QUiz on mating systems Flashcards
a mating system in which both females and males have only one mate during one breeding season.
what is social monogamy?
when the male and female don’t mate with other individuals and go through life and raise offspring together
In what ways might monogamy be mutually beneficial? Provide examples.
Pairing can help in the maintenance of territories.
Polygyny: only this can be predicted by the trevor model
a mating system in which a male fertilizes the eggs of more than one partner during one breeding season.
a mating system in which a females eggs are fertilized by more than one male during one breeding season.
Under what circumstances can you be monogamous
If you only mate once, you are certainly monogamous.
If you are monogamous you may mate many times, but with the same partner.
Extra-pair copulations:
mating with an individual other than your social partner
Some examples of when monogamy might occur….
…starting with, when sex is lethal!
If it kills you, you can only do it once!
contains a gift of nutrients in addition to sperm
Nuptial gift:
a gift, usually of food, in exchange for mating.
What is the take-home message of the figure about duration of mating?
The size of the gift causes a longer duration of mating. However, after the gift reaches a certain size, sex stays around 20-25 min. This may be because…
- if you’ve used all the sperm you have on a female, there’s no reason to stick around
- he can mate with her as long as she is eating
Sexual Suicide
offering oneself as the nuptial gift.
Is sexual suicide ever adaptive? Explain.
Yes if…
- If it increases the likelihood of fertilization.
- If the chances of reproducing again are very low.
Mate guarding:
when one partner stays with its mate to prevent mating with others.
An example might be: The likelihood that male spiders of some species will ever find a female is so low, that they just break off their penises into the female to prevent her from mating with a different male.
What assumption of the Trivers model does this violate? about the clown shrimp
ask sarah
Reproductive cycles are synchronized in male and female seahorses. How might this affect assumptions of the Trivers model?
They are willing to mate at the same time
What is the mean number of young model about?
An equal amount of young are born with a male or without a male. However, as seen in the graph, it is important for a male to be present when they young emerge from the nest. They can be of assistance by cleaning the nest, getting food, or taking care of the mother.
Polyandry: What is the take-home message of the figure regarding female immune systems?
The greater amount of mates, the better the immune system because females are exposed to bacteria and diseases from mating often, which is why their immune system would be stronger
Why don’t we talk about health costs of promiscuity in males?
Because of male stereotypes. It is a bias that goes into studies.
What is the difference between female and male guarding?
When males maintain the monogamous condition, it is called mate guarding.
When females maintain the monogamous condition, it is called female-enforced monogamy.
Why might females mate with more than one male?
- Direct/Material benefits
- Indirect benefits
Direct/Material benefits:
Access to territory
Material/Direct Benefits of
More resources
More care
Better protection: males will add chemicals to their sperm so the female not only has her egg protection, shell have his as well
Reproductive output:
Mass of eggs/mass of females