Quiz Fri Flashcards
is the perpetuation of species.
such as fission, budding, and
fragmentation where gamete is not involved.
Asexual reproduction
one where male and female
gametes are involved.
Sexual reproduction
These are two hollow lobes with thin walls; they are the
female gonads which produce the egg cells or ova.
The mesentery in the ovary is
These are two slender coiled tubes with fleshy walls close to the middorsal line. These serve as the passageway of ova.
When you trace the oviduct anteriorly the _______, a fringe-like opening is found.
is the temporary storage
of the egg cells.
Ovisac or uterus
yellowish finger-like projections at the anterior portion of the kidney and connected to the
Corpora adiposa or fat bodies
These contain food reserved to be utilized during the breeding
Fat bodies or corpora adiposa
These are paired yellowish, elongated structures ventrally attached to the kidneys with the mesorchium as mesentery.
These are tubules lying on the mesorchium connecting the testes to the kidneys. These are also called vas efferens.
Vasa efferentia.
These are also called vas efferens.
Vasa efferentia
These are also the ureters or
mesonephric ducts for the passage of sperm from the kidney to the
cloaca, then the anus.
Vasa deferentia or vas deferens.
The circulatory system of the frog is composed of
heart, blood vessels such as artery, vein and capillary, and the blood.
reddish and is covered by a pericardium
It consists of chambers with a
conical thick-walled ventricle located posteriorly and the left and right
atria located anteriorly, which have thin muscular walls.
the left and right
atria located anteriorly have
thin muscular walls.
conical thick-walled ventricle located
the left and right
atria located
has a dorsally located, thin-walled ________ ______and a ventrally located____, and ____ ____ ____leading forward from the anterior base of the
sinus venous
tubular conus arteriosus
The valves between the chambers of the heart prevent the
prevent the backward
flow of the blood.
The_____ _____ separates the atria.
interatrial septum
The thin, twisted, and flat valve in the conus arteriosus.
Spiral valve
The spiral valve which is a thin, twisted, and flat valve is located in the
conus arteriosus
is thick-walled and appears to be bluish-red in a live frog
It carries blood away from the heart.
has thin walls appearing
reddish in a live specimen.
The blood is composed of the fluid____ and the cellular parts which are?
the red corpuscles or erythrocytes
white blood corpuscles or leucocytes and the blood platelets or thrombocytes.
Medially, from the anterior border of ventricle is the _____ _____which looks like a v-shaped structure.
Lift the thin muscular abdominal wall posteriorly and make a short cut
about 3 mm to one side of the
median linea alba
truncus arteriosus which looks like a v-shaped structure forks into three:
common carotid artery
pulmo-cutaneous artery
systemic or aortic arch.
is the anterior arch which divides
into the external carotid or lingual artery.
The common carotid artery
The common carotid artery is the anterior arch which divides
into the
external carotid or lingual artery
This artery supplies blood to
the tongue and floor of the mouth
the internal carotid artery
dilated as carotid gland at its base and dorsal to the posterior roof of the mouth.
internal carotid artery
it also gives off blood to the palatine artery on the roof of the mouth, the
Serebral artery into the cranium to the brain and the ophthalmic artery to the eye
internal carotid artery
The internal carotid artery also gives off blood to the palatine artery on the roof of the mouth, the
________ _____into the cranium to the brain and the _________ ______to the eye
Serebral artery
ophthalmic artery
The second and middle arch is the ___________which passes dorsally beside the esophagus and turns posteriorly to unite with its pair and form the dorsal aorta
systematic or aortic arch
The second and middle arch is the systematic or aortic arch which passes dorsally beside the esophagus and turns posteriorly to unite with its pair and form the_______
dorsal aorta
Each systemic arch, gives of to the
laryngeal artery
Supplies blood to the esophagus
esophageal artery
the occipito-vertebral artery which is further subdivided into?
occipital artery, vertebral artery, subclavian artery,
anterior and supplying blood to
the side of the head and the jaws
the occipital artery
posterior and suppiying blood to the vertebral column
the vertebral artery
supplying blood to the axilla which posteriorly forms the brachial artery
supplying blood to the forearm.
the subclavian artery
The subclavian artery supplies blood to the axilla which posteriorly forms the ________supplying blood to the forearm.
brachial artery
supplying blood to the forearm
Brachial artery
pulmo-cutaneous artery divides into the
Pulmonary and cutaneous artery
supplying blood to the lungs
Pulmonary artery
supplies blood to the skin on the back, the sides of the body and the side of the head.
Cutaneous artery
dorsal aorta gives off to the
coeliaco-masenteric artery,
urogenital arteries, lumbar arteries and posterior mesenteric artery.
The coeliaco-mesenteric artery branches into one celiac artery, the
liver (hepatic artery) and stomach (gastric artery).
supplies blood to the intestines and the spleen.
The anterior mesenteric
There are four to
six pairs of _________supplying blood to the kidneys, gonads, and fat bodies.
urogenital arteries
There are several ______ _____supplying blood to the dorsal body wall and nerve cord and the single mesenteric artery.
posterior to the rectum.
lumbar arteries