Quiz DOS Flashcards
Primary teeth are ______ in overall size and crown dimension.
Primary teeth have markedly more prominent _____ ______ and are narrower in their “_____“(the location that surrounds the cervical line)
Cervical Ridges….”necks”
How does the color of primary teeth compare to perm?
LIGHTER in color
Primary posterior teeth (only molars) have roots that are more ______ _______.
Widely flared
The roots of primary ANTERIOR teeth are _______ & ______ compared to their respective crowns.
Narrower & Longer
______ roots with ______ crowns produce a marked difference in the cervical area.
Narrow roots with wide crowns
Concerning the Incisal View of the Primary Central Incisor:: Mesiodistal measurement is greater then the _______.
Concerning the Incisal View of the Primary Central Incisor: The incisal ridge is _______ over the main bulk of the crown.
Concerning the Incisal View of the Primary Central Incisor: The incisal ridge has a slight curve to the ______ on the distal portion.
Concerning the Incisal View of the Primary Central Incisor The ______ surface is much WIDER (& ______) then the lingual surface.
Facial….(& smoother)
Concerning the Incisal View of the Primary Central Incisor: The lingual surface _______ toward the cingulum.
Concerning the Incisal View of the Primary Central Incisor: Mesial and distal surfaces are relatively ______ enabling good contact with adjoining teeth.
Concerning the FACIAL View of the Primary Maxillary Canine: What are the two “shapes”?
“Diamond” or “Arrow”
Concerning the Facial View of the Primary Maxillary Canine: The cusp position is slightly ______ to the center of the tooth.VERY UNIQUE TO THIS TOOTH
Concerning the Facial View of the Primary Maxillary Canine: The mesial cuspal ridge is slightly ______ than the distal cuspal ridge.
Longer (NOT MUCH THO!)
Concerning the Facial View of the Primary Maxillary Canine: The proximal contact locations are at ________ level.
the same level
Concerning the Facial View of the Primary Maxillary Canine: The facial ridge location is sightly on the ______ half.
Concerning the Facial View of the Primary Maxillary Canine: The root length is ______ that of the crown.
Concerning the Facial View of the Primary Maxillary Canine: the root displays a curvature toward the ______.
DISTAL (distal drift yo)
Concerning the MESIAL view of the Primary Maxillary First Molar: The Facial ridge is EXTREMELY ______.
Concerning the MESIAL view of the Primary Maxillary First Molar: How many roots are visible?
2…MF is superimposed over the DF
OCCLUSIAL view of the Primary Maxillary Second Molar: There are __ cusps on this tooth. RANK them from LARGEST to smallest…
5..MesioLingual>MesioFacial>DistoFacial>DistoLingual>Cusp of Carabelli
OCCLUSIAL view of the Primary Maxillary Second Molar: There is a distinct ______ ridge involving the mesial cusps.
Transverse Ridge
DISTAL view of the primary mandibular FIRST molar! How many cusps are visible from the distal view?
ALL 4 CUSPS! (because the distal cusps are shorter then the medial cusps
DISTAL view of the primary mandibular FIRST molar! How many roots are visible?
2..both are visible because distal root is shorter
What is the anomaly when a tooth erupts in the wrong position?
Ectopic Eruption
Which two directions is an ectopically erupted tooth usually placed?
Facial or Lingual
WHAT is the MOST COMMONLY ROTATED tooth? What are the next two most common?
Maxillary Second PreMolar…then maxillary incisors and the maxillary first premolar (those premolars!)
What is the tooth MOST susceptible to DENS-in-DENTE?
The Permanent Maxillary Lateral Incisors
What is the anomaly when teeth are discolored (blue/grey or yellow/brown) and translucent?
DentinoGenesis Imperfecta
Concerning DentinoGenesis Imperfecta: the teeth have a _______ construct, making them prone to degradation and eventual ____.
Concerning DentinoGenesis Imperfecta: Does this effect permanent or primary teeth or both?
Concerning DentinoGenesis Imperfecta: What is missing on the radiograph?
Partial or Total Absence of pulp chambers and root canals
Permanent Maxillary Central Incisor: What is the CervicoIncisal Length?
10.5 mm
Permanent Maxillary Central Incisor: What is the MesioDistal width?
8.5 mm
Permanent Maxillary Central Incisor: What is the FacioLingual depth?
7.0 mm
What is the LINGUAL FOSSA in the INCISAL 1/2 of the permnent maxillary central incisor described as?
A wide, shallow “dish-shaped” depression
What is the OVERALL shape of the lingual fossa on a perm max cent incisor?
How much of the lingual surface of a perm max Lat Incisor does the lingual fossa occupy?
The Incisal 2/3 (a LONG ass fossa!)
What are the boundaries of the perm max Lat Incisor lingual fossa?
Lingo-Incisal Ridge, Mesial and Distal Marginal ridges, and the cingulum
When looking at the perm Max Lat Incisor: the cingulum is limited to the _______ ___ of the crown. What do the Distal marginal ridges form as they flow into the cingulum?
Cervical 1/3 of the crown…they form a “V”
When comparing MAX central & lateral incisors: Which is larger?
When comparing MAX central & lateral incisors: Which is more “angular”?
The central (ave) :)
When comparing max central & lateral incisors: Which has the straighter root?
When comparing max central & lateral incisors: Which INCISAL 1/3 is flat? Which is convex?
Central incisal 1/3=flat….Lateral Incisal 1/3=convex
When comparing max central & lateral incisors: Which can have variations/anomalies?
the Lateral…central almost never varies..
When comparing max central & lateral incisors: which direction are BOTH of their cingulum crests offset to?
What is the shape of the perm max cent incisor lingual fossa?
What is the shape of the perm max lat incisor lingual fossa?
When looking at the FACIAL view of the Perm Man Central Incisor: What shape is the outline?
When looking at the FACIAL view of the Perm Man Central Incisor: The incisal edge is _______ and at a ______ angle to the long axis of the tooth.
straight….right angle
When looking at the FACIAL view of the Perm Man Central Incisor: the medial and distal incisal line angles are both said to be _____.
When looking at the FACIAL view of the Perm Man Central Incisor: The distal incisal line angle is slightly more ______ then the mesial incisal line angle.
When looking at the FACIAL view of the Perm Man Central Incisor: Where are the contact areas? What happens if there is wear?
BOTH m and d on Incisal 1/3…The contacts “move up” to the incisal edge
When looking at the FACIAL view of the Perm Man Central Incisor: the incisal 1/3 of the crown surface is relatively _____.
When looking at the FACIAL view of the Perm Man Central Incisor: the cervical 2/3 of the crown surface is ______.
Incisal View- Perm Man Lat Incisor: The incisal ridge will be _______ to the FacioLingual bisector of the crown outline.
When looking at the FACIAL view of the Perm Man Central Incisor: the ______ end of the ridge will be more toward the lingual then the mesial end.
When looking at the Facial view of a Perm Max Canine: There is a ________ in the DF Cervical 1/3, that is also represented by the distal outline of the crown.
Concavity!!!! Very Unique!!
Facial View- Perm MAN Canine: The mesial crown outline is straight and continuous with the _____ _____ outline.
mesial root
Facial View- Perm MAN Canine: The cusp tip is slightly to the _____ to the MD bisector.
Facial View- Perm MAN Canine: The mesial cuspal ridge is ______ than the distal cuspal ridge.
Facial View- Perm MAN Canine: The cervical line presents with a _________ _________ that dips in an apical direction. WHAT other tooth ALSO has this VERY unique feature???
SemiCircular Curvature…MAX CENT INCISOR
Incisal View-Permanent Man Canine: The crown is ______ on the facial than on the lingual…It TAPERS!!! toward the ______.
Incisal View-Permanent Man Canine: The crown is ______ on the mesial then on the distal….it TAPERS toward the ______.
CENTRAL vs LATERAL perm man incisors!!!! Which is SMALLER?
Central smaller then Lateral
CENTRAL vs LATERAL perm man incisors!!!! Which is more “angular”?
Central is more angular
CENTRAL vs LATERAL perm man incisors!!!! Both roots have mesial and distal _____ ______.
Root Depresssions
CENTRAL vs LATERAL perm man incisors!!!! Which exhibits 2 pulp canals???
CENTRAL vs LATERAL perm man incisors!!!! Which incisal edge is straighter?
Central (like a RULER)
CENTRAL vs LATERAL perm man incisors!!!! Which one exhibits a LINGUAL TWIST on the incisal edge?
CENTRAL vs LATERAL perm man incisors!!!! Which exhibuts BILATERAL SYMMETRY?
CENTRAL vs LATERAL perm man incisors!!!! BOTH of them have slightly _____ positioned crests of the cingulum.
CENTRAL vs LATERAL perm man incisors!!!! The contact areas of both incisors are located in the ______ __.
Incisal 1/3
CENTRAL vs LATERAL perm man incisors!!!! Which exhibits less incisal embrasure space?
Central (ruler like incisal edge!)
CENTRAL vs LATERAL perm man incisors!!!! Both incisors from a proximal view display an incisal edge that is ______ positioned.