Quiz 6 Flashcards
A femoropopliteal bypass graft connects which two arteries?
femoral artery and popliteal artery
Which of the following is true regarding a typical acute embolic arterial occlusion?
- Occlusion was caused from a thrombus formation at an aneurysm
- Occlusion was caused from thrombus traveling from a proximal level to plug a stenotic segment
- Occlusion was caused and collateral vessels have formed to redirect the blood flow
- Symptoms are not immediate
- Occlusion was caused from thrombus traveling from a proximal level to plug a stenotic segment
Describe the PW Doppler waveform appearance within the neck of a pseudoaneurysm.
to and fro waveform
True or False:
When an arteriovenous fistula is present, the blood flow within the vein proximal to the fistula will be pulsatile?
What is the most common type of graft anastomosis in the lower extremity arteries?
- proximal to distal
- end-to-distal
- side-to-side
- end-to-side
- end-to-side
True or False:
High spectral velocities shortly after a graft placement always indicates an abnormality or problem with the graft.
!!! flag question
When there is an arteriovenous fistula present, which of the following statements is true regarding the blood flow within the artery/vein involved?
- Loss of the triphasic waveform within the artery proximal to the fistula
- Phasic and normal venous flow near the fistula
- Loss of the triphasic waveform within the artery distal to the fistula
- Pulsatile venous flow throughout the entire vessel
My Ans: 3
Corerct Ans: 1. Loss of the triphasic waveform within the artery proximal to the fistula
True or False:
Blood flow is detected within hematomas with color Doppler.
Define what an arteriovenous (AV) fistula is?
My Answer:
abnormal communication between artery and vein
Looking at this image of a graft, which letter represents the native artery?
You are asked to grade an arterial stenosis using the criteria by J. Ellison at Cedars-Sinai:
You obtain a PSV of 100cm/s in a normal area of the artery just proximal to the stenosis and a PSV of 425cm/s within the area of narrowing/stenosis. What percentage of stenosis would this vessel be classified as?
- > 25%
- > 90%
- > 50%
- > 75%
- > 75%
True or False:
An axillofemoral bypass graft is commonly used in combination with a femorofemoral bypass graft.
This PW waveform was most likely obtained at which segment of a stenotic artery?
- Pre stenotic
- post stenotic
- at the level of the stenosis
- post stenotic
Why are distal anastomoses of grafts more susceptible to obstruction than the proximal anastomoses?
- Due to the lower velocities distally
- Due to the fewer number of valves distally
- Due to the higher velocities distally
- Due to the direction of the flow distally
- Due to the lower velocities distally
Does arterial stenosis grading provide quantitative OR qualitative information?
When evaluating a pseudoaneurysm, the blood flow will be antegrade within the neck of the aneurysm during which cardiac phase?
- pre diastole
- diastole
- systole
- Flow is always antegrade within the neck of the aneurysm
- systole
Which type of bypass graft has the best patency rate?
- Gore-Tex
- Polyurethane
- Native great saphenous vein
- Dacron
- Native great saphenous vein
Which of the following is NOT a type of lower extremity arterial bypass graft?
- Femorofemoral
- Aortoiliac
- Axillofemoral
- Poplopopliteal
- Poplopopliteal
!!! flag question
If a patient is experiencing mid/distal thigh pain, what artery should be evaluated for disease?
My Ans: B
Correct Ans: A
Hematomas and pseudoaneurysms are a common result of which type of invasive procedure?
cardiac cath
Which graft configuration leaves the patient’s greater saphenous vein (GSV) where is it and disables the venous valves?
- reversed
- In situ
- Dacron
- Gore-Tex
- In situ
True or False:
Holding transducer pressure over the area of a pseudoaneuryms will cause the aneurysm to clot off faster than a thrombin injection.
Describe the color Doppler appearance within the outpouching of a pseudoaneurysm before any thrombin injection is performed. (What does the color pattern typically resemble?)
My Ans:
ying-yang appearance
Which arterial abnormality is most consistent with the ultrasound image below? Keep in mind this is demonstrating obstruction with collateralization.
- Chronic atherosclerotic obstructive disease
- Acute arterial occlusion
- Arteriovenous fistula
- Pseudoaneurysm
- Chronic atherosclerotic obstructive disease