Quiz 71 Flashcards
Ramification ( ram uh Fu KAY shun ) n a consequence; a branching out
Rancor ( RANG kur )n bitter, long-lasting ill will or resentment
• the mutual rancor felt by the two nations eventually led to war
Rapacious ( ruh PAY shus ) adj greedy; plundering; avaricious
•wall street investors are often accused of bring rapacious
N form is rapacity
Rebuke ( ri BYOOK) v to criticize sharply
•we trembled as mr. Solomon rebuked us for flipping over his car . . .
Rebut ( ri BUT) v to contradict; to argue in opposition to; to prove to be false.
•they all thought I wad crazy but none of them could rebut my argument
Recalcitrant ( ri KAL suh trunt ) adj stubbornly defiant of authority or control; disobedient
• the recalcitrant cancer continued to soread through the patients body despite therapy.
•. . . recalcitrant dictator . . .
Recant ( ri KANT) v to publicly take back and deny ( something previously said or believed) to openly confess error.
• the chagrined scientist recanted hi theory that mice originated on the moon.
V recantation
Reciprocal ( ri SIP ruh kul) adj mutual; shared; interchangeable
• the Rochester club had a reciprocal arrangement with the blah club. Members of either could have full privileges of the other
•their hatred was reciprocal
Reclusive ( ri KLOOS iv) adj hermitlike; withdrawn from society
• the crazy millionaire led a reclusive existence
Bruce Wayne became a recluse after Rachel died.
Recondite (REK un dyte) adj hard to understand; over one’s head
•the philosophers theory was so recondite I couldn’t get past the first two sentences