressure
the pressure within the sanitary drainage system that is greater than the atmospheric pressure
atmospheric pressure
the pressure within the sanitary drainage system that is greater than the atmospheric pressure
back pressure
back siphonage
the flowing by negative pressure of contaminated water from a plumbing fixture to a potable water system
the flowing by negative pressure of a contaminated water from a plumbing fixture to a potable water system
back siphonage
the flow of water or wastewater in reverse from normally intended
the flow of water or wastewater in reverse from normally intended
backwater valve
valve that is installed to prevent the reverse flow of sewage ijto the drainage system
valve that is installed to prevent the reverse flow of sewage into the drainage system
backwater valve
ball valve
a valve that controls the flow of liquid by a rotating drilled ball
a valve which controls the flow of liquid by a rotating drilled ball
ball valve
battery of fixtures
any group of two or more similar fixture that discharge into a common horizontal waste branch
any two or more similar fixture that discharge into a common horizontal waste branch
battery of fixtures
bell or hub
end portion of a pipe which is enlarged to receive the end of another pipe
end portion of a pipe that is enlarged to receive the end of another pipe
bell or hub
synonymous to a faucet, cock or tap
synonymous to a faucet, cock or tap
any part of the piping system other than the main, riser or stack
any part of a piping other than the main, riser or stack
branch interval
the vertical length of a soil pipe at least 8ft which the horizontal branches are connected into
the vertical lentgh of soil pipe at least 8ft which the horizontal branches are connected inyo
branch interval
building drain or house drain
lowest horizontal piping which receives the discharge from drainage pipes and conveys it to the blgd/house sewer
the lowest horizontal piping which received the discharge from drainage pipes and conveys it to the bldg/house sewer
bldg drain or house drain
building/house sewer
extends the end of the building drain ands conveys its discharge to the public sewer
extends the end of the bldg or house drain and conveys its discharge to the public sewer
building/house sewer
building supply pipe
first section of water supply piping after the water meter
first section of water supply piping after the the water meter
building supply pipe
plugging an opening with oakum or other materials
basically to seal joints
plugging an opening w oakum or other materials
basically to seal joints
a fitting that has a removable plate to allow access tot he pipes for cleaning and maintenance
a fitting w a removable plate which allows access to the pipes for cleaning and maintenance
conductor or leader
part of the roofing that take water from the roof to the storm drain
part of the roofing that takes water from the roof to the storm drain
conductor or leader
cross connection
any physical connection between two otherwise separate buildings which water supply may flow from one system to the other
any physical connection between two otherwise separate buildings which water supply may flow from one system to the other
cross connection
extended portion of a pipe which is closed and no connections are made
extended portion of a pipe that is closed and no connections are made
vertical portion of a rainwater conductor
vertical portion of a rainwater conductor
pipe which carries the surface or ground water to the building drainage system
pipe which carries surface or ground water into the bldg drainage system
a common measure of a probable discharge into the drainage system (7.5gal/min)
drainage fixture unit
drainage fixture unit or dfu
a common measure of probable discharge into the drainage system (7.5gal/min)
cvalve which water can be drawn from
valve which water can be drawn from
flood level
level in a fixture which water begins to overflow the top of the fixture
level in a fixture which water begins to overflow the top of the fixture
flood level
volume of water used by a fixture in a given amount of time
flow rate
flow rate
volume of water used by a fixture in a given amount of time
4” diameter pipe can carry waste of _ water closets
flush valve
located at the bottom of the flush tank for flushing water
located at the bottom of the flush tank for flushing water
flush valve
flushometer valve
device which discharges predetermined quantity of water to fixtures (public toilets)
a device which discharges a predetermined quantity of water to the fixture
flushometer valve
full bath
bathroom containing a water closet, lavatory and a bathtuba
bathroom containing a water closet, lavatory and bathtub
full bath
half bath
bathroom containing a water closet and a lavatory
bathroom containing a water closet and a lavatory
half bath
gate valve
valve which the flow of water is cut off by means of a circular disk, fitting against a machine-smoothed surfaces
valve which the flowof water is cut off by means of a circular disk fitting against a machine-smoothed surface
gate valve
valve which the flow of water is cut off by means of a circular disk that fits against the valve seat
globe valve
globe valve
valve which the flow of water is cut off by means of a circular disk that fits the valve seat
hose bibb
a faucet to which a hose may be attached
a faucet which a hose may be attached
hose bibb
indirect waste pipe
waste pipe that does not connect directly to the drainage system but conveys wastes by discharging into the fixture which is directly connected to the drainage system through air brake
waste pipe that does not directly connect to the drainage system but conveys waste through an air break that is directly connected to the drainage system
indirect waste pipe
contrary to sanitary principles
contrary to sanitary principles
lavatory or washbasin
fixture designed for washing hands and face
fixture designed for washing hands and face
lavatory or washbasin
principal pipe to which branches may be connectedp
principle pipe to which branches may be connected
main vent/ vent stack
vertical pipe used to provide circulation of air
vertical pipe used to provide circulation of air
main vent/vent stack
opening constructed in any part of the plumbing system, sufficient size for a person to gain access
opening constructed to any part of the plumbing system, sufficient size for a person to gain access
stack vent
vent of the stack
public sewer
common sewer directly controlled by the public
common sewer directly controlled by the public
public sewer
water supply pipe that extends vertically one full storey or more to convey water
water supply pipe that extends vertically one full story or more to convey water
installation of parts which can be completed prior to installation of fixtures
installation of parts which can be completed prior to installation of fixtures
roughing in
sanitary drainage pipes
pipes installed to remove waterborne waste from plumbing fixtures and to convey to the sanitary sewer
seepage pit
receives tha discharge of the septic tank and allow gradual seepage of water to the grounf
pipes installed to remove waterborne wastes from fixture and convey it to sanitary sewer
sanitary drainage pipes
receives that discharge of septic tank and allow gradual seepage of water to the ground
seepage pit
septic tank
watertight receptacle to retain solid and allow liquids to discharge to the ground through seepage pit
watertight receptacle which retains solids and allow liquids to dischrged into the ground through seepage pit
septic tank
any wastewater containing animal or vegetable matter
any wastewater containing animal or vegetable matter
pipe for carrying sewage and wastewater
pipe for carrying sewage and wastewater
pressure less than the atmospheric pressure
soil pipe
pipe that conveys discharge of water closets containing fecal matter
lessthan the atmospheric pressure
pipe that conveys discharge of water closets that contains fecal matter
soil pipe
soil stack
vertical pipe that conveys dischage from water closet or urinals to the building drain or sewer
vertical that conveys discharge from urinals and water closet to the building drain or swer
soil stackl
end of a pipe that fits into a bell
end of a pipe that fits into a bell
general term used for any vertical line of soil, waste or vent piping
general term for any vertical line of soil, waste or vent piping
a tank below the ormal grade of gravity receiving liquid wastes which must be mechanically pumped to a higher receiving point
a tank below a normal grade of gravity that receives liquid wastes which must be mechanically pumped to a higher receiving point
ventilation system
system of pipes, fittings and other devices installed for the purpose of providing air circulation within the system
system of pipes and devices installed to provide air circulation within the system
ventilation system
vent pipe
pipe or opening used for ensuring circulation of air
pipe or opening ensuring the circulation of air
vent pipe
waste pipe
a pipe that conveys only liquids waste free of fecal matter
a pipe conveys only liquid waste free of fecal matter
waste pipe
water distributing pipe
pipe that conveys potable water from the supply tot he fixtures
pipe that conveys potable water from suppl to fixtures
water distributing pipe
water service pipe
portion of water supply pipe before the water meter
yoke vent
pipe connecting upward to a soil pipe to a vent stack
pipe connecting upward from soil pipe to vent stack
yoke vent