Quiz Flashcards
percentage of total blood volume made of RBCs
if any of what three values are low = anemic
RBC, Hgb, Hct
size: macro/micro
hgb weight
concentration of RBC
anemia due to what 3 things
decreased production, increased destruction, blood loss
microcytic hypochromic anemia
IDA, ACD, C. blood loss, thalassemia
macrocytic normochromic
B12/folic acid deficiency, alcoholism, liver disease
normocytic, normochromic
ACD (75%), A. blood loss, hemolytic, aplastic
what is the MC cause of anemia worldwide
IDA particularily from GI blood loss due to parasitic infection
MC cause of anemia if post menopausal age (50)
GI bleeding due to nonparasitic causes such as ulcer/CA
MC reason of anemia in developed world in pre-menopausal women
MC cause of IDA
C. blood loss (especially GI tract)
measures proteins capacity/affinity in the blood that are available to bind with iron
what has increased TIBC
IDA and Chronic blood loss
think…if there is no iron…there are a lot of TIBC’s wanting to bing iron. to TIBC increases
what has low TIBC
what is ACD
inhibition of erythropoesis and altered iron metabolism
where is alpha and beta thalassemai seen
alpha: china/SE Asia
beta: mediterranean
s/s of cooleys/thalassemai major
growth failure, bone deformities, marrow expansion, wide diploic space, hair on end, rodent faces, hepatosplenomegaly, jaundice, gallstones
what has normal TIBC
what is done to differentiate alpha/beta thalassemia
hemoblobin electrophoresis
what does megaloblastic infer
inhibition of DNA synthesis in RBC production likely due to folate/B12 deficiency
what is the MC cause of B12 deficiency
deficiency of IF-pernicious anemia
what is the 2/3 MC reasons for B12 deficiency
2: lack of gastric acid
3: malabsorption (worm/IBS)
s/s of B12 deficiency
lemon-yellow skim, premature graying, weakness, sore tongue, GI s/s, paresthesias, loss of vibratory sensation, irritable, emotion instability
s/s of megaloblastic
glossittis (tonuge) stomatitis (mouth)
aplastic anemia
normocytic normochromic: decreased RBC, WBC, platlets