quiz 6 Flashcards
What is erysipelas?
streptococcal infection of superficial layers of skin (type of cellulitis)
what is described as round hypopigmented macules?
tinea versicolor
what is the cause of alopecia areata?
unknown, but likely imunologic
what is arubbery smooth round mass that is compressible and soft to very firm in texture?
what is a bulla?
vesicle larger than 1cm
What is a potential side effect of systemic antifungals?
what is a classic feature of epidural hematoma?
brief loss of consciousness, then brief lucid moment, followed bymomentary unconsciousness occuring minutes after the injury
what is a classic feature of epidural hematoma?
brief loss of consciousness, then brief lucid moment, followed bymomentary unconsciousness occuring minutes after the injury
After a head injury, what is it called when air enters into the cerebrospinal fluid filled spaces in the head?
what is a classic feature of epidural hematoma?
brief loss of consciousness, then brief lucid moment, followed by momentary unconsciousness occurring minutes after the injury
After a head injury, what is it called when air enters into the cerebrospinal fluid filled spaces in the head?
what burn involves epidermal layer only?