Quiz K (11) Flashcards
Mechenical advantage
Increasing an applied force by mechanical means, as thorugh the use of a block and tackle or a winch.
Mechenical drawing
A type of drawing made with the aid of instruments, generally made to scale
A play stressing suspense and external incident for their
Proder(s) stalling off an actor.
Milk it dry
To squeeze the utmost laughs out of a line or situation.
Form of drama popular among thee acients
Protracted speech by one person.
Move on
The move toward center stage fromright to left, in roughlythe same manner. In the opposite direction one is said to move off.
Hearyweight unbleched cotton material used for covering flat frames or in the constrruction of drops when economyis a prime requisute.
Review, clipping, dramatic criticism.
Outside the playing space. In any position within the playing space, the actor is said to be onsttage,
Usuallly, to turn or to play more directly toward the audience.
Operating line
The rope used to raise and lower the arbor of the counterweight system. The rope used to open or close different tyoes if curtains, such as the draw, tab or roller curtains,
Out front
Area occupied by the audiend
A skeletal platform of irregulor shaoe mounted on castors with scenery attached to one of its faces.
To speak or move before previous speeches or movements are completed.
To give dialouge, movement of scences exaggerated emphasis or punch.
To be extra
Timing of lines and actions
Packing the house
Fillinf a theater for preformances.
Paint pallet, rolling
A metal-topped rolling work table on whcih sa=mall quantites of paint are mixed.
Unfavorable reviews.
General free admission into a theater, as a papered house.
Pareleil, coninental
A folding platform with a removable top and inside supporting frames. When folded the outside frames form a compact unit.
Parellel, standard
A folding platform with a removable top. Thefolded upporting frames of this parallel are awkard to handle.
Peanut gallery
Top gallery, containing the cheapest seats.