Quiz #6 WAIS Subtest Admin Flashcards
Working within a specified time limit, examinee views a model and a picture, or a picture only and uses red-and-white blocks to re-create the design
Block Design (BD)
Working within a specified time limit, examinee views a model and a picture, or a picture only and uses red-and-white blocks to re-create the design
- Timed
- Discontinue after 2 consecutive scores of 0
- allow extra time for rapport but dont give credit
spatial perception,
analytical thinking, visual/abstract processing
problem solving
Examinee present 2 words that represent common objects or concepts and describes how similar they are
Similarities (SI)
Examinee present 2 words that represent common objects or concepts and describes how similar they are
General Directions:
Read each statement verbatim “in what way are __ & __ alike?”
Repeat as often as necessary DON’T ALTER words
(emphasize misheard word)
Unclear/vague response or “(Q)” = neutral inquiry (what do you mean)
Give sample/teaching items, corrective feedback, no further asst
logical abstract reasoning
categories and relationships
Common Errors of Block Design (BD)
- neglecting to ensure proper variety of block faces showing before item is begun
- placing model/stimulus book in an incorrect position
- correcting block rotations more than once during subtest
- remembering to use reverse rule when adult score is 0 on Design 6, even if they ear 4 points on Design 5
Common Errors of Similarties (SI)
- forgetting to give an example of a 2-point response if the examinee’s response to Item 4 or 5 is not perfect
- overquerying or underquerying vague responses
Common Errors of Digit Span (DS)
- reading digit sequence too quickly
- chunking numbers as they are read
- giving extra help on Digit Span Backward or sequencing
- forgetting to administer Digit span backward to adults who score 0 on digit span forward
- forgetting to administer digit span sequencing to adults who score 0 on digit span backward
- forgetting to start the stopwatch when ct begins
- not paying attention to ct and allowing them to skip over items
- allowing a left-handed ct to partially block the key with their left hand and forgetting to give them extra Coding Key
Examinees suspected of an ______ or ____, should start with Item 1
Examinees suspected of an intellectual disability or general intellectual deficiency, should start with Item 1
Block Design (BD)
Working within a specified time limit, examinee views a model and a picture, or a picture only and uses red-and-white blocks to re-create the design
Block Design
Block Design
Working within a specified time limit, examinee views a model and a picture, or a picture only and uses red-and-white blocks to re-create the design
Abilities: spatial perception
analytical thinking
visual and abstract processing
problem solving
Similarities (SI)
Similarities (SI)
Examinee present 2 words that represent common objects or concepts and describes how similar they are
logical abstract reasoning
categories and relationships
Similarities (SI)
Examinee present 2 words that represent common objects or concepts and describes how similar they are
logical abstract reasoning
categories and relationships
Matrix Reasoning
Matrix Reasoning (MR)
Examinee views incomplete matrix/series and selects response option that completes the matrix/series
General Directions:
2 types of items: 2x2 matrix + series completion items
Assist on samples only (Sample A = teach 2x2 matrix; Sample B = completion)
*must point to visual stimuli + response options + box with question mark
Ct must point to or say response; (any other verbalization say “show me”)
Multiple responses or self-corrects = score intended response only
(if unclear- “which one did you mean?”)
30 second time limit; if time is exceeded say (“do you have an answer?”) (adjust/give additional time if ct has a pattern of delayed but correct responses)
If discontinue criteria not met; cue to next item (“lets try another one”)
Matrix Reasoning (MR)
Examinee views incomplete matrix/series and selects response option that completes the matrix/series
General Directions:
2 types of items: 2x2 matrix + series completion items
Assist on samples only (Sample A = teach 2x2 matrix; Sample B = completion)
*must point to visual stimuli + response options + box with question mark
Ct must point to or say response; (any other verbalization say “show me”)
Multiple responses or self-corrects = score intended response only
(if unclear- “which one did you mean?”)
30 second time limit; if time is exceeded say (“do you have an answer?”) (adjust/give additional time if ct has a pattern of delayed but correct responses)
If discontinue criteria not met; cue to next item (“lets try another one”)
Examinee views incomplete matrix/series and selects response option that completes the matrix/series
Matrix Reasoning (MR)
Examinee views incomplete matrix/series and selects response option that completes the matrix/series
General Directions:
2 types of items: 2x2 matrix + series completion items
Assist on samples only (Sample A = teach 2x2 matrix; Sample B = completion)
*must point to visual stimuli + response options + box with question mark
Ct must point to or say response; (any other verbalization say “show me”)
Multiple responses or self-corrects = score intended response only
(if unclear- “which one did you mean?”)
30 second time limit; if time is exceeded say (“do you have an answer?”) (adjust/give additional time if ct has a pattern of delayed but correct responses)
If discontinue criteria not met; cue to next item (“lets try another one”)
nonverbal abstract problem solving
visual analysis
inductive and spatial reasoning
Common Errors of Matrix Reasoning (MR)
Common Errors of Matrix Reasoning (MR)
- Continue to item 4 if sample items are incorrect
- Don’t move to item 1 after samples if samples were correct
- Don’t give feedback beyond the Sample
- Don’t allow ct to guess randomly
Vocabulary (VC)
Vocabulary (VC)
For picture items, examinee names object presented visually. For verbal items, the examinee defines words that are presented visually and orally.
General Directions:
Picture (Items 1-3): give queries as often as needed for appropriate responses :
marginal + generalized + functional + hand gestures Marginal (Ex. book: "reader") - "yes, but what else is it called?" Generalized (Ex. basket: "container") - "Yes, but what kind of \_\_ is it?" Functional (Ex. airplane: "it flies in the air"); point to picture -"yes but whats it called?" Hand Gestures (Ex. pretend to turn pages) - "Yes, but whats it called?"
Verbal (items 4-30): read verbatim & point to word in book as you pronounce it
Repeat words as needed; DON’T ALTER WORDS
Use local or familiar pronunciation
Ct mistakenly hears different word or incorrect response- “listen carefully, what does __ mean?
Unclear/vague response + followed by (Q) in sample responses “what do you mean?” or “tell me more about it”? (any neutral inquiry)
No credit for pointing only; if no oral response “tell me in words what that is.”
Item 5 & 6: teaching items; give feedback if no 2 point response; give no other assistance
word knowledge
language development
verbal fluency
Vocabulary (VC)
For picture items, examinee names object presented visually. For verbal items, the examinee defines words that are presented visually and orally.
General Directions:
Picture (Items 1-3): give queries as often as needed for appropriate responses :
marginal + generalized + functional + hand gestures Marginal (Ex. book: "reader") - "yes, but what else is it called?" Generalized (Ex. basket: "container") - "Yes, but what kind of \_\_ is it?" Functional (Ex. airplane: "it flies in the air"); point to picture -"yes but whats it called?" Hand Gestures (Ex. pretend to turn pages) - "Yes, but whats it called?"
Verbal (items 4-30): read verbatim & point to word in book as you pronounce it
Repeat words as needed; DON’T ALTER WORDS
Use local or familiar pronunciation
Ct mistakenly hears different word or incorrect response- “listen carefully, what does __ mean?
Unclear/vague response + followed by (Q) in sample responses “what do you mean?” or “tell me more about it”? (any neutral inquiry)
No credit for pointing only; if no oral response “tell me in words what that is.”
Item 5 & 6: teaching items; give feedback if no 2 point response; give no other assistance
word knowledge
language development
verbal fluency
For picture items, examinee names object presented visually. For verbal items, the examinee defines words that are presented visually and orally.
Vocabulary (VC)
For picture items, examinee names object presented visually. For verbal items, the examinee defines words that are presented visually and orally.
General Directions:
Picture (Items 1-3): give queries as often as needed for appropriate responses :
marginal + generalized + functional + hand gestures Marginal (Ex. book: "reader") - "yes, but what else is it called?" Generalized (Ex. basket: "container") - "Yes, but what kind of \_\_ is it?" Functional (Ex. airplane: "it flies in the air"); point to picture -"yes but whats it called?" Hand Gestures (Ex. pretend to turn pages) - "Yes, but whats it called?"
Verbal (items 4-30): read verbatim & point to word in book as you pronounce it
Repeat words as needed; DON’T ALTER WORDS
Use local or familiar pronunciation
Ct mistakenly hears different word or incorrect response- “listen carefully, what does __ mean?
Unclear/vague response + followed by (Q) in sample responses “what do you mean?” or “tell me more about it”? (any neutral inquiry)
No credit for pointing only; if no oral response “tell me in words what that is.”
Item 5 & 6: teaching items; give feedback if no 2 point response; give no other assistance
word knowledge
language development
verbal fluency
Common Errors of Vocabulary (VC)
Common Errors of Vocabulary (VC)
- Record exact verbal responses
- Query vague responses
- Use stimulus book to let ct see words they’re defining
- give corrective feedback on item 5 or item 6
Arithmetic (AR)
Arithmetic (AR)
Working within a specified time limit, the examinee mentally solves a series of arithmetic problems
General Directions:
Item 1-5: point to corresponding picture as you read each item
Item 6-22: read verbatim & remove stimulus book from ct’s view during verbal
Cant use pencil or paper; allow to write on table with finger
If requested, each item can be repeated ONE TIME ONLY, don’t stop time
(if asked for 2nd repeat “I cannot repeat the item again”)
Multiple or self-corrected response: score intended; if unclear “which one did you mean?”
Sample item to introduce task; Items 1-2: teaching items; give feedback for incorrect response or exceeds time limit; give no further assistance
numerical reasoning
concentration and attention while manipulating mental problems
Arithmetic (AR)
Working within a specified time limit, the examinee mentally solves a series of arithmetic problems
General Directions:
Item 1-5: point to corresponding picture as you read each item
Item 6-22: read verbatim & remove stimulus book from ct’s view during verbal
Cant use pencil or paper; allow to write on table with finger
If requested, each item can be repeated ONE TIME ONLY, don’t stop time
(if asked for 2nd repeat “I cannot repeat the item again”)
Multiple or self-corrected response: score intended; if unclear “which one did you mean?”
Sample item to introduce task; Items 1-2: teaching items; give feedback for incorrect response or exceeds time limit; give no further assistance
numerical reasoning
concentration and attention while manipulating mental problems
Working within a specified time limit, the examinee mentally solves a series of arithmetic problems
Arithmetic (AR)
Working within a specified time limit, the examinee mentally solves a series of arithmetic problems
General Directions:
Item 1-5: point to corresponding picture as you read each item
Item 6-22: read verbatim & remove stimulus book from ct’s view during verbal
Cant use pencil or paper; allow to write on table with finger
If requested, each item can be repeated ONE TIME ONLY, don’t stop time
(if asked for 2nd repeat “I cannot repeat the item again”)
Multiple or self-corrected response: score intended; if unclear “which one did you mean?”
Sample item to introduce task; Items 1-2: teaching items; give feedback for incorrect response or exceeds time limit; give no further assistance
numerical reasoning
concentration and attention while manipulating mental problems
Common Errors of Arithmetic (AR)
Common Errors of Arithmetic (AR)
- Don’t repeat questions more than 1
- Don’t stop timewatch when repeating questions
- Don’t allow use of paper or pencil
Symbol Search (SS)
Symbol Search (SS)
Working within a specified time limit, the examinee scans a search group and indicates whether one of the symbols in the target group matches
response booklet 1
#2 pencil without eraser stopwatch
symbol search scoring key
Discontinue after 120 seconds (2 minutes)
Time limit: 120 seconds
General Directions:
- Ct needs smooth work surface
- Each item: 2 target symbols & search group 5 symbols; point to symbols when explaining
- Use demo to explain, ct practices on sample items; if ct confused: repeat demo task & proceed only when ct understands
- Ct allowed to make spontaneous corrections unless repetitive/impedes performance
- NO eraser; if asked about mistake “That’s OK. Just keep working as fast as you can”
- If ct marks target symbol in sample/test “you should make your marks over here” (point across search group and NO box)
- If ct marks using anything other than a slash (point to error) “draw 1 line thru symbols or NO boxes that you mark”
- If ct omits or reverses order
“Do them in order. Don’t skip any” (point to 1 ommitted item ‘do this one next’)
- If ct reaches end of page before time expires & forgets to turn page - (turn page for them “keep working as fast as you can”)
- Give no other assistance except reminder to continue until told to stop
Symbol Search (SS)
Working within a specified time limit, the examinee scans a search group and indicates whether one of the symbols in the target group matches
*Timed (120 seconds) Abilities: short term memory speed of visual perception search mental processing
Common Errors of Symbol Search (SS)
Common errors to avoid:
1. Don’t start until ct clearly understands requirements 2. Don’t bury head in manual when reading directions
Working within a specified time limit, the examinee scans a search group and indicates whether one of the symbols in the target group matches
Symbol Search (SS)
Working within a specified time limit, the examinee scans a search group and indicates whether one of the symbols in the target group matches
*Timed (120 seconds) Abilities: short term memory speed of visual perception search mental processing
Visual Puzzle
Visual Puzzle (VP)
Working within a specified time limit, the examinee views a completed puzzle and selects 3 response options that, when combined, reconstruct the puzzle
(1-7): 20 seconds
(8-26): 30 seconds
General Directions:
- proceed only when client understands
- Ct must indicate choice by pointing or saying number- any other response “Show me”
perceptual organization and analysis
mental processing
trial and error thinking
Visual Puzzle (VP)
Working within a specified time limit, the examinee views a completed puzzle and selects 3 response options that, when combined, reconstruct the puzzle
(1-7): 20 seconds
(8-26): 30 seconds
General Directions:
- proceed only when client understands
- Ct must indicate choice by pointing or saying number- any other response “Show me”
perceptual organization and analysis
mental processing
trial and error thinking
Working within a specified time limit, the examinee views a completed puzzle and selects 3 response options that, when combined, reconstruct the puzzle
Visual Puzzle (VP)
Working within a specified time limit, the examinee views a completed puzzle and selects 3 response options that, when combined, reconstruct the puzzle
(1-7): 20 seconds
(8-26): 30 seconds
General Directions:
- proceed only when client understands
- Ct must indicate choice by pointing or saying number- any other response “Show me”
perceptual organization and analysis
mental processing
trial and error thinking
Common errors of Visual Puzzle (VP)
Common errors of Visual Puzzle (VP)
- Don’t lose rapport by burying head in manual for long directions
- Start stopwatch after item is presented
- Notify ct when 10 seconds remain
- Remember time limit increase at item 8
- Ask ct “show me” if response other than the numbers of their selections
- Remind ct to select 3 pieces if they select fewer in reponse
Information (IN)
Information (IN)
Examinee answers questions that address a broad range of general knowledge topics
general fund of knowledge
long term memory
crystallized intelligence
Information (IN)
Examinee answers questions that address a broad range of general knowledge topics
general fund of knowledge
long term memory
crystallized intelligence
Examinee answers questions that address a broad range of general knowledge topics
Information (IN)
Examinee answers questions that address a broad range of general knowledge topics
general fund of knowledge
long term memory
crystallized intelligence
common errors of Information (IN)
common errors of Information (IN)
- Don’t define words if asked
- Give required prompts to incomplete answer
- Give neutral queries to vague/incomplete information reponses
common errors of Information (IN)
common errors of Information (IN)
- Don’t define words if asked
- Give required prompts to incomplete answer
- Give neutral queries to vague/incomplete information reponses
Coding (CD)
Coding (CD)
Using a key, the examinee copies symbols that are paired with numbers within a specified time limit
*Timed: 120 seconds
mental and psychomotor speed and coordination
General Directions:
*proceed only when ct understands
Coding (CD)
Using a key, the examinee copies symbols that are paired with numbers within a specified time limit
*Timed: 120 seconds
mental and psychomotor speed and coordination
General Directions:
*proceed only when ct understands
Using a key, the examinee copies symbols that are paired with numbers within a specified time limit
Coding (CD)
Using a key, the examinee copies symbols that are paired with numbers within a specified time limit
*Timed: 120 seconds
mental and psychomotor speed and coordination
General Directions:
*proceed only when ct understands
common errors of Coding (CD)
common errors of Coding (CD)
- Don’t lose rapport by burying head in manual for long directions
- Start timer when ct begins
- Pay attention to ct and don’t allow them to skip over items
- Left handed ct: ensure key is not blocked and give them extra coding key
Letter-Number Sequencing (LN)
Letter-Number Sequencing (LN)
Examinee is read a sequence of numbers and letters and recalls the numbers in ascending order and the letters in alphabetical order
(do not use age 70-90 )
*Discontinue after scores of 0 on all 3 trials of an item
General Directions:
- 3 trials per each item must be given
- Ct receives credit even if letters are recalled before the numbers
Abilities: attention working memory mental speed concentration mental adaptability
Letter-Number Sequencing (LN)
Examinee is read a sequence of numbers and letters and recalls the numbers in ascending order and the letters in alphabetical order
(do not use age 70-90 )
*Discontinue after scores of 0 on all 3 trials of an item
General Directions:
- 3 trials per each item must be given
- Ct receives credit even if letters are recalled before the numbers
Abilities: attention working memory mental speed concentration mental adaptability
Examinee is read a sequence of numbers and letters and recalls the numbers in ascending order and the letters in alphabetical order
Letter-Number Sequencing (LN)
Examinee is read a sequence of numbers and letters and recalls the numbers in ascending order and the letters in alphabetical order
(do not use age 70-90 )
*Discontinue after scores of 0 on all 3 trials of an item
General Directions:
- 3 trials per each item must be given
- Ct receives credit even if letters are recalled before the numbers
Abilities: attention working memory mental speed concentration mental adaptability
common errors of Letter-Number Sequencing (LN)
common errors of Letter-Number Sequencing (LN)
- Don’t read too fast or slow
- Correct ct on any missed practice item
- Don’t repeat trial if asked
- Don’t count error if letters are read before numbers
- Give corrective feedback on teaching items if incorrect or time expires
Don’t allow more than 30 seconds for a response
Figure Weights (FW)
Figure Weights (FW)
Working within a specified time limit, the examinee views a scale with missing weight(s) and selects the response option that keeps the scale balanced
(do not use age 70-90)
(1-12): 20 seconds
(13-27): 40 seconds
quantitative and analogical reasoning
Figure Weights (FW)
Working within a specified time limit, the examinee views a scale with missing weight(s) and selects the response option that keeps the scale balanced
(do not use age 70-90)
(1-12): 20 seconds
(13-27): 40 seconds
quantitative and analogical reasoning
Working within a specified time limit, the examinee views a scale with missing weight(s) and selects the response option that keeps the scale balanced
Figure Weights (FW)
Working within a specified time limit, the examinee views a scale with missing weight(s) and selects the response option that keeps the scale balanced
(do not use age 70-90)
(1-12): 20 seconds
(13-27): 40 seconds
quantitative and analogical reasoning
common errors of Figure Weights (FW)
common errors of Figure Weights (FW)
- Don’t lose rapport by keeping head down while reading long directions
- Start stopwatch after item is presented
- Prompt ct when 10 seconds remain
- Don’t forget time limit increase
- Say “show me” when ct verbalizes response
Read instructions verbatim on item 16 to introduce 3 scales
Name all (8) timed tests
Block design (bd) visual puzzle (vp) figure weights (fq) picture completion (PCm) arithmetic (ar) symbol search (ss) coding (cd) cancellation (ca)
Comprehension (CO)
Comprehension (CO)
Examinee answers questions based on his/her understanding of general principles and social situations
ability to respond to abstract social rules and expressions
Examinee answers questions based on his/her understanding of general principles and social situations
Comprehension (CO)
Examinee answers questions based on his/her understanding of general principles and social situations
ability to respond to abstract social rules and expressions
common errors of Comprehension (CO)
common errors of Comprehension (CO)
- Give corrective feedback on item 3 or 4, if no perfect score
- Query for a second response if needed
- Don’t explain meaning of a word if asked
- Record exact verbal response
Comprehension (CO)
Examinee answers questions based on his/her understanding of general principles and social situations
ability to respond to abstract social rules and expressions
Cancellation (CA)
Cancellation (CA)
Working within a specified time limit, the examinee scans a structured arrangement of shapes and marks target shapes
(do not use with 70-90)
- discontinue after 45 seconds for each item
- Timed: 45 seconds
General Directions:
*use own pencil to complete demonstrations (retain ownership)
*If ct confused; repeat demo; proceed only when ct understands task
visual perceptual speed
Cancellation (CA)
Working within a specified time limit, the examinee scans a structured arrangement of shapes and marks target shapes
(do not use with 70-90)
- discontinue after 45 seconds for each item
- Timed: 45 seconds
General Directions:
*use own pencil to complete demonstrations (retain ownership)
*If ct confused; repeat demo; proceed only when ct understands task
visual perceptual speed
Working within a specified time limit, the examinee scans a structured arrangement of shapes and marks target shapes
Cancellation (CA)
Working within a specified time limit, the examinee scans a structured arrangement of shapes and marks target shapes
(do not use with 70-90)
- discontinue after 45 seconds for each item
- Timed: 45 seconds
General Directions:
*use own pencil to complete demonstrations (retain ownership)
*If ct confused; repeat demo; proceed only when ct understands task
visual perceptual speed
common errors of Cancellation (CA)
common errors of Cancellation (CA)
- Time ct
- Stop after 45 seconds
- Give second item
- Give corrective feedback for incorrect Sample items
Watch ct to ensure no skipping or going back to missed items
*discontinue after 45 seconds for each item
Cancellation (CA)
Working within a specified time limit, the examinee scans a structured arrangement of shapes and marks target shapes
Picture Completion (PCm)
Picture Completion (PCm)
Working within a specified time limit, the examinee views a picture with an important part missing and identifies the missing part
- Timed: 20 seconds
- Discontinue after 4 consecutive scores of 0
General Directions:
-ct must point to response to get 1 point;
Scoring: Circle PC (pointed correctly) or PX (pointed incorrectly)
perceive visual details and differentiate between essential and nonessential details
holistic processing
Picture Completion (PCm)
Working within a specified time limit, the examinee views a picture with an important part missing and identifies the missing part
- Timed: 20 seconds
- Discontinue after 4 consecutive scores of 0
General Directions:
-ct must point to response to get 1 point;
Scoring: Circle PC (pointed correctly) or PX (pointed incorrectly)
perceive visual details and differentiate between essential and nonessential details
holistic processing
Working within a specified time limit, the examinee views a picture with an important part missing and identifies the missing part
Picture Completion (PCm)
Working within a specified time limit, the examinee views a picture with an important part missing and identifies the missing part
- Timed: 20 seconds
- Discontinue after 4 consecutive scores of 0
General Directions:
-ct must point to response to get 1 point;
Scoring: Circle PC (pointed correctly) or PX (pointed incorrectly)
perceive visual details and differentiate between essential and nonessential details
holistic processing
common errors of Picture Completion (PCm)
common errors of Picture Completion (PCm)
- Give correct answer to item 4 or 5 if incorrect
- Don’t give allowed queries too often
- Time picture completion items (20 second limit)
- Give reverse sequence if score of 0 on Item 4 or 5
- Circle PC or PX to record pointing response
- Query when ct doesn’t point when giving response (when required)
*Discontinue after 4 consecutive scores of 0
Picture Completion (PCm)
Working within a specified time limit, the examinee views a picture with an important part missing and identifies the missing part
Name the 5 subtests that DO NOT include a Reverse Rule
NO REVERSE RULE digit span (ds) symbol search (ss) coding (cd) letter number sequence (ln) cancellation (ca)
Name the 3 subtests that can ONLY be used for ages 16-69 only.
Name the 3 subtests that can ONLY be used for ages 16-69 only.
Letter-Number sequence (ln)
figure weights (fw)
cancellation (ca)
Name the 8 Timed subtests
block design (bd) visual puzzle (vp) arithmetic (ar) symbol search (ss) coding (cd)
figure weights (fw)
picture completion (PCm)
cancellation (ca)
Name the 7 subtests that DO NOT discontinue after 3 consecutive scores of 0
block design (bd): discontinue after 2
picture completion (PCm): discontinue after 4
cancellation (ca): 45 seconds
symbol search (ss): 120 seconds
coding (cd): 120 seconds
Digit span (ds): discontinue after 3 scores of 0, on both trials of an item (x6)
Letter-Number sequence (ln):
discontinue after 3 scores of 0 on all 3 trials
Digit Span (DS)
Digit Span (DS)
Examinee read sequence of numbers….
Digit Span Forward: recalls numbers in same order
Digit Span Backward: recalls in reverse order
Digit Span Sequencing: recalls number in ascending order
Start: 16-90; - forward: item 1, - backward: sample + item 1, - sequencing: sample + item 1 Discontinue: (forward/backward/seq) after scores of 0 on both trials of an item
General Directions:
Admin all 3 tasks (Forward, Backward, Sequencing)
Each test item has 2 trials; admin both trials of each item
Read verbatim; rate of 1 digit per second; drop voice on last digit & pause
If ct responds before finished reading allow response & remind them to wait
Don’t repeat any trial - say “I cant repeat; just take your best guess”
If ct gives multiple or self-corrected response = Only score intended response
Give assistance on sample items of Backward & sequencing only
Proceed to item 1 if incorrect response on sample items
For sequencing only; same # can be included more than 1 in a single trial
Say “you may have to say the same # more than 1 time”
Abilities: attention concentration mental control immediate rote recall short term memory
Digit Span (DS)
Examinee read sequence of numbers….
Digit Span Forward: recalls numbers in same order
Digit Span Backward: recalls in reverse order
Digit Span Sequencing: recalls number in ascending order
Start: 16-90; - forward: item 1, - backward: sample + item 1, - sequencing: sample + item 1 Discontinue: (forward/backward/seq) after scores of 0 on both trials of an item
General Directions:
Admin all 3 tasks (Forward, Backward, Sequencing)
Each test item has 2 trials; admin both trials of each item
Read verbatim; rate of 1 digit per second; drop voice on last digit & pause
If ct responds before finished reading allow response & remind them to wait
Don’t repeat any trial - say “I cant repeat; just take your best guess”
If ct gives multiple or self-corrected response = Only score intended response
Give assistance on sample items of Backward & sequencing only
Proceed to item 1 if incorrect response on sample items
For sequencing only; same # can be included more than 1 in a single trial
Say “you may have to say the same # more than 1 time”
Abilities: attention concentration mental control immediate rote recall short term memory
Examinee read sequence of numbers….
Digit Span Forward: recalls numbers in same order
Digit Span Backward: recalls in reverse order
Digit Span Sequencing: recalls number in ascending order
Digit Span (DS)
Examinee read sequence of numbers….
Digit Span Forward: recalls numbers in same order
Digit Span Backward: recalls in reverse order
Digit Span Sequencing: recalls number in ascending order
Start: 16-90; - forward: item 1, - backward: sample + item 1, - sequencing: sample + item 1 Discontinue: (forward/backward/seq) after scores of 0 on both trials of an item
General Directions:
Admin all 3 tasks (Forward, Backward, Sequencing)
Each test item has 2 trials; admin both trials of each item
Read verbatim; rate of 1 digit per second; drop voice on last digit & pause
If ct responds before finished reading allow response & remind them to wait
Don’t repeat any trial - say “I cant repeat; just take your best guess”
If ct gives multiple or self-corrected response = Only score intended response
Give assistance on sample items of Backward & sequencing only
Proceed to item 1 if incorrect response on sample items
For sequencing only; same # can be included more than 1 in a single trial
Say “you may have to say the same # more than 1 time”
Abilities: attention concentration mental control immediate rote recall short term memory
proceed only when client understand (svcc)
symbol search
visual puzzle
queries (VCIP)
pciture completion
dont bury head in manual (svc)
symbol search
visual puzzle
dont repeat (la)
letter #
left handed (cd)
digit span
no pencil or paper
pencil with no eraser (scc)
symbol search
allow extra time for rapport (bmv)
block design
matrix reasoning
visual puzzle
no reverse rule (dslcc)
digit span symbol search coding letter # cancellation